Understanding your payments

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
imageUnderstanding your payments

Now that you're active, you can view the status of both your payments and payouts in your Wave account.

To access a view of your payments, go to Sales > Payments in the navigation bar....

Read the full story here

edited November 24, 2020 in Help Center Discussion


  • CristinaJACCristinaJAC Member Posts: 2

    What does payment processing mean? I have "success" and "processing" and so when is it a success?

  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @CristinaJAC !

    A status of "processing" indicates that a payment was submitted and is currently processing before it can successfully land in your bank account. The processing timeline will vary depending on the payment method used. You can read more about this in this Help Centre article.

    It looks like you were also able to connect with our Support team via live chat regarding your question! If you have any additional questions for us, please feel free to reach back out!

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