
Feature Suggestion

sheriozhasheriozha Member Posts: 1

Wave is outstanding, i run a cheese company in Sri Lanka and had two suggestions, the first being a report that would show you sales performance by product, that would help in illustrating your best sellers etc. Second would be a default message when sending an invoice, it would save you having to say Hi ....thanks for your order....


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @sheriozha ! Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. In regards to product/service reports, this previous discussion may shed some light on the topic.

    Currently Wave allows users to add default footers, heaters, etc. in the "Settings" section but not default invoice messages. For full transparency, currently we have no plans to implement this feature but we do see recognize its value. It's very possible that we will revisit this feature down the line so we appreciate your input on this!

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