
How do I change Notes / Terms for recurring invoices?

lagrecalagreca Member Posts: 3

I already have several recurring invoices, and I would like to change all the Notes / Terms. I thought going into settings, invoice customization, and changing the Default notes / terms would solve it, but new invoices do not reflect the changes.

I went to edit the recurring invoices, but can't find a way to change the notes /terms.


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    JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @lagreca !

    Great question. If you try to update your default notes/terms after you already activated a recurring invoice, it won't apply to the change to the existing active recurring invoices. Instead, only the new recurring invoices that are activated after the change will have the updated notes/terms. In this case, what you can do is "End" the current recurring invoice, duplicate it, and activate it again.

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