Feature Idea: Tipping on Invoice

The biggest thing keeping me from converting to Wave for invoicing and payment processing is the inability to allow the customer to add a tip to their invoice. Paypal offers this feature and it is AMAZING for people who invoice for hourly work or services. Any thoughts on this?
Hi, @bbizzle.
While Wave doesn't do it automatically, your clients can overpay an invoice if they wish to give you tip. You can then retroactively edit the invoice to make sure the extra amount is allocated to the right category.
That being said, it is an interesting suggestion and I'd love to hear a bit more about your business! What field are you in? Is tipping common?
I am in a similar situation i was using Yardbooks for invoicing which has an option for customers to leave a tip by clicking one of five choices before finalizing their payment. They can click "no tip", 5%, 8%, 10% or 20%. Personally i would have liked the option to change the percentage amount of 8% to 15%. Over all a quarter of my customers when i switched from QuickBooks to Yardbooks tipped typically 10% but around holidays it was common to recieve a 20% tip. It wasn't til the in the face option to tip was given i never recieved a tip or overpayment on an invoice.
I am in the pet care industry providing both pet sitting and also recurring pet waste cleaning (poop scooping).
Thanks for the feedback and the additional information, @Wulf!
Hi, @heavyj.
I'd love to hear a bit more from you. Can you tell me what kind of business you operate? Is tipping common in your field?
I run a remote music mixing, mastering and production studio. Tipping is frequently given when for production work which is the majority of what I do. I still am not using wave for invoicing because this feature still hasn't been implemented.
Hi, @bbizzle.
That's awesome! Thank you for following, I'll pass your feedback along to our product team.
Hi! I'm trying to set up my salon, I am a hairstylist and tips are a HUGE important factor in our lives. This would include a big swath of service industries including any and all salon/spa/nails/eyelash/esthetician/etc. I have searched and can only send out an invoice with a finished amount billed. There is no way to have it say, "subtotal" then below that an income type that is called "tip" with a blank entry field for the customer to enter an amount. Then once it is entered and the customer hits submit, a "Final Total" would be charged to the card which includes the tip! Please, please, please fix this or I will have to delete my new account tomorrow and go elsewhere. CAN ANYONE SUGGEST WHICH SOFTWARE I SHOULD USE if Wave can't help?
I really wanted to use this software because it is well rated, however, this is a major oversight in invoicing.
Can you all code this quickly?
Hi, @RockingLocks,
No, there isn't currently a way to handle tip in this way through Wave. Your clients can, however, pay more than the total on your invoice. You can then consider this extra income as a tip.
I understand that this is a necessary feature for your business, but I can't guarantee it's one that will be added to Wave in the near future. With that said, I'm more than happy to share your feedback with our product team.
I would recommend Square as you can add a register at the counter of the salon. Also, the physical card processing fees at least in the states are less verses most online options. I believe they also have appointment scheduling as an option.
I own an event staffing company, tipping is standard in this service industry. When I send my clients their invoices with Wave there is not an option for them to manually enter an amount they wish to tip. I can't add an amount myself, directly to the invoice because tipping is not a mandatory charge, it's an option and there is no set amount.
When I Invoice my clients I would LOVE for them to have the option to add a gratuity themselves. I've tried explaining that they can overpay their invoice and the overpayment would be considered a tip for their staff but it's confusing and they just won't do it. They see $100.00 due, so they pay what's due. If there was a button or line option that said "add a tip", then they would.
Example: I send the Miller Party their invoice for $100.00 due for bartending services. If there was an additional line under the make payment line where they could "add a tip" then they could type in $25.00 and it would show their new total payment as being $125.00. Does that make sense?
@5starkristin Hey there! I definitely agree that this would be a nice feature to have for sure, as it's something that we are currently exploring with our Payroll software (employers adding tips to an employees timesheet/paystub). I can pass along your request to our product team to find out if this is something that's feasible for us/could be implemented into a roadmap for the future. Although maybe not ideal, but have you considered adding an auto-grat of, let's say 15% on your invoice? Just a thought!
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for your response. An auto gratuity doesn't really apply in my business, unfortunately. It's really up to the client the amount they would like to tip.
While it's a good idea, letting the client add the tip directly to the staff paychecks sounds like a hassle, honestly. At some events I have up to 10 staff working. So, that client would have to go in and tip 10 people separately. Something I'm sure they won't take the time to do. You really have to make it as simple for them as possible.
A feature that allows them to add a tip in one lump sum, to their Invoice balance would be best. Maybe when the amount due comes up, there could be a line or button near it that says "add a tip" and they can enter in the amount they want and it adds it to the total payment?
Great suggestion @5starkristin! I can make sure your suggestion goes to our Product Team along with the feature request @JamieD created!
YES!! I am considering leaving Wave at the end of the year to find a company that has a tipping option on the invoice. I am also in the event industry - Photo Booth.
I would really love to see a tip option on invoices. I have been using PayPal so I can have that function, but I love the platform of Wave. If there were tipping available in Wave I wouldn't need to use PayPal.
Yardbooks allows for tips the customer clicks the pay now button and a pop up bubble gives them a fee options to select first. Another option would be to add and blank field under the amount owed that a customer could manually enter. followed by another field with the total of the two below.
Thanks for the suggestion @Wulf (and the screenshot). I agree that this would be a really great feature to implement, and the interface provided is straightforward. I've seen similar tipping interfaces on Square's POS products. I'm going to submit this to our Product Team as well.
in every business payments made via banking channel so in wave invoices no any bank details collum added .. so please this features as soon as possible because i have to give bank details via personal message so add bank details in wave invoicing..
thanks in advance
dinesh sitapara
(professional accountant)
@DineshSitapara you can include your banking details in the notes or the footer section of the invoice. This should achieve the same result!
@Alexia "your clients can overpay an invoice if they wish to give you tip. You can then retroactively edit the invoice to make sure the extra amount is allocated to the right category." - Can you explain a bit more about how to allocate the overpayment to the right category? I provide virtual assistance and my clients love to tip.
Hey @sbrightma, essentially when paying, customers have the option to edit the amount paid (it will default to full, but in cases in which they are partially or bulk paying they enter their own value for payment). It is a bit of a workaround I should note, especially depending on the method of payment. So if you're receiving funds directly through Wave/Stripe, the invoice is going to show as Overpaid and that a negative amount is left owing. So, you'd want to head to that specific invoice, select edit, and add a new line item called something like Tip. You'd then enter the exact value of the 'overpayment', which would close out the invoice as fully paid.
I'd actually recommend creating Tip as a line item in Sales and Services, and generate a payment account specifically for tips called Tips. This way you can track the amount you make in tips separately, and depending on how you report your tips, exclude it from overall profit bookkeeping.
Tipping On Invoice Would Be Amazing
I think it should be a feature offered.
It would appeal to a whole host business demographics and drive up revenue for wave and their clients. It's a win-win.
How come this is still not implemented in 2019? There are so many service companies that need this feature as an absolute minimum requirement... Maids, Salons, Coffee & Bars, restaurants, gardeners, painters, plumbers, etcetera.... This is blocking to switch to Wave...
Thank you everyone for your comments and feedback on this feature. All of your comments have helped us understand this use case better. At this time, Tipping is not on the near term roadmap but it has been added to the list of features to be evaluated by the product team in future planning. A customer can overpay an invoice (and you can bookkeep the difference after correctly), and you could use the notes on the invoice to help do the calculation for them so it's easy to enter a new amount.
I'm a full time photographer, and I rely on tips to recover some of the credit card processing fees. What prevents me from completely switching from square to Wave, like many other brought up in this thread, is the lack of tipping option. Most service oriented business rely a lot on tipping: nobody will ever "overpay" an invoice, to me that's a really silly suggestion. But on the other hand having an automatic 15% 20% or %25 tip option psychologically helps customer to naturally reward businesses who offered a great service (such a common thing for hair salon, photographers, make-up artists, etc ).
I can't believe such a basic business function is still missing.
I love everything else about Wave though!
@creativeshot Hey Chris, thanks for reaching out! I completely get where you're coming from on this. Our Invoice feature is currently going under a huge over haul and there are big updates coming. One of our potential updates is the ability to add tips and deposits directly to invoices. I can't say for sure when this feature will be implemented, but I just want to you know that we are listening and we are devoted to creating the most optimum product for our users!
I also well would LOVE to have the tip function, or I am going to have to find something else to use. I a ma personal chef and clients currently don't think about a tip because there is no function for it. Yes, as you stated they can over pay the invoice, but they don't know that. It seems rude for me to send them an email and say hey... so i make sure to get me tip from you, here is how you do it. Surprised this hasn't been implemented before on this platform.
Hey @eikendall. Fair enough, and I totally understand where you're coming from here. Tips are something that we are exploring to add in the quarter when we are improving our Sales Services (invoicing, etc). While I can't provide too many details or a specific ETA, the tipping feature is being discussed shortly, and once we have a more solid idea on whether or not this will be added, we will post/share in this thread.