
Using Zapier with WAVE and PayStack Invoice

aodphotosaodphotos Member Posts: 1

Hello, I am currently having trouble with using wave and paystack together when issuing invoices.

What happens is: When I issue an invoice with a certain amount ex. $100, zapier will send the information to paystack, but then the value would change to $1. When I checked the value being sent it shows $100, but paystack views it at $1.

I tried then changing the $100 value to $1000, then it went to $10 paystack,

So my issue is what am I doing wrong to get the value that needs to be sent to paystack correct?


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hello @aodphotos !

    Since PayStack is supported via our integrations partner, Zapier, I'm afraid that Wave has limited insight into this issue. To get more information on the integration and a potential solution, I suggest reaching out to Zapier support directly for additional assistance.

    edited December 3, 2020
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