
account numbers not visible in the notes

przemekprzemek Member Posts: 3

I have a little question,
I just set up wave and I am having an issue with the invoices - I want my accounts to be visible by default on every invoice in notes.
However, as soon as I save the account numbers in notes and create an invoice, the numbers are not visible - there are stars instead of numbers.
Obviously that is not what I want.. :/
can anybody help?
thank you!


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @przemek. Welcome to Wave! We're happy to have you!

    When you say your accounts, do you mean that you're trying to put in the numbers of your bank accounts? If so, it's very sensitive information and I can't recommend sharing it, but we can still find out why it's being hidden. Are you writing in those numbers by hand, or copy-pasting them from somewhere?

    Can you show me a screenshot of what's happening? If you're it is your bank account numbers, please use a random string of numbers instead, as to not share banking information here. It'll give me a better idea of what's happening.

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    przemekprzemek Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Alexia, thank you for your response.
    Yes I am referring to bank accounts and the information should be visible by default on the invoice I am sending in notes.

    PSA - that's what happens

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    przemekprzemek Member Posts: 3

    and I both typed it by hand and pasted it - same effect

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @przemek.

    Wave is designed to hide numbers that look like bank account numbers or credit numbers on invoices. This security feature is in place because invoices are public documents, which means that there is a risk that personal information like those numbers could fall into the wrong hands.

    We understand that this can be frustrating, but you'll have to share this information with your clients outside of Wave.

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