Sum up two accounts on a specific date

FanlikeFanlike Member Posts: 13

Hi all,

not sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but I was wondering whether is there any feature in wave that allows to calculate the value of two accounts/category on a specific date. Since sub-category or sub-accounts are not yet available, sometimes I find myself recording transactions which are relevant to a single project but split in different category or accounts. Is there any way to keep track of those transactions? The report feature TRIAL BALANCE allows to do it only for single accounts. Thanks for your help


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @Fanlike !

    I'm afraid that Wave doesn't support this functionality. However, there is one workaround that might suffice. You can open up the report for both accounts in separate tabs to help you compare the data. This is the extent of the workaround though. If this doesn't suffice, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    edited November 27, 2020
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