
Receipt - No payment account to attach an asset to

YoyinYoyin Member Posts: 1

I'm new to capturing receipts on wave . I am trying to capture a receipt for an expense made to purchase an asset. I am not able to attach this receipt to a category because there are no asset accounts in the category drop down list under receipts. Does anyone have a walk around for this please?



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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @Yoyin ! When you upload a receipt via our mobile app. web app, or email you will be prompted to select a payment account and category. If the account or category that you are looking to select are not available from the available options, you can create them on the Chart of Accounts page. To create a new asset account to select for your receipt, it will need to be a Cash and Bank or Money in Transit account. To create a new category for your receipt, you will need to head over to Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Expenses > + Add a new account. Please note that this functionality is only available on our web app at the moment. To learn more about our receipts feature, check out the Help Center article below:

    edited October 1, 2020
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