
Unable to download "data export" receive ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE

GRDZTWGRDZTW Member Posts: 3

Unable to obtain data export.
When click on link within email message to download the export , webpage displays "This site can’t be reached
The webpage at https://click.pstmrk.i.....aWw (I've edited link obviously) might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

What I've done to troubleshoot:
Tested with Chrome (latest version), FireFox (latest version), Edge (latest version)
Cleared caches and tested again, same failure.
Requested ZIP version - same failure
Requested CVS version - same failure
Requested new download - same failure
Have removed extensions from browsers and tested again, same failures.
Have tried on different device - same failure

Is this happening for others? Is this to do with where I am located (Canada)? Is this something on my end or ?


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    GRDZTWGRDZTW Member Posts: 3

    For the heck of it, I re-added the email address no-reply@waveapps.com to my email whitelist (was already there) and then I requested a CSV data export for a fourth time
    Was able to download through the fourth email link.
    Not sure if this was coincidence or if was somehow related to the issue as been using the Data Export monthly for over a year now without issue.

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