
Payment Refusal

NitefoxNitefox Member Posts: 1

I have not setup bank information so I'm unable to get the Sales>Payments>Help icon. It wants me to finish setting up my bank information so I can access a payments that was sent to me via the Wave Make Payment button. I don't want my customer paying through Wave so I'm turning this off for future invoices. However, since I won't give my bank information, what happens to the payment sitting out there that the customer sent via Wave? I need this refused or refunded without using my bank information since the customer has already paid via PayPal. Is there a way to cancel this payment or choose to not accept it? If not, does it time out if no activity on it for a certain amount of days?


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Nitefox , looks like our Support team was able to help you process a refund back to your customer. If you have any further questions, please reach back out to them directly for further assistance.

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