Biggest Wave Features: Constantly Finding Software Bugs

adamadam Member Posts: 4

There are so many bugs with this software, most of my data is incorrect. I'm a paying customer for payroll and I'm consistently disappointed.

Here's just a few of the bugs:

  • "deposits" categories as "withdrawls"
  • Bank accounts not syncing
  • Splitting 1 transaction to multiple invoices is a disaster
  • Recording a payment for an invoice in "transactions", then the invoice is listed as "unpaid". Why?
  • Venmo transfers appear as deposits (they're definitely withdrawls)
  • Transfers are constantly incategorized

Why bother with this software if you have to constantly double check it because the software itself is buggy?

This is a disaster and I wish I stayed with quickbooks online. The support alone is worth the money, not to mention

I've tried to give up wave 3x times, but somehow I figured "okay, just one more software bug can't be that bad, right?"

Over and over I get disappointed with this program, and I feel like I've wasted so much of my time.

Going to be switching to QBO soon, too many software bugs this is unacceptable.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @adam.

    If you would like me to dive in and help find a way to resolve these issues, I'm more than happy to offer my assistance.

    I will need a bit more information to be able to help as best I can.

    • The issue with categories changing when choosing between withdrawals and deposits is known, and our engineers are working on a fix. For now, if you reselect the same option, your categories should change back to normal. I understand that this is frustrating, especially considering how little spare time small business owners have, but know that we are working on fixing this as soon as possible.
    • Bank account syncing issues are an industry-wide problem. Bank data aggregators work with thousands of different banks, which are often uncooperative. If you can give me the error message you receive when you try to refresh that bank connection, I might be able to help to troubleshoot your connection. If you want more information on how bank connections work, I recommend reading this article.
    • Can you tell me a bit more about what issue you're having with splitting transactions in that way? We have an article that details how to split transactions to pay multiple invoices here. Maybe it will help.
    • Can you show me an example of this with screenshots? If a transaction is categorized as a payment for an invoice and pays the amount in full, it should show as paid.
    • Could you give me an example of one of those Venmo transactions, as well as what it's supposed to represent? I'll be able to better explain what's happening. What is likely happening is that when you receive a payment through Venmo, the 3 transactions happen. Money is deposited into your Venmo account, then is withdrawn from your Venmo account, and finally deposited into your bank account. The transfer between your bank account and Venmo isn't recorded automatically, which is frustrating but needs to be taken into consideration.
    • Transfers are not categorized automatically. When you categorize a transfer as such, Wave will try and find the matching transaction for the other account involved. If it can't, Wave will create a matching transaction. If you can give me an example of a transfer that failed, I might be able to offer an explanation as to what happened.

    I can promise you that we really do care about your experience and want to offer as painless an experience as possible. Follow up with me and I'll do everything I can to help.

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