Unable to connect to Wave Connect/Unable to export Products & Services and Invoices via Data Export

Muggles_SaraMuggles_Sara Member Posts: 2

As I'm based in South Africa, I'm being forced to move over to Zoho Books from Wave Accounting. It's a pain in the butt but was something that I was looking at doing anyway as I found that as much as I love using Wave, the stock management aspect is not great and I am already using Zoho Inventory for 2 of my businesses stock needs anyway.

Accordingly, I'm trying to export all my information so that I can import it into Zoho Books but I'm having issues. Because I have 3 businesses and my own personal info, I have 4 different Google Accounts that I use, 1 for each business and my own personal one.

When I click on integrations and Google Sheets Add-On, Google opens but it opens with a particular Google Account, no matter which set of books I'm in. I then sign into my correct account for whichever particular business I'm busy with and try to install Wave Connect, but it won’t install. The only account that it will install on is the one that it keeps opening.

At best I’ve managed to establish that this is because I don’t seem to have a Google Workspace Account and, as Google Workspace is a chargeable option, I don’t want to implement one.

I’m now in a situation where although I can export all data via settings to import them manually, it isn’t exporting my Products and Services or my Invoices. I’ve tried the option of contacting Google about this but haven’t been able to reach them as they want you to sign into Workspace first and as mentioned I don’t have an account to do that.

As far as I can ascertain, I cannot export Products and Services or my Invoices without using Wave Connect and I cannot use Wave Connect because of the log in issues. So now what do I do?

Is it possible for Wave to send me the .csv files for these items manually perhaps?

Please advise URGENTLY as my accounts are now at a standstill pending this transfer that I'm being forced into at this time and I'm spending my busiest sales period working on accounts instead of focussing on Sales. The timing is not great guys!

Any help would be much appreciated. I really don't want to have to recreate everything.

Thanks and Regards



  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Muggles_Sara , I'll be honest with you, I'm not fully understanding the Google Workspace situation. Our Google Sheets integration is completely free and doesn't require any sort of paid offering to access with your Wave account. I'm afraid that we're not able to send you any .csv files as these do have to be accessed through Wave Connect.

    Can you explain the Google Workspace situation for me a little bit more so I can better my understanding as to why you can't log in?

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