
Quantity Reduces when I save

MarjMarj Member Posts: 7

I've been using Wave for several months. I invoice around 200 customers every month. Tonight, when I would save the invoice, the quantity would reduce. I didn't realize it until I had sent several invoices to customers with attached PDF. I rebooted my computer and checked to see if the numbers changed using Excel or my calculator. The numbers save correctly there. The quantity is still changing. Is anyone else noticing this problem?


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Marj !

    After taking a closer look on the back end, I can see that one of our support agents assisted you with this via your ticket request. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach back out! :smile:

    edited December 17, 2020
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