DUCA Financial services issue

GuysmoulderGuysmoulder Member Posts: 3


I'm new to using Wave and have noticed two things: first that DUCA financial services doesn't show up when trying to connect my bank account to Wave and wondering if that's an issue with Plaid?

Secondly, and this is more vital, that when I connect the credit card payout account by transit number, etc. another credit union shows up in place of DUCA (called Tandia). I called DUCA and they let me know that they own Tandia but they don't understand why that name is showing up.

Are there any issues on your end that could be causing this?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Guysmoulder , because we use a data aggregator to make these connections available to us, they don't support all financial institutions as they do have to establish an individual connection with each one. Often, credit unions and smaller institutions are not supported but our aggregator is always adding new connections so I'd encourage you to check back in the future.

    I'm happy you were able to add your details manually so you can still accept payment. Sometimes smaller credit unions will piggyback off the infrastructure of another financial institution so that they don't have to build their own systems from the ground up. If DUCA is telling you that they also own Tandia then it sounds to me like in this case they're also using their banking infrastructure to facilitate this connection. Absolutely nothing to worry about here!

  • h1234h1234 Member Posts: 1

    Hi @AlexL ,

    I was able to connect to my bank account at DUCA last year. Did you guys change something so that this is no longer possible? Do you think for accounts reconciliation I could connect to Tandia and it would download my DUCA account?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @h1234 , it's definitely possible that our data aggregator no longer supports Duca but that they once did. As it turns out, when it comes to bank connections you have to connect through your online banking directly to initiate an active connection. This means that although your credit union may use another bank for their infrastructure to move money, because we're scraping the information from your bank directly to import transaction info, we do need a connection to DUCA directly.

    edited April 22, 2021
  • MiraculaMiracula Member Posts: 4

    It worked until they did their big system update last year. Since then, crickets.

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