
Duplicate invoice being created with recurring invoice

JustConnectJustConnect Member Posts: 2

Hi there,

I have a strange thing happening. I set up a customer and created a duplicate invoice for them as I bill them monthly. Then I realised I could create a custom invoice number format (I had previously used JC#### so wanted to continue in this vein) so did this.

I ended the previous recurring invoice and set up a new one but now what's happening is the customer is complaining they're getting duplicate invoices from me.

On 30 Sept, the customer received invoice JC6018 and also invoice 19. When I look on the system, there is no invoice 19. I search for invoice 19 but don't find anything (except JC0019). This has happened 3 times now.

It's getting embarrassing because the customer is complaining about being double invoiced and I cannot find a way to fix this. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance



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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @JustConnect

    My apologies that you may be experiencing an issue with our recurring invoice module.

    Picture the recurring invoice generator as just a generator. All it does is creates regular invoices in your invoicing section. You’re essentially telling it to create these invoices, and it does that based on the schedule you make. So it is not an invoice itself, just a generator.

    Presently I'm seeing that an invoice was sent on September 30th from a recurring invoice generator that is still active. If you head to Sales >> Recurring invoices >> Have you ended this recurring invoice? Also was it perhaps generated and sent prior to the previous invoice being created and sent to your client?

    Lastly, I see you have two businesses with different currencies. Is it possible that you have a recurring invoice going with this client in both of your businesses? You can check this by toggling between businesses, just select the business name at the top left.

    Hope this helps but reach out if you're still having issues!

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    JustConnectJustConnect Member Posts: 2

    Hello Barsin,

    Thank you so much for your reply. You figured it out! I forgot about my other business profile which I created as my first profile was in the wrong currency. When I created a new business, I omitted to archive the old one. So it was still sending out recurring invoices!

    Thank you so much for solving the mystery!

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