
How to delete "Liabilities & Credit Cards" (Credit Card)

FAIGFAIG Member Posts: 1

I was trying to link a CapitalOne account with not success. I had to import it. The import, imported completely wrong and I want to delete the newly created account from my "Chart of Accounts"


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    MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    As far as I know, I do not believe you can delete an account. You can however, archive. But, before you do that, you want to be sure to remove all the transactions from that account. Doing that is fairly simple. Go to Accounting/Transactions. Near the gray menu there is a drop down, select the Capital One. Now you should only be seeing the transactions from that account. Click select all and then delete. If you want to them all at once you may need to scroll down and click on load more transactions if they take up more than one page.
    FYI-you should be able to import the transactions via csv. Just be sure charges are positive numbers and payments are negative.

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