Billed on my credit card for Waveapps

IanRIanR Member Posts: 2


I am a new user to Waveapps and was under the impression that the sales and accounting modules were free but I recently had an amount billed to my credit card. I don't use any of the transactional processing features such as accepting credit card payments so was wondering if anyone could advise me what this relates to please? Strangely i dont recall ever entering my credit card details in Wave and i also can't find anywhere where it is stored on my profile but the description on my credit card billing clearly says "Waves Inc Knoxvil". Any advice would be appreciated?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @IanR , this charge wouldn't be from us as all Wave charges appear with "WAVE - *" before the descriptor. While doing a quick google search I am seeing an e-commerce company appear with that info (Waves Inc Knoxville Tennessee).

  • IanRIanR Member Posts: 2

    Hi Alex my apologies you are correct. It turns out my wife used my card for an online purchase with that company.

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