
How to print the Bills?

HasanHasan Member Posts: 1

I create the bills for the vendor but there no option to print it out. could you please add the feature for printing out the bills for vendors?

edited August 31, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    Hi @Hasan @Alexia

    Currently this feature is not available in wave.

    I already raised this query see below


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Hasan.

    Do you mean to print receipts for a bill as @UHRP3 mentioned, or to create a purchase order?

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    bmaximbmaxim Member Posts: 2

    Dear Alexia,
    I would like to know also this idea of printing a purchase order, and to match it later on with a bill (to track the process). This would be an interesting feature to add, although we don't need it urgently at present.
    More important for us (urgent) is to be able to upload bill images, to be attached to the bills and to get optical recognition in the same way as receipts. We have bills that although paid at the time of the purchase, cannot be treated as receipts, because they have items that go into different accounts, so we need to itemize them, and also we'd like to track them by vendor so that we know how much we spent on each one, etc. It would be great to get the scanning or upload feature in the Bill section as well (these are tax documents which we'd love to keep organized in wave).
    Let me know if this is something you are considering or would consider and if so, timeline for implementing?
    Maxim Brandwajn

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @bmaxim.

    Adding purchase orders to Wave isn't currently on our roadmap.

    The majority of Wavers run businesses services. As we weigh competing demands to add new tools and features to Wave, we naturally lean towards enhancements that will bring the greatest benefit to the largest number of our customers. As such, comprehensive Purchasing and Inventory features, sophisticated enough for a wholesaler or manufacturer that tracks thousands of SKUs, would be valued by very few existing Wave businesses, and risks making the system more complicated. This would not be likely to make it onto our short-term roadmap right now.

    That isn't to say purchase orders will never make it into Wave, but there aren't plans to implement such a feature for now.

    As for the second part of your post, we will be following up on the other discussion you started.

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    ConaxionConaxion Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia is there a way to print a copy of a bill? I have paid out my 1099 vendors via check and they need a copy of the paid bill for their reference. This should be a simple feature but the only way I can get a copy of my bill for a vendor is taking a screen shot, which is absurd. Please let me know if this is possible.

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