
Move a bank account from Business to Personal?

JerryRJerryR Member Posts: 1

Hi all,

I am new to Wave. I'm unemployed due to COVID and have started to freelance.

I mistakenly imported my personal checking account to the business side of Wave. I I had already categorized all my unemployment income, and regular income from Jan to March before realizing I did it on the business side. Is there a way I can move this to the personal side? Or do I need to start all over?


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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @JerryR , welcome to Wave and I applaud you on pivoting directions during such a difficult time.

    I'm afraid that there's no way to automatically move this over and that it does need to be recreated on the Personal account side.

    edited December 29, 2020
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    AKTAKT Member Posts: 6

    That's cumbersome!

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