
Payment Setup for US Territories

GiomarGiomar Member Posts: 2

My business is in Puerto Rico, which is a US territory. Do you consider Puerto Rico as US or as outside US? In the state field to set up payments PR is not listed.


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    SaraiSarai Member Posts: 0

    I received this notification:
    Changes to Wave for businesses outside the United States and Canada
    Wave is recentering focus on our local market and making some changes for customers outside the US and Canada. Your Wave account remains active, but we understand you will likely begin looking for a platform better suited to your needs.
    To help make these changes easier, we’ve partnered with Zoho Books to secure a special offer for Wave customers. We’re actively working with the Zoho team to ensure a seamless transition for all customers who choose to switch to Zoho Books, and we will share more details shortly.

    I'm from Puerto Rico but my account is register in US. How I can validate if my account is consider inside or out of US?? Do I need close my wave account??

    edited December 17, 2020
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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Giomar , I'm going to quote Paul from his Dec 2nd post in this thread which should answer any questions you may have.

    @PaulC said:
    Thanks for raising this question, and yes - we know Puerto Rico is part of the United States!

    In terms of support for Puerto Rico (and other U.S. overseas territories) within Wave, however, the answer is "it's complicated".

    Wave is increasingly becoming an integrated financial platform, where money movement services (and Payroll, for businesses that have employees) are tightly integrated throughout accounting and invoicing. As we optimize our platform for customers who increasingly use all of Wave's integrated services, Wave may become a less-than-ideal fit for businesses in regions where we are unable to offer our money-movement and payroll services.

    Wave works with a number of financial industry partners to provide Payments, Payroll, Debit Card, and other financial products, and these partners enable us to work with businesses in the 48 contiguous states of the U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, the District of Columbia, and throughout Canada. Some of these partners limit services in territories of the US, and this is why we are unable to treat Puerto Rico identically with the rest of the United States.

    So, to come back to your specific question: we are not accepting new signups from Puerto Rico, because this is not a region where we can offer the whole of Wave's service. Of course, because Puerto Rico is part of the US, you as an existing Wave user are likely to still find our accounting and invoicing features a good fit to your needs, even if Wave is not a platform you want to use indefinitely..

    As mentioned in the post, we have partnered with Zoho to secure a special offer from Zoho Books for Wave Users outside of the regions in the US and Canada where we offer our full suite of services. Zoho Books is a cloud-based accounting, invoicing, and payments processing software. Should you wish to change providers, we are actively working with the Zoho team to ensure that we can provide the easiest path for you to transfer your data and get set up with Zoho Books, and will provide you with more details shortly. In the meantime, we encourage you to check out what Zoho has to offer while you continue to use Wave.

    I'm sure this is not precisely the answer you hoped to hear, but I hope it at least makes sense. Naturally, should our industry partners modify their policies in such a way that we become able to offer the full Wave product in Puerto Rico, or any of the U.S. overseas territories, we would want to revisit this.

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sarai !

    Just a heads up, I merged your discussion into this one. Please check out the quote above from Paul that Alex mentioned for more insight into your inquiry.

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