Exporting Vendors and Expense Transactions - Migration Wave to Zoho Books

ChalmersbtChalmersbt Member Posts: 3

Good Morning

I am currently undergoing the transition from Wave to Zoho books. I am using google sheets & wave connect to move the data across as specified by the migration guide.

I have however noticed that there is no option on google sheets via wave connect to download vendors and expense payments - will this be available to users in the near future or is there another way to approach this data via wave data export?

edited December 22, 2020 in Technical Support


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Chalmersbt , as it turns out, this isn't something that is offered in Wave Connect at the moment and it's not something that we'll be adding in the near future. Manually would be the only way to handle this at the moment or I'd question how much of this expense information you really need to have represented in your account. If you have the balances correct, do you need the Bills/Receipts?

    I do apologize if this inconveniences your current workflow.

  • ChalmersbtChalmersbt Member Posts: 3

    @AlexL - Thank you for the response!

    The reason I ask is due to the process of adding vendors and expenses to the zoho books platfrom - I have done a few tests to see if I would be able to move the information in a way that allows me to continue to review old information in the future in the case where Wave will no longer be available in South Africa.

    The expense information is fairly important in my opinion as this would be required to see if there is growth in the business. It seems the alternative is to enter in the balances for the accounts and continue as of the date of migration.

    We are currently by law supposed to keep 5 years of records of the business - we have been in operation since 2016 and started the accounting on Wave so from that perspective if would be important to have to have the records of the bills and receipts.

    There is also the unpaid bills to consider as our fiscal is in the end of February.

    I am hoping that this does becoming an export option as this would allow me to make an accurate transition to the new platform as recommended by the Wave team.

    Kind Regards

  • Chris_SHCC1Chris_SHCC1 Member Posts: 21

    Are we seriously saying Wave is not providing a true path for Expense transaction export? That is utterly ridiculous. Accounting records are required to be kept for 7 years. You cant just turn around and say "Oh well start afresh". It doesn't work that way.

    A proper export path is essential and the very least Wave can do after abandoning customers at short notice.

  • pillapilla Member Posts: 3

    i am also struggling to migrate from Wave to Zoho.Is there any other obtion to migrate but not losing any data.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @pilla !

    Wave offers a few options to export your data. Check them out below:

    If you have trouble importing your data into ZOHO, feel free to contact their support. I attached a link to their support page here.

    edited January 18, 2021
  • LuisaLuisa Member Posts: 3

    There is no way to export expense data from Wave to Zoho books which I find ridiculous. I can't believe that the above administrator would ask about the importance of keeping expense records as a business. Expenses are as important as invoices and income and are required to be kept by law. It is not a problem Zoho books import system if Wave do not even have a way to export expense data into CSV file. Wave should provide this after shutting down services to Europe etc at such short notice. I only just completed inputting all of my data into wave before it released the news that it would be closing its business to non US business. I went through the whole process of moving across to Zoho before realising that there was no expense option rendering it useless and wasting my time AGAIN. Wave really need to sort this out as an option.

  • LuisaLuisa Member Posts: 3

    Also there is absolutely NO SUPPORT in wave to see if they are planing to add this feature which they certainly should as they decided to close their business to non US businesses at such short notice.

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