I can't update my business details

Hi guys, when I try to update my business details (in the invoice page) it raises this error. The request returns 4xx
Hi guys, when I try to update my business details (in the invoice page) it raises this error. The request returns 4xx
Hey @GuiCattani , what business details are you trying to update and what are you trying to change it to?
Let me know and I'd be happy to advise.
Hi Alex! I'm trying to update my country. The other fields work fine!
Same here when you change country says
Oops! There was an issue with updating your business information. Please try again.
Hey @GuiCattani , I actually touched on this exact issue in this thread. Is there any particular reason you're trying to change the country on your account?
Hey @AlexL, yes, my business is based on Brazil, is the system not intended for me then? Feels like an weird option to have if we can't update it
I've looked into the other thread and it kinda looks like you can't use it if you're not Canadian, so weird.
Hey @GuiCattani , we actually recently ended signups for users outside of Canada and the US which is why you're still seeing an option for Brazil. Unfortunately, that means that we don't support new signups for this area of the world.