Inviting a new user to a non-US, non-Canadian business

I have a business on Wave that is not in the US or Canada.
My understanding is that we can continue using Wave, which we are thankful for. Just now I tried to invite a new user as a bookkeeper. This person does not have any existing Wave profiles or businesses, but would merely join as a collaborator on an existing business.
However, when the invitee clicks on the link in the Wave email, we get an error message from Wave. It states that Wave cannot open a "New Business" as our business is not in the US or Canada.
Does this mean that I cannot add any new users to my existing Wave Account?? Surely this was not intended when Wave announced that no new businesses can be added outside the US or Canada?
Now we cannot add a new user onto an existing business ...
Please help
+1 for this.
trying to add my new admin staff to the accounting access for my existing account, but getting the same message.
Hey @Francois_1 & @Jenks , as it turns out this is a consequence of no longer having the creation of new businesses outside of Canada and the US. Because a user who is added as a new collaborator to an account is also creating their own account in Wave, this isn't available as an option any longer. The only way you can add a collaborator to your business is if they already have a pre-existing business in Wave.