
New Customer Address not Populating

Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

When I select to add a new customer, the remainder of the address does not populate with options.

For example.. entering 428 Dundas

no address suggestions are coming up to select from the drop-down menu.

The problem is occurring with both Safari and Chrome browsers.

Please advise if this is an on-going issue or a known issue.

I give up trying to get in touch with a wave apps agent. Your bot keeps making me generate an email instead of allowing me to connect with a live agent during your regular business hours.

Emails I have sent regarding the matter have all gone unanswered.

Please let me know how to export all my data and which companies are compatible with waveapps as I need to move my business elsewhere.


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    Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    5 out of 10 times when I add a new customer and type out the street address, the city, postal code and province do not automatically populate anymore.
    Is this a known issue?

    I have tried to contact wave support during regular business hours and the bot system continuously asks me to write an email. I have submitted 3 emails with your bot in the past 2 weeks, I have yet to receive any response from wave apps.

    Is there a reason I am unable to connect with a live agent during your regular business hours?

    I have been with Waveapps for several years. If another week goes by and I have yet to be able to connect with any agent, I'll be taking my business elsewhere!

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    Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    Every time I select to "edit" an existing invoice (be it a draft or saved invoice), there is a moment when all the entry fields (name, description, date) are blank for a good 5 seconds.

    Then all of a sudden the existing inputted information populates.

    Is this an on-going issue?

    I am currently experiencing [3] very distinct and major issues with Waveapps invoicing.

    I have been unable to find any other posts regarding these issues.

    I have reached out to the wave Bot multiple times, which resulting in several emails being sent out to wave.. have yet to hear back from any of my support requests.

    I really do not want to relocate my business to another accounting program, but I have initiated the processes as I have again, yet to hear back from anyone.

    1. I have reached out to wave-bot (which not never connects me with a live agent during your regular business hours).

    2. I have then had your BOT write emails (NONE OF WHICH HAVE BEEN REPLIED To).

    3. I have posted comments on the community forum (none have been responded to).

    Seems like my answer is to relocate my business elsewhere...

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Yama_N !

    I'm sorry to hear that you are having issues with the invoicing feature. After taking a look on the back end, I can see that one of our support agents has since assisted you via your ticket request. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to reach back out :smile:

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    Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    Hi Julian, I have not been assisted in any way via any of the support tickets I have submitted. So I am not sure how your system is showing that I have been supported.

    The only response I have gotten since posting this back on November 16 was your response yesterday.

    Nonetheless, it's taken over 3 weeks just to be told that I have already been assisted (which i haven't). So I'm giving up on trying to get any help.

    The issue is still on-going and I don't have any intention of continuously attempting to get support.

    Thanks anyways.

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    Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    So I'm guessing I won't hear back for another 3 weeks?

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    Yama_NYama_N Member Posts: 21

    @JulianP It's been well over a month that I have reached out to waveapps support requesting assistance with some issues I'm experiencing. As I have not heard back or gotten any level of support, I will be moving my business elsewhere. With that said, is there anyone I can contact directly (and pay for the assistance) so I can figure out how to properly migrate my business over to.

    Please advise, at this point, I'm willing to pay between $100-$200 for just an hour of sometimes time at waveapps. Every document I'm downloading from the export files are all jumbled up and can't be properly deciphered.

    Post Note: to speed this up, no need to inquire or assist me with the initial issues I am experiencing because, over a month without any response is unacceptable, and now I just need some assistance to export and migrate to another accounting company.

    It's unfortunate that I am having to resort to posting comments on a community board because I have NOT received a single email from the over 10 bot requests I have submitted.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Yama_N !

    After taking another look on the backend, it looks like you were able to locate our ticket request response from Tom in your junk folder. I'm happy to see that you were able to locate the email. I also noticed that you have submitted multiple ticket requests. Moving forward, if you have any other questions, please follow-up with your previously submitted tickets directly so our support agents can continue assisting you.

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