[Video] Attaching receipts to transactions in Wave

This video will walk you through the importance of maintaining records of your receipts for accounting purposes, as well as how you can attach receipts to your transactions in Wave.
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Terrible change!
You just aren't listening to your customer base. It's a shame you've made the process more difficult.
This new process does not create a positive behavior habit. Instead it causes the same issues you say you're to replace: holding on to receipts in boxes.
When we receive a receipt we don't want to save it - we want to put it in the system immediately. The previous app's process allowed us to take a picture the moment the transaction was complete. No lost receipts or boxes holding them.
This new system requires the banking syncs or transactions uploads to be completed prior to being able to attach a receipt to a transaction. Meaning receipts will be kept in .......you guessed it "BOXES"
In terms of human psychology this means we have to create a box system (exactly what you're saying you're trying to avoid) to hold onto the receipts and then take time later, to scan them in with a 5 step process rather than a 2 step process.
Previous process:
1) Take a photo of receipt with receipt app
2) Mere receipt with appropriate transaction
New Process:
1) Take photo
2) Transfer to computer (if people even know how - upload to cloud, email to ourselves - super complicated)
3) Ensure transactions have synced
4) Match receipts saved in box to transaction in list
5) upload to transaction
Doesn't make sense at all, unless a new feature is closely behind to scan from phones directly into the transactions to merge later.
This change was obviously created by an engineer and leadership trying to find ways to reduce server load and not a customer experience designer looking to make the whole experience (from transaction to accounting) better.
My business' mission is to "help businesses succeed" and this mean looking beyond just what we do and be holistic. Please look beyond the narrow scope of bookkeeping.
Bookkeeping starts at the point of sale and making sure all the right information and or assets (like receipts) are treated properly and lead to accurate books.
Seriously you hid my original comment?
This new process is more complicated and took a 2 step process and turned it into a 5 step process.
Old Process:
1) Take photo of receipt at POS
2) Merge with appropriate transaction as they sync
New Process:
1) Save Receipt in Box
2) Ensure transactions sync'd for receipts in the box
3) Take photo
4) Upload to computer
5) Attach to appropriate transaction
This is not easier and does not create the positive behaviors you're platform should be creating. The process deliberately causes receipts to be kept in a box and potentially lost.
This is MUCH more complicated than previous. The old process actually interpreted the scan of the receipt (quite well). This feature is a bit useless.
This is not a new feature, it's a roll back to 2005 era of finance management. C'mon Wave, we've been friends for the last 4 years,you can't do this to me.
WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ADDRESS THE SITUATION? Obviously this makes everyone mad and you will lose users.
I'm giving Wave THREE weeks to bring back the OCR, otherwise I will permenantly switch to a competitor.
Please make Transactions part of the Invoicing App so I don't have to go through the Web Page on my phone. This new process is much more complicated.
Fact. I lumped all that together with "Ensure transactions are sync'd". This gives me a reason to change platforms to align with my accountant/bookkeeper - as until now I've been forcing them to use Wave.
This seems to be an engineering/leadership forced change rather than a customer experience change. A User Experience Designer would think beyond the platform and outline the entire receipt process from point-of-sale to merging with a journal entry. This change definitely does not take all of that into account.
I really don't understand how can you guys completely ignore all these users complaining against this change!!? At least be transparent with your customers and explain the real reasoning behind this decision because it is clearly not an improvement to the user experience, it's exactly the opposite!
This sucks. This is not an improvement. You’ve made the process worse and more complicated, while at the same time, removing one of the best things about Wave.
The way Wave tries to make this seem like an improvement is laughable. Going to be switching to Sunrise in the new year. Maybe sooner after having to input so many more transactions by hand.
Yep, at least 10 more steps than before. Thanks
Please bring back the previous receipts workflow immediately, or some kind of bulk upload and OCR. This current rollback has immediately and effectively destroyed waveapps. Worst yet, this rollback has ruined our ability to do our bookkeeping, and we have to make a very quick decision to switch to another platform before transactions build up.
I have 102 receipts that have not been processed.
The current method of manually uploading 1 receipt per transaction takes about 20 to 30 seconds per receipt if our internet is good and we're focused. This would be 51 hours (7 dedicated business days) of repeating the procedure 102 times. We would then have to do this every month.
I think you mean 51 minutes... `1 min = 2 x 30sec | So 102/2 = 51min (When focused of course.)
Ah you are right haha! My bad. That did sound crazy. This is probably acceptable to some companies.
Not us. What if we're busier or we're scaling up?
We are ditching waveapps.
Old method with app:
1-Take picture
2-Complete two drop-down boxes of information
3-Click the post button
New method:
1-Take picture
2-Transfer the picture to your computer
3-Click Acccounting
4-Click Transactions
5-Click Add Expense
6-Manually complete date that used to be picked up via OCR
7-Manually complete description that used to be picked up via OCR
8-Manually complete amount that used to be picked up via OCR
9-Complete two drop-down boxes of information
10-Click on Receipt tab
11-Import image
12-Click save
Tell me again how this is making things "easier than ever?"
A B S O L U T E . R U B B I S H ! !
We are actively pursuing another vendor. ((WAVING GOODBYE TO WAVE))
For me (and perhaps I have been purchasing things all wrong), I get a receipt at the point of purchase. I then immediately scan it into my mobile app - quick, easy, super convenient. Then, some time later, the matching financial transaction appears at my bank. Or if these are for reimbursements (as almost all of our purchases are), they never show up at my bank... they simply show up as a liability. So... this new feature is worthless and cumbersome and not at all an improvement for us. I really loved Wave... I recommended it to countless people and now you've turned a HUGE supporter into a vocal detractor.
Bring back the app and the OCR or make the bank sync faster so I don't need to wait 3 days to upload my receipt tp my transaction. This is terrible!
Even if you don’t want to pay for the OCR technology, why ditch the app completely? Or charge a fee for use of the OCR and/or app. Now there is no way to capture receipts to process later and it is much harder for clients to digitize their receipt for bookkeepers to work on later. This new design really sucks and makes things so much harder.
This is a terrible idea. I really hope the person who made this call is fired. The ability to upload a picture via the app was the only feature I truly loved about Wave. Moving on to Quickbooks.
That is a major step back. Bad enough for me to make a switch to another platform next month if you guys are not planning to bring back the old system. The receipt app was simply amazing really. The new method is very time consuming, complicated quite a lot and frustrating for someone that have been using the receipt app or even for someone new to wave. Not sure why a business would make that type of downgrade and expect people to go with it.
Receipts app is what got me into your ecosystem, your abandonment of it is what is going to take me out. I agree with every single comment on this post to date which have all said the change makes things much harder and it in no way is in the interest of your users.
Losing the reading receipts feature is a huge blow. When I log into Waves on my mobile from Chrome, it logs me out every time and I have to re-login. I'm always on the go when I purchase something, so having to stop, log in, write in the details, and attach the receipt, SUCKS.
I get why you changed this up, but please reverse the decision!
Unfortunately, the new way of doing receipts is not an improvement, please bring back the old system.
Can anyone can suggest another program that has a similar receipts feature that Wave previously had? Even if it's a paid feature, would definitely consider switching.
Trying out quickbooks as we speak. Would be willing to pay for a receipts feature but can't wait for wave to pivot.