Payout on Hold

Hello, my payout is on Hold with Payout ID - VEN6G18S dated 10th/11th August 2020. Could you let me know when this will be processed to our account as it has been 2 months now?
Thanking you,
Harish Ramakrishnan
Hello, my payout is on Hold with Payout ID - VEN6G18S dated 10th/11th August 2020. Could you let me know when this will be processed to our account as it has been 2 months now?
Thanking you,
Harish Ramakrishnan
Hey @harishr1986 ! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. After taking a look at the payout on the back end, it looks like it was supposed to be released back in August. I have since reached out to our Risk team about this and they have released the payout for you. You should expect to receive your funds the following business day. I hope this helps!
Thanks @JulianP for your response. Appreciate your help on this. I will revert once the amount gets credited so that we can close this.
I just found out that to my horror, my last 3 payments have been on hold and I haven't received an email about this or what to do about it after all other payments were released in a timely fashion. My banking information hasn't changed, so I am beyond upset that I can't get anyone to speak with and am being told that someone will get back to me in 2 business days?!? That could take it to next week. Can you please release the monies, this is becoming more critical as each day passes. Here are the transaction ID's:
Unbelievable that this has happened for 3 months / payments in a row. I look forward to hearing from someone asap. Thank you, Andrew
My sister is a professional Athlete/finance coach. She actually recommended WaveApps to me and several others. She now regrets it. I set my account up with WaveApps because I thought it would help make the process to receive payments for my writing business and nanny business much smoother. I provided services to my first major clients, who paid a large amount only to receive an email after 4 months or so of using the platform. At 4:00pm on a Friday, two days after invoice was already paid for in full and payment process, that WaveApps is no longer able to provide me with payment processing services. Why would the payment be processed first before informing me? I have received payments in small increments with no problem for the past few months. Why is it with my largest payment and no heads up that you choose to takeaway my payout? This is a very horrible way of doing business. You will be losing my business and further business because my sister will now be informing others to stay away from WaveApps and removing WaveApps from her recommendations for best accounting software.