SO I can't connect to BMO. That's already strike 1. That's a pretty big bank that's not connecting to to Waves. I am trying to upload my CSV files now for my bank statements. It's giving me error after error. I changed the dates to the correct format and it's still saying that the dates are the problem. Has anyone had this issue? I'm about to give up and pay $25/month for Quickbooks at this point. It shouldn't be this hard. I even thought about switching banks but that would be ridiculous.
SO I can't connect to BMO. That's already strike 1. That's a pretty big bank that's not connecting to to Waves. I am trying to upload my CSV files now for my bank statements. It's giving me error after error. I changed the dates to the correct format and it's still saying that the dates are the problem. Has anyone had this issue? I'm about to give up and pay $25/month for Quickbooks at this point. It shouldn't be this hard. I even thought about switching banks but that would be ridiculous.
Hey @Sheilaplume !
After taking a closer look on the backend, it looks like one of our support agents assisted you via your ticket request. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach back out to us!
Same issue here. I'm freaking out. My transactions haven't been importing for over a week, so I disconnected my BMO bank connection. When I went to re-connect it, BMO no longer appears in the list of banks!? So....that's it? After a decade of being a Wave customer....I'm out?? Freaking.
I made the mistake of disconnecting our BMO connection last week and haven't been able to re-connect it since. I reached out to someone in support and received this response:
"I've taken a closer look into the issue and it does appear as though the issue is persisting across all of BMOs accounts at the moment. For context, Wave partners with a data aggregator in order to provide the bank connection feature in Wave who are responsible for keeping these connections functional. Doing further investigation I can see a low success rate for transaction imports at the moment, and I do expect that our data aggregator is currently working on it.
With that in mind, I will be keeping a close eye on the connection and then will be letting you know as I have updates. Once the success rate increases I'll ensure that I provide you with next steps and if the issue continues, i will get back in touch with our data aggregator. Through this time, I would not recommend disconnecting and reconnecting your accounts. While it may seem like this is helping, it is likely yielding similar results and in order for us to further investigate, I will need to see a consistent connection. Additionally, when you disconnect and reconnect an account, it can take up to 72 hours for transactions to begin flowing again and reconnecting could actually be causing your further delays."
I noticed today that BMO isn't even showing up as a possible bank to connect to. Hopefully this gets squared away soon!
Same issue as the above two, hope this is resolved ASAP. I'm going to have to switch too if this isn't restored in the next few days, Wave has always been reliable so not sure whats going on. Could someone from Wave update us? I imagine a lot of other users are seeing this thread today.
Same issue. My BMO bank account connection disappeared and when I try to reconnect, BMO is not an option. Frustrating.
I'm having the same problem. My BMO bank account connection disappeared and when I try to reconnect, BMO is not an option. Please help Wave!
Same problem here. 17 days without a connection to my BMO bank account. Wave Support's solution is "do it yourself manually". Thanks, but no thanks.
How poor a service does Plaid have to provide before Wave finally teams up with a bank aggregator that is competent at their job?
Same issue here.
where has my BMO connection gone??? This is not acceptable for a connection to just disappear.
Same issue for several of my clients. We've noticed that the bank connection will stay in place with a single credit card, but if it's just a bank account poof, gone. You'd think for a Canadian-based company they would prioritize connections to the big-5 banks up here, but we've had poor experiences with RBC, TD, CIBC, and now BMO.. (and while Scotiabank seems to hum right along, no one wants to deal with them, haha).
If Plaid doesn't care about Canadian banks, maybe Wave shouldn't use Plaid. There are other aggregators to pick from, even some based in Canada (Flinks comes to mind).
Hi Jordon, can you help with some tips on how you got Wave to connect to BMO? Mine still refuses to connect. Thanks!
edit: actually it now works! Thanks Wave!
Hi Everyone!
We were experiencing some widespread connection issues with BMO and Plaid, which caused the connection to break, and for some users, to be removed from their accounts. To prevent further users from being affected, we temporarily removed BMO as an option, until the connection was healthy enough for the majority of users to successfully re-connect and import transactions. We are sorry for the confusion and frustration here.
As the connection issue has now been mostly resolved, BMO has returned as an option, so please go ahead and re-connect!
Please be aware that the connection is still experiencing some minor connectivity issues. If you run into these, please reach out to our email support team for assistance
we appreciate the fix, Wave rules I recommend it to people all the time.
@KiahD As you can see from this screenshot, BMO regular banking is still not back as an option in the list of banks for connection. Do I need to do something special?
My BMO accounts have stopped updating for the past week or so. Is there a new connection issue that is affecting BMO customers broadly, or is this something specific to my account? I've been using Wave for years with BMO and I believe this is the longest my account has gone without an automatic update.
TL;DR : It has been over a month— please provide an update on this issue.
@KiahD I was finally able to see BMO back on the list. Went through the process of trying to reconnect and this was the result (screenshot).
I realize my current wave plan is free, but I assume paying customers are having the same connectivity issues.
Please provide an update so I might make an informed decision about 1) sticking around knowing that a fix is definitely coming, or 2) cutting my losses and moving to a more reliable platform.
I'm a new Wave customer and am having the same issues. Have been trying to connect my BMO account for the past couple of weeks, got the same problem^
I've been experiencing this issue on and off now since December. Wondering if we're close to a fix or if I need to change invoicing services! Please advise
I keep getting username or password incorrect.
I know they are, because I am logged onto BMO on another tab.
This is the FIFTH time for this year already that there are issues with BMO
Hi again all! To give you an update, this integration is still experiencing connection issues.
Our banking data provider is working on a resolution, however as the resolution is handled by a third party, we are unable to troubleshoot directly, and so can't provide an ETA on when this will be I'm afraid.
Please also note that this issue is caused by a change that BMO has made to their online banking platform. To be transparent, this means it will likely take longer to resolve than general technical issues. Whilst we wait for this connection to be repaired, please continue to use our manual upload methods:
Upload bank and credit card statements
Wave Connect: Easily import and export data with Wave's Google Sheets add-on
We're sorry again for the inconvenience.
Hi @highlevelwealth, I've taken a look at your connection, and I can see there isn't an issue specific to your account. This means that your transaction update issues are related to the widespread connection issues. That said I can see that your transactions have started importing again!
Hey @FoobsZ , after investigating your connection attempts, I noticed that the error you're facing when connecting is not an incorrect login error, but due to the widespread connection issues. I'm sorry for any confusion there!
@KiahD My accounts synced again for one day but have since stopped again for the past week. Any update on the BMO issue or when it might be resolved? Given the size of BMO, I'm assuming this issues affects a large number of clients and should be a top priority.
Same issue here: new to Wave and trying to link BMO account and no success.
Same issue here. It's very frustrating as it is a major bank and with a service like this automatic connections are a minimum expectation. Chequeing transactions form the backbone of all our business transactions. "No ETA on fix, import transactions manually" is not an acceptable answer if the objective is customer retention.
Mine worked for a couple of weeks at the beginning of June again but now has stop connecting and I have not been able to connect for about 3 weeks. This is really making a mess of my books. Please get this sorted out as soon as possible!
Same issue.
Wave, any excuses for this abysmal service? Or do you suggest Canadians simply use a better service?
Suzana, leave now. Most of us are stuck here since we've been using the system for years, but Wave does not care about anyone using a Canadian bank. 75% of the time your connection won't work. Don't bother with Wave--find a better system.