What does reviewing a transaction do?

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageWhat does reviewing a transaction do?

The verify tool on the Transactions page allows you to separate your transactions into two statuses: verified, and unverified.
Think of verified transactions as complete transactions and unverified...

Read the full story here

edited December 19, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • ripekaripeka Member Posts: 7

    you shouldn't use different words for the same thing. Is it VERIFY a transaction or REVIEW? Are they the same things or differently? I am a new user of only 3 months so I am now totally confused.

  • SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ripeka, sorry about that, I definitely agree. In our older version of Wave, which we've almost finalized migrating people over from, used the term VERIFY. We swapped Verify for Review, as Verify carried connotations of performing an action on the transaction, rather than simply marking it as something you've already checked, which is why we changed over to Review instead.

  • VSB_GuyVSB_Guy Member Posts: 7

    The key issue is that sometimes not all transactions are imported and go missing. With the new reconciliation feature we can't find out until the end of the month; I do my bookkeeping weekly. . The old reconciliation feature allowed you to identify discrepancies immediately, not at the end of the month. Please bring it back!

  • ConnieConnie Member Posts: 5

    It would be really nice if I was able to download/print a list of all unverified transactions. Usually transactions remain unverified/unreviewed until I have received the appropriate receipt from my staff. It would be great to be able to prepare a report of all unreviewed transactions that I can use to track down missing receipts.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @VSB_Guy Thanks for your feedback on the reconciliation feature as it currently exists. This feature is one that is looking to be worked on through 2019 so you can expect to see new updates and features added to make the reconciliation process more robust. Other than being able to complete weekly reconciliations, would there be any other features in terms of reconciliation that you would add to a potential wishlist?

    @Connie when we are thinking of potential feature adds, we typically think how we would be able to add features that are broad enough to benefit many of our users on an industry basis. It seems as though the situation that you have explained is more of a business operation and I wonder how many other users may benefit from this sort of functionality. Before I can escalate this, I'd love to hear if there are any other users who would find a report like this useful and how they would be using it.

  • VSB_GuyVSB_Guy Member Posts: 7

    @JordanFromWave thanks for the response. Weekly reconciliation is all I need thanks. It's kind of strange that the feature was there and then removed... but I'm glad Wave is taking the feedback and acting upon it.

  • Lisa_AshbyLisa_Ashby Member Posts: 7

    It would be great if an audit log was incorporated with the review process

  • rocketrentalsrocketrentals Member Posts: 1

    Bring back the "Save and Mark as Reviewed" option please. Now after modifying the transaction, I need to click on it twice instead of once.

  • NickANickA Member Posts: 1

    Can you please bring back the "Hide Verified/Reviewed Transactions" button? It is now very difficult to use the Review functionality as a 'to-do' list as suggested if I need to scroll down indefinitely looking for transactions that have not yet been reviewed.

  • gabrieltomescugabrieltomescu Member Posts: 33 admin

    @NickA said:
    Can you please bring back the "Hide Verified/Reviewed Transactions" button? It is now very difficult to use the Review functionality as a 'to-do' list as suggested if I need to scroll down indefinitely looking for transactions that have not yet been reviewed.

    You can view your unreviewed transaction using the filters options. On the Transactions list, click on the "Filter" button. From the "All statuses" filters, select "Not reviewed". Then click "Apply" to view your transactions.

  • gabrieltomescugabrieltomescu Member Posts: 33 admin

    @rocketrentals said:
    Bring back the "Save and Mark as Reviewed" option please. Now after modifying the transaction, I need to click on it twice instead of once.

    When clicking on "Mark as reviewed" button from the transactions details panel, this both saves and marks the transaction as reviewed. So this is now just 1-click :)

    edited January 18, 2019
  • CliftonClifton Member Posts: 19 ✭✭
    Where is the register balance?
  • markl67markl67 Member Posts: 5

    Where's the "verify all" button/option? Now we have to mark as reviewed each transaction?

  • MarkusMarkus Member Posts: 18

    Looking pretty good, just got the upgrade. But can the Filter please be made to stick? Setting the filter to just show unverified transactions at every page visit is very time consuming. The old button version was a great feature in conjunction with the Default to be only to show the unverified transactions. That actually made it a great to-do list.

  • DagmarDagmar Member Posts: 2

    This does not help me much .

    I wish you could implement new tool where categories can be totalled up in a month or in a year.
    that is still missing !!

  • feder_josephfeder_joseph Member Posts: 3

    I dont want to scroll down and look for items that are not verified. before the update there was a way just to see what was not verified for later review. Is there a way to bring something like that back or a way to filter what we want to see so we dont have to scroll page to page to find things that are not verified.

  • feder_josephfeder_joseph Member Posts: 3

    Can we bring back the red color for debit transactions.. it was helpful

  • JonesJones Member Posts: 1

    This update is terrible when it comes to splitting transactions from the bank import. Previously when a cheque or cash transaction was imported from the bank you could split it and assign it to the relevant invoices that appeared in the transactions list. Even if you assign the customers to the bank import you can't merge the split amounts to the relevant invoice as you could previously. As many others have noted much preferred the "Hide Verified/Reviewed Transactions" button to using the filter

  • Dollydink01Dollydink01 Member Posts: 5

    Sorry, but once I've reviewed a transaction, how do I clear it from the transactions page, like we could on the previous version. I can't find a way to do so - I don't want pages and pages of transactions, I want to clear it from that screen. Can somebody please advise how I do this. Not liking this change at all at the moment - it's gone from so easy to so complicated over night.

  • Dollydink01Dollydink01 Member Posts: 5

    Also, am clicking on an imported receipt and the same bank transaction but the merge button doesn't highlight so that I can merge them together as per the previous version. This is not good - think it may be time to change to another accounting package.

  • feder_josephfeder_joseph Member Posts: 3

    Thanks for bringing the review and unreviewed page option back. This helps so i dont have to go searching and i can see it at a glance.. HAPPY!

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @Clifton The register (verified) balance on the transactions page is no longer available. You can always go to the Account Transactions report and sort by date/the specific account in order to find a detailed balance of certain transactions within that date range.

    @markl67 The purpose of the verify button is to ensure that the transaction has been properly categorized/edited to make sure that your accounting stays accurate, bringing a 'verify all' button on the transactions page might allow for some transactions that haven't been properly edited to slip through the cracks.

    @Markus Definitely appreciate the feedback here, and we will look at saving the filters section so it automatically starts off as not-reviewed as in our previous software -- we don't have any plans on a future roadmap to reimplement this feature.

    @Dagmar I just thought I would confirm with you here -- are you looking to have a detailed report of a specific category from the chart of accounts section? If so, you can find this under the Account Transactions report in Wave (you can adjust the date range to month/year)

    @feder_joseph You should be able to select the 'filter' option on the transactions page and click on 'Statuses' for Reviewed/Not Reviewed -- this should help filter out the transactions you are needing (or not) to work on. No plans to bring red back for expense transactions, just remember that expense = black, income = green and blue is for journal entries.

    @Jones In terms of transaction splitting. Let's say you receive a lump sum payment for all of the invoices that you sent out to clients -- when you are splitting that transaction, you will have the option to categorize as a 'payment receive from invoice number #1' and so on. You can also assign the amount to a customer for each individual split.

    @Dollydink01 For your transactions -- you will need to click on the 'Filter' option and then go to Statuses and select 'Not Reviewed' for all the reviewed transactions to no longer show up on your list. As for the Receipts section -- in order for the receipt transaction that was automatically processed and the expense transaction that comes from your bank account to be merged -- they need to be associated with the same payment account, as well as the same amount of money. If these are, please post a screenshot or send me a DM so I can take a further look into this

  • markl67markl67 Member Posts: 5

    @JamieD "bringing a 'verify all' button on the transactions page might allow for some transactions that haven't been properly edited to slip through the cracks." I appreciate the response, but the verify all option was in the previous version. Why take options away?

  • vathimanvathiman Member Posts: 2

    What was wrong with VERIFIED vs UNVERIFIED?
    Worse still, a whole bunch of transactions from more than 6 months ago have now appeared as UNREVIEWED and showing "Choose a Category" - they were all coded correctly and Verified at the time and I can't now go back and remember what all these transactions were - there are hundreds! What a MESS! I need help with a fix asap.
    Or do you simply want everyone to move to Xero, Kashflow or Quickbooks?

  • EmotionalHealthLtdEmotionalHealthLtd Member Posts: 9

    This 'update' has been very confusing and was done with no warning or explanation. Its taken me a while to work it out and I'm still not sure. I know its free and we should not expect support but could you send an advance email next time and do proper documentation of all changes

  • jaxz22jaxz22 Member Posts: 1

    Why have you take the verified transactions balance from the transactions page. Please bring it back this was very useful

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @vathiman, I can shed some insight here. In the previous version of Wave, you could save a transaction as Verified, doing so without selecting a category. We respect that it was a convenient loophole of sorts, however it's not a sound bookkeeping practice (how can you consider a transaction reviewed/verified if you haven't actually assigned a category to it?). I respect that this previous workflow had some specific benefits, but the updated workflow was established--by design--to make it easier to maintain error-free books.

  • wan_khalilwan_khalil Member Posts: 1

    Where is the verify all button? I heard developer hate to press Shift button cause it would take extra effort.
    Then why you let us to click reviewed every transactions? thousands of it.

    Ridiculously bad GUI.

    *from part time web programmer

  • Wavemike1944Wavemike1944 Member Posts: 8

    Terrible confusing now, invoices to credit was sooooo easy before and now I dont know what to do. Pleaseeeeee, Bring back the second button and please change crediting invoices and red sales invoices as was before, it was beautiful and clear at a glance which ones are paid and which invoices are not paid. Why why why did you change this beautiful systhem the invoices to that what you got now which nobody understands when using it for renting appartments. Please bring back at least the second button to at east be able to easy credit again by the invoice number.
    Mike Werner

  • JustinAJustinA Member Posts: 37 admin

    @wan_khalil Thanks for getting in touch, apologies for the confusion around verify all. If you select all the relevant transactions then click 'Edit' in the header you will see a bulk verify option.

    Hopefully this helps,

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