
Non US Business

Meridian123Meridian123 Member Posts: 1

Hi Guys,
i have been using wave for a few years and was sad to see the news about non us customers.

However i only use wave to create invoices and estimates and use the export to PDF function- everything else is handled by my accounts team.

so am i correct in assuming that i can continue to use wave for my invoicing and does anybody know if that that will stop for non us customers also ?


edited March 30, 2021 in Using Wave


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    NunoNuno Member Posts: 3

    Hi @Meridian123

    I'm in same position as you I just use the app for invoices and PDF. I hope someone can reply to your question.

    Thank you,

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    Fiona_ZFiona_Z Member Posts: 1

    I'm wondering the same and would also like to know how this change affects the scanning of receipts as well.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Meridian123 @Nuno @Fiona_Z , although you can no longer create a business if you're located outside of the US and Canada, Wave will not be closing or restricting account access to users who already have businesses outside of these locations. With that being said, as it seems you all already have an account with Wave then you can continue to use it without interruption.

    Hope that helps clarify things!

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    NunoNuno Member Posts: 3

    Hi @AlexL

    Thank you so much for making this software free and for thanking your time to clarifying this for us. I can't put in words how much I appreciate it.

    Thank you again

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    GafoxGafox Member Posts: 1

    Does this mean that we will still be able to
    -send invoices by email?
    -download sales reports?
    -Register receipts?

    Thank you

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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Gafox !

    For more insight into this, please view our discussion posted here. I hope this helps.

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