
  • jessejsharpejessejsharpe Member Posts: 2

    Same issue here for a while now. Hoping it's fixed soon.

  • laurenclaurenc Member Posts: 1

    Any update from Wave on this issue? It seems kind of ridiculous to change my bank simply to connect with this software.

  • ShameemShameem Member Posts: 1

    This is really frustrating. Appreciate if anyone can suggest an alternative to Wave thats free. I am planning to switch

  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    Has anyone looked into what other options to wave there is that actually have a working bank connection? A paid service is fine as long as it works.

    It appears like no matter how many times plaid totally screws up, wave will still continue to be committed to using them. Wave is a fantastic program but if wave management is unable to see what a disaster plaid is then there is really no future in using wave.

    Maybe all the unsatisfied people here facing this bank connection problem can pool together resources on what platform to switch to and the smoothest way to change over?

    I am so done with plaid and its non stop failures. I suspect I am one of very, very many.

    edited July 7, 2021
  • CodepoetCodepoet Member Posts: 1
    I have done some extensive research this week. And all options I found paid or not all use Plaid. So no matter where BMO is currently problematic which sucks. I mean I don’t get why Plaid gets so many issues with BMO. And based on their status page “all is fine”

    The only option that does not use plaid but is a pain in $&@# to use (personal opinion) is Quickbooks.
  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    @Codepoet said:
    I have done some extensive research this week. And all options I found paid or not all use Plaid. So no matter where BMO is currently problematic which sucks. I mean I don’t get why Plaid gets so many issues with BMO. And based on their status page “all is fine”

    The only option that does not use plaid but is a pain in $&@# to use (personal opinion) is Quickbooks.

    Thanks for looking into this.

    Is quickbooks really that bad? I mean if it has a working bank connection it has got to be a better option; right?

    A bank connection that is not working is really problematic.

  • paul999paul999 Member Posts: 8

    Latest from wave.Couldnt make this up!
    For the time being, we are unable to establish new connections or reconnect BMO accounts through the Connected Accounts page which is why BMO does not currently show as an option in the search bar there.

    At this time, our data aggregator is currently working on a resolve for this issue but unable to provide an exact ETA of when a fix will be implemented. I know that this is not ideal given that the main purpose is to have your transactions imported into your Wave account automatically. Since the accounts cannot be reconnected at this time, we do have some bulk upload options that can be utilized in the meantime if you need to import transactions into your account. These upload methods are much more stable than a bank connection and are quicker than creating each transaction manually.

  • iamfelixiamfelix Member Posts: 4

    So weirdly mine has reconnected today! Not sure for how long it'll be working but as of 8am this morning, my two BMO accounts are connected. I'm just waiting for wave to pull in and update the transactions page.

  • UserNameisTakenUserNameisTaken Member Posts: 14

    @iamfelix said:
    So weirdly mine has reconnected today! Not sure for how long it'll be working but as of 8am this morning, my two BMO accounts are connected. I'm just waiting for wave to pull in and update the transactions page.

    Happened to me yesterday. The data never appeared. I disconnected and attempted to reconnect and it failed again. Don't get your hopes up.

  • NikuNiku Member Posts: 2

    I have the same issue of connecting BMO Bank. The last time it auto downloaded the transaction was on June-16-2021

  • paul999paul999 Member Posts: 8

    Still not connecting to BMO.Infact BMO is no longer on the list of banks. This has been happening for 2 years. It looks like its a Plaid problem but Wave aren't really forthcoming with information. To be honest its a bloody joke. Bad service.

  • sammygirlsammygirl Member Posts: 1

    Having the same issue and no ETA is extremely frustrating

  • UserNameisTakenUserNameisTaken Member Posts: 14

    Has anyone heard from Wave about this? All of my month-old tickets are being ignored.

  • highlevelwealthhighlevelwealth Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    @KiahD It has been a month since your last comment. Can you provide an update on the BMO connection problems?

    My accounts are still not updating and I now see a message on the Wave Dashboard that says "This connection isn't working" as follows:

    When I follow the steps to "reconnect" (which I try every few days) I always get an error message from Plaid saying "Couldn't connect to your institution" as follows:

    An update would be appreciated and anything that can be done to escalate this with Plaid would be great.

    Thank you,

  • CaraCara Member Posts: 7

    Same here. Seems they aren't even responding to tickets anymore over this silence. I get that it's Plaid and not them, but finger-pointing with a shoulder shrug must be a tiring practice for Wave by now, especially with so many users so unhappy for so long.

    At the very least, create a pop-up or something that advises BMO users that there's an issue, instead of alarming us when we disconnect and suddenly can't find our bank in the list of institutions. How hard would that be?

    Note - I finally tried the statement download, and as a bandaid solution it's actually pretty quick and easy.


  • DubaDuba Member Posts: 1

    I'll add (yet another) rant to the thread. I'd love more detail on how Wave is escalating this problem, it's a MAJOR pain in the ass for all us customers. Sort it out guys, and at the very least provide us with some regular updates.

  • UserNameisTakenUserNameisTaken Member Posts: 14

    @Duba said:
    I'll add (yet another) rant to the thread. I'd love more detail on how Wave is escalating this problem, it's a MAJOR pain in the ass for all us customers. Sort it out guys, and at the very least provide us with some regular updates.

    I honestly don't believe they are escalating. In other threads they've simply said that Plaid won't give them a timeline. It's clear that Wave is on the bottom of Plaid's priority list, which does not bode well for users.

  • paul999paul999 Member Posts: 8

    Why cant wave update the situation on a daily basis? Its ridiculous!
    WAVE PUT AN UPDATE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    Wave have you full on given up on us BMO banking customers?

    My account has not updated since June 23. Our books are a total mess. PLEASE HELP WAVE!!!!!

  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    @Cara said:

    Note - I finally tried the statement download, and as a bandaid solution it's actually pretty quick and easy.


    Hi Cara,

    How did you do this?

    Our books are completely out of control. I haven't wanted to spend the days it will take to reference our bank and add one transaction at a time and type each one in but I am about to do that as I have to do something and it is quite clear that wave does not care one bit that we are all so screwed at this point. If there is any way that is faster than typing and entering one transaction at a time we will do it. I wish I would have known that wave was going to choose to cheap out so badly by going with such an inept bank connection service before we started using them. I guess the old adage "You get what you pay for." could not be more true in this case; As we pay nothing for wave but with our bank connection we get nothing.

    edited July 26, 2021
  • CaraCara Member Posts: 7

    Hi Daren, here's the link. It literally took me less than 5 min. Just download a statement from your bank and upload it to Wave. You'll have to categorize each line item that appears in your transactions, but other than that, it's all there. Let me know if it works for you!

  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    For everyone who is having problems with this I thought I would give an update with information I learned from a call I just made to BMO. I spoke with a manager and she told me that PLAID has been blocked as they are not a secure platform and puts your bank account at extreme risk. She went through the process of downloading a statement file from my BMO online account and uploading it to WAVE manually. It only took a few minutes and to be honest I bet as I get more proficient at it I will be able to complete the process in the future in about one minute.

    As WAVE had removed their bank connection "update now" button about a year and a half ago this way of manually updating statements seems actually much better than waiting for plaid to decide when to do it, which was sporadic and spotty at best when it did work. After going through the manual bulk upload process it is very clear that it is best way to import transactions and even if plaid gets up and running again future I will not be reconnecting to it. The BMO manager made it very clear that even if plaid is allowed to resume connections to BMO in the future it is still very risky to have them connected to your bank account.

    edited July 26, 2021
  • DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

    @Cara said:
    Hi Daren, here's the link. It literally took me less than 5 min. Just download a statement from your bank and upload it to Wave. You'll have to categorize each line item that appears in your transactions, but other than that, it's all there. Let me know if it works for you!

    Thanks Cara,

    As you will note in my post above my bank walked me through this. I noticed your response after I had spoke with my bank. Apparently plaid is not a secure connection and that is why they blocked them.


  • SaijSaij Member Posts: 2

    Anyone know if the BMO connection is fixed? This is very poor service from Wave considering the problem has been going on for months. I had it and then it disappeared. I guess I will be putting out a post to my followers to dump Wave?

  • T4HT4H Member Posts: 3

    So, I am attempting to do my year end books and noticed that my transactions have not been syncing since Apr 30, 2021. I've read this thread and understand the issue - this is on BMO and PLAID, not Wave. That said, semi-regular updates on this would be appreciated from Wave as I would not rely on BMO or PLAID directly for updates.

    The user above who mentioned that the issue is that PLAID doesn't use secure transactions is false. Please stop spreading false information. If they didn't use secure transactions, do you think any of the banks (of the banking industry or the security regulations) would allow their information to be shared in an unsecured format? No. And if that information came from BMO - that's BMO deflecting their new platform issues onto PLAID with false information.

    That said, I've tried to manually update my accounts, but it's not working. The process is fairly straight forward:
    1. Go to BMO
    2. Go to Account and View Account Details (not estatements)
    3. Generate an export for whatever format you want (I'm trying .csv since I don't use any other app)
    4. Go to Wave and go to Accounting>Transactions
    5. Click on MORE (top right) > Upload a Bank Statement
    7. Once you have the file selected and the account selected, press UPLOAD
    8. This is where I encounter the issue with WAVE

    Can anyone help with this? I'm fine with uploading manually to get this done, but I need to be able to complete that upload - otherwise, my only other option is to manually enter transactions dating back 5+ months...which possible, but far from desirable.

    Thanks in advance.

  • T4HT4H Member Posts: 3

    Well, it appears the csv is very specific that Wave wants you to use. And the CSV download you'll get from BMO (which only allows you to export out two months worth - terrible option by BMO), the csv will have a bunch of garbage header information, blank rows, etc.

    Here's what you need to do - there's a little set up once you download the transactions from BMO. (br/>

    1. Open the downloaded CSV in Excel (easiest for manipulation)
    2. Delete all header rows in the CSV file (likely rows 1-12 in Excel) - note you have to delete the rows, not just clear the data in them. Highlight the row headers on the left (see image below)

    3. Get rid of the following columns (Wave won't accept them):
    • First Bank Card (Col A))
    • Transaction Type (it can tell by the negative sign in front of the amount) (Col B )

    That should leave you with 3 columns - the date (Col A), the amount (Col B ), and the description (Col C).
    4. Unfortunately, Wave can't handle the dates provided by BMO (eg. 20211006), so you need to adjust them as well. You can either manually type over all dates in the MM/DD/YYYY format OR do the following:
    Assuming you've deleted the above, in cell D1, type (or copy/paste) the following formula:
    =MID(A1, 5, 2) & "/" & RIGHT(A1, 2) & "/" & LEFT(A1, 4)
    This will generate a date format of MM/DD/YYYY
    5. You should now have D1 showing something like 10/06/2021
    6. Copy cell D1 and paste it in all the cells in Column D where you have a transaction

    7. Next, select/highlight Column D (the entire column) and Copy (Ctrl+C)
    8. Then select/highlight Column A (the entire column) and right click and select Paste Special > Values

    9. Column A should now display the dates in the desired format that Wave requires.
    10. Highlight Column D and delete it as you no longer need that information
    11. Save your CSV (make sure you continue to save it as CSV)

    Now, your CSV should be simply Col A, Col B, and Col C (Date, Amount, Description).

    Next, Importing into WAVE!

    1. Open Wave and click on Accounting>Transactions
    2. Top right, click More>Upload a Bank Statement
    3. Choose your file (wherever you saved your CSV) and then select the Account the transactions are for

    4. If you followed the steps above, you should be prompted to select the columns <date, Amount, Description>. Once you get get that, it'll take a few minutes (depending on the number of transactions).

    Hope that helps.

  • JohnBaisJohnBais Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same issue. This has been an issue for months. I'm going to find an alternative to wave. After testing I will post better options here.

  • StrugglingICStrugglingIC Member Posts: 20

    @KiahD said:
    Hi again all! To give you an update, this integration is still experiencing connection issues.

    Our banking data provider is working on a resolution, however as the resolution is handled by a third party, we are unable to troubleshoot directly, and so can't provide an ETA on when this will be I'm afraid.

    Please also note that this issue is caused by a change that BMO has made to their online banking platform. To be transparent, this means it will likely take longer to resolve than general technical issues. Whilst we wait for this connection to be repaired, please continue to use our manual upload methods:

    It has been months. Any resolution?

  • StrugglingICStrugglingIC Member Posts: 20

    @UserNameisTaken said:

    @suzana said:
    Same issue here: new to Wave and trying to link BMO account and no success.

    Suzana, leave now. Most of us are stuck here since we've been using the system for years, but Wave does not care about anyone using a Canadian bank. 75% of the time your connection won't work. Don't bother with Wave--find a better system.

    Any suggestions for a replacement?

  • bppcbppc Member Posts: 2

    Also looking for a replacement.... kinda shocked Wave doesn't seem to care to fix this issue.

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