journal entries cash flow report

gclarkgclark Member Posts: 3

I have made some journal entries to correct for some invoices that have been entered incorrectly. I see these journal entries in my balance sheet and income statement but not in the statement of cash flows. They also do not show up when I go into the individual customer reports. Is there anyway to correct this?


  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @gclark

    Since your cashflow report is only going to report on actual cash moving in and out of your accounts (expense and income transactions only) you likely won't see this generated by a journal transaction. What you can do is simply open up the invoices and correct them from there. If it's a matter of changing the product's income account, head to Sales >> Products and services >> Edit the income account on that product >> Open up the invoices >> Delete that product, then re-add it and resave your invoice! This should update allowing you to delete the journals.

    Hope this helps but reach out if you need clarification.

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