Changing invoice number

I would like to change my invoice number to the new year. I can't find this option in any setting. I can change it manually, but it won't stick to the following invoice.
I would like to change my invoice number to the new year. I can't find this option in any setting. I can change it manually, but it won't stick to the following invoice.
Wave will always go up from the highest invoice number you've used, @Remco. If you're using a smaller number than the one for your highest numbered invoice, it won't work. You can work around it by adding a prefix to your invoice number. So if you use "2018 - 001" as a number, it should reset your invoice numbers and have future invoices follow that new pattern.
Thanks, that work-around worked like a dream.
IT will be good if Wave can introduce introduce numbering sequences for various documentations e.g. in running number. Example INV1801
Invoice INV1801
8invoice based on INV1801, INV1802 and so forth. Same for other documentations.
Hi, @Kenj.
This is already how invoices and estimates work. What other kinds of entries would you like to see numbered automatically this way?
I have to manually input each invoice number, they don't self number?
Hi, @Roy.
They do. The number is always going to follow-up the highest invoice number you've ever used. This is to make sure there's no duplication. The invoice number should appear automatically here:
Are you seeing something different on your account? If so, could you share a screenshot? It'll give me a better idea of what might be happening.
Thanks for your email Alexia. I see the same 'invoice box' my end, however they do not self calculate, I manually do this. Is there a way of re-setting?
Hi, @Roy.
What do you use as a format for your invoice numbers? I wonder if a specific character you could be using might interact with our automated numbering. Can you share what you use as a numbering scheme?
Hi Alexia,
Invoice format example: 040715224. The 224 represents the invoice number. Do I need to include a hyphen in the invoice number as in the example you sent previously?
Thank you.
Hi, @Roy.
Following that format, Wave should just add 1 to that number every time. So following your example, the next invoice should just be "040715225", assuming no other invoice has a higher number.
If the first part of that number is a date, Wave won't be able to generate it automatically. It'll always want to create the next invoice as the invoice with the biggest number yet. Having a hyphen would make it so Wave would only see "224" as the invoice number, and the rest as a prefix to leave alone.
If the first part of your invoice is always the same, it might still be worth trying a format with a hyphen. It would reset the sequence and start counting up. So if your new number is 040715 - 225, the next one should be 040715 - 226.
Let me know if that helps out.
Thanks Alexia, sounds like a fix to me.. will let you know.
Hi Alexia
Just a quick message to say it worked and to thank you so much for all your help!!
Much appreciated
Fantastic! More than happy to hear it! Have a great weekend, @Roy!
Hi there! I have a question along these lines. Every time I start a new invoice, it starts at 300. I think at some point I did an invoice that was #299, but then (because it was a new business name) I decided to go back to #100. So now I'm at invoice #122, but it wants to default to #300. Is there a way to bring it back, or am I stuck at #300 until I reach #301? Thank you!
Hi, @amyandersoncrafts.
Your invoices will always be automatically numbered as one higher than the highest invoice number on your account. This is to prevent duplicate invoice numbers, which can cause all kinds of accounting confusion.
My recommendation is to add a prefix to your invoice numbers from now on. If you do so, Wave will continue the sequence in that new format. So for example, you could use "2018 - 122". If you did, your next invoice would be numbered "2018 - 123", and so on.
I'd like having invoice number like this:
Prefix, full date of that day, number of the invoice at that day. If there's another invoice on that dayl it would be INV-20182307-2. Next day, it would become INV-20182407-1...
Is that possible to set up some way?
Hi, @MikeB.
No, it isn't. The sequence, as it stands, only goes up by one every new invoice. There isn't currently a way to include the date automatically as part of that number. If you'd like your invoice number to reflect the date, you'll have to enter it manually, resetting the sequence every time you do.
The date does appear elsewhere on your invoice. Is this formatting just a personal preference, or is it required by some of your clients?