Categories not showing on my Credit card

FlopsyFlopsy Member Posts: 8

Hello there,
I am fairly new to Wave.
It took me some time to 'get' that accounts from chart of accounts are the categories-)! what a naming confusion...
Now that I got that- I added all my categories and they are showing on all my accounts- except on my credit card one.

How can I see categories I've already created or add categories to the Credit card account?
PS: have not connected to bank so for now just uploading statements.


  • FlopsyFlopsy Member Posts: 8

    I just noticed on this same topic- if I add a transaction manually in the Credit Card account I can indeed see the categories! But the ones I've uploaded from the bank are not showing me the list of categories.
    Is this a glitch?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Flopsy

    Typically most of your categories should appear in both accounts, (some may actually not appear depending on the type of account it is).

    Would you mind outlining a bit on what you may not be seeing?

    Also if you're looking for a way to categorize your transfers to credit card payments check out THIS ARTICLE.

    I've got some great video tutorials that might help you get started

    VIDEO 1 touches on a few questions you might receive from time to time like:
    How do I connect my bank account to import transactions?

    VIDEO 2 touches on some great accounting basics when it comes to categorizing your transactions

    VIDEO 3 is a deeper look into reconciliation!

    VIDEO 4 shows users how to use Wave Payments for invoices and also bookkeeping manual invoice payments!

    Hope these guides help you a bit further! But reach out if you have any other questions and I'd be happy to answer them :)

    If you haven't already checked out our HELP CENTER, feel free to do so for further assistance.

    Take care and have a great day!

  • FlopsyFlopsy Member Posts: 8

    I realise now that credit on CC is set up the opposite way because the credit on a CC is like money I have- which of course is not completely accurate! That is why all transactions show inverted! which is not great for accounting expenses effected with the credit card!

    Thanks anyway.

    I also have a question on reporting- can I obtain a report for just my credit card or my savings account. At the moment the reporting includes ALL of my accounts which is a bit inflexible.

    Thank you!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Flopsy ! In Wave, credit cards are liability accounts. As a result, received payments that are paying off the credit card are debits (a green transaction on the transactions page). With that being said, expenses and purchases are recorded as credits (a black transaction on the transactions page).

    You can definitely generate reports specifically for your credit card or savings account. To do this, head over to Reports > Account Transactions (General Ledger) and select the appropriate account from the drop down menu. You can also select a specific date range if you'd like. To apply the filter, be sure to press "Update Report". I hope this helps!

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