
email or printing a vendor bill

MannyManny Member Posts: 1

I have created a vendor bill, but need to be able to email a copy to the specific vendor. In other words, a purchase order for products ordered. I also need to be able to print it. When I print it I get it in edit mode


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Manny , there's no email on the Bill but you could try screenshotting it and then sending that in an email. When printing, try right clicking the page and selecting the 'print...' option.

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    JalaJala Member Posts: 2

    I'm very surprised that the option to print bills is still not available through WAVE given the number of posts requesting that feature. I really hope your team will consider making it available.

    I use various driver and carrier vendors in my business. Many of them do not send invoices for payment. So when I pay them I use the Bills feature which allows me to include details for what the payment includes. Screen shots are better than nothing but they don't work well because it cuts off the Description part of the line items. That being said, I have used wave for 2 businesses now and I really appreciate how user-friendly it is, and of course many features are free! Thanks for a quality product that makes running a small business so much easier!

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    twogbtwogb Member Posts: 2

    I'd like to add my vote for this feature. To start with a simple printer friendly view would be sufficient and then perhaps improvements can be made.

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    pewestlakepewestlake Member Posts: 1

    It is unacceptable to ignore this essential function. I now have to create bills from scratch for printing because the people who manage this platform, which makes money off my transactions, can't be bothered to do about 15 minutes worth of code. I will be looking for a permanent alternative to Wave.

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