
Feature Request- Recurring Bills

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Feature Request- Recurring Bills.


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    Zeyad BinSanadZeyad BinSanad Member Posts: 0

    How do I create a Recurring Bills? such as monthly rental Bills or monthly mobile bill..etc

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi Zeyad! At this time, recurring bills are not possible to create. You'd need to enter a bill each month in order to record such a transaction.

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    miamia Member Posts: 4

    I have been trying out Wave accounting for a short time. I just thought I didn't understand how to enter my recurring bills yet and wondering why it was so hard to figure out. OH WOW, what? - not available?? Recurring bills is a basic, repetitive, monthly accounting task. No need to recreate the wheel each month. Those things need to be on auto-pilot. Any plans to add this very basic feature?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @mia.

    Adding recurring bills isn't currently on our roadmap, but if you'd be interested in discussing how this feature would affect you and make your life easier, I encourage you to read this post and start a thread under the Wave Features category.

    We'd love to hear more about how this feature would affect the workflow of your particular business.

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    HeavenCoreHeavenCore Member Posts: 0

    Hi there,

    Having to create monthly bills is a time-sink, things such as Accounting & Broadband are the same very month, if we could arrange for bills to be created automatically it would be a big time saver.



    edited April 17, 2018
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    AndréKochAndréKoch Member Posts: 17

    great idea :smile: this would be more valuable to me than a repeating invoice.

    edited March 28, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @HeavenCore and @AndréKoch. Thank you for your feedback!

    While I can't guarantee this will be implemented, I can tell you that your ideas are a significant factor in how we choose what to do next for Wave. So again, thank you for taking the time to share this.

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    graemethomasgraemethomas Member Posts: 3

    this would be a great feature to be implemented.

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    dvstndvstn Member Posts: 1

    Recurring bills would indeed be very handy here as well.

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    YodaYoda Member Posts: 1

    I run a very small business (so far) and any invoicing I do so far is all one-off, custom quotes, so I don't have a lot of use for the recurring invoicing (yet). But I do have about a dozen bills that are due every month just to keep the doors open, regardless of whether or not we sell anything. Of those bills, 9 or 10 are always the same amount, for example, my rent is going to be the same monthly amount, due on the same day each month, for the next 2 1/2 years until I renew my lease. Similarly, my internet circuits, timekeeping software, dropbox storage, liability insurance, etc. are all due monthly, on different days, for the same amount. Some auto-debit and some don't.
    I have a monthly forecast, but in some lean months I need to constantly cross-reference between that and the waveapp to see what's due in the next few days and if my income stream will cover it or if i need to move money in from my personal account until receipts catch up.
    The couple of recurring bills that I write checks for are actually easier to deal with than the auto-debits. Once I write the check, I see it outstanding, and my actual available balance in wave (vs. the higher balance in my bank portal, because they don't know I've written the check). At a minimum, if I could set up recurring bills and match them to posted transactions like I do with checks, I'd be quite happy. It would also be nice to have a mechanism to flag which ones are set up as auto-debit and which ones I have to write checks for (and a space to note check #, once written, or a way to merge the pending check, then the cleared check).


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    VaRueVaRue Member Posts: 0

    This seems like a pretty simple and quick feature to add in and I've noticed quite a few people asking about it. Unfortunately, this is a deal breaker for my business because I don't have the time to focus on entering in 15 bills every few weeks. I'll be looking for other options in the meantime. Thank you

    edited April 17, 2018
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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi everyone.

    Thank you for adding your voice to this discussion. I'll make sure to forward this feedback to the appropriate team.

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    nightideasnightideas Member Posts: 1

    This feature is a MUST and I've been waiting for Wave to implement for years!

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    UnWriteTheRulesUnWriteTheRules Member Posts: 3

    I've only been using WaveApps since January, and I'm already fed up with re-entering my recurring bills each month :(

    I really love everything else, and I noticed you have the functionality for recurring invoices so hopefully it's not too difficult?

    It would make a HUGE difference to the usefulness of the software/app.

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    Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    Hear, hear! Please add recurring bills to the plan for 2018. @Alexia

    When they are added (I'm optimistic!), please add some logic to have them auto-match with bank statements and a simple workflow for approving them. Fuzzy logic would be ideal, because many recurring bills (e.g. utilities and mobile phone) will tend to vary slightly in cost from month to month.

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    SpiffSpiff Member Posts: 1

    Hey Wave, First you guys rock.
    Second can you please add this to the feature list. This would greatly improve the user experience.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks, everyone, for adding to the discussion!

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    wlcwlc Member Posts: 2

    Please consider adding this feature, it would be a great time saver and addition to an already great product!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your feedback, @wlc!

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    lesquamloonlesquamloon Member Posts: 9

    I'll chime in here and state that this is a feature I've been surprised not to have been a given from the start, in basic setup. I know you have a lot on your timeline and that premium stuff gets prioritized....

    While this is all in my imagination, my fear is that you might think of Bill Pay as a new premium feature to the neglect of allowing those of us with a Bill Pay already in place at our banks a way to reflect those transactions in Wave.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for your feedback, @lesquamloon.

    Our team at Wave HQ are absolutely committed to providing quality tools for free. I can also tell you that there are no plans to lock quality of life updates to the free modules of Wave behind a paywall. Wave is, first and foremost, a free software. If you're curious to find out a bit more about what we're working on right now, you can find some of our upcoming plans here. We're also working hard to finish migrating all of our users to the new version of Wave.

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    poetnprophetpoetnprophet Member Posts: 2

    I would really like to see recurring BILLS! Why that is not standard is so confusing. Rent, utilities, website fees, insurance, storage, security, internet, software licenses.....just imagine having to input that every single month for every single one every single time, plus add the payment info? Just typing that statement is pretty frustrating, actually.

    I've only been using Wave for 1 week, love every single thing about it except this part. I tried Quickbooks, Freshbooks, Zoho, OneUp, and a few others. Wave is by far the best and most feature-rich and easy to use experience....but they ALL have recurring bills setup.

    Come on....please?????

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @poetnprophet! Thanks for the feedback!

    I can't make any promises as to whether or not this feature will be added to Wave, but we are paying attention to feedback from our Wavers. That feedback is an important factor in how we choose what to build next, so again, thank you for taking the time to provide yours.

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    PennyPenny Member Posts: 2

    Yes Please!

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    ronron Member Posts: 1

    Please add recurring billing. It's a much needed feature for bills that need to be paid every month (rent, internet, retainers, hosting, cell phones, etc)

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you both for adding to this discussion!

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    KaranjaKaranja Member Posts: 1

    Definitely making it easier to add bills should be a priority. Recurring bills make it easier to deal with standard expenses.

    At the very least make it easier to duplicate a bill with perhaps the current date that would only require a change in the line figures if at all needed but the vendor and line items would be the same.

    For example rent would be a consistent figure whereas telephone bill may vary slightly. So duplicating the bill captures all the data: vendor, products/services, accounts and leaves me the option to tweak the amounts or post it as is.

    It is not realistic to assume that I shall have a receipt for every bill for upload

    edited June 18, 2018
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    DanniiBDanniiB Member Posts: 1

    I'm spending my weekend updating all of my recurring bills for the coming financial year. Even if its just a 'duplicate' function for recurring bills would be so much easier for small businesses. But ultimately, being able to have something that's allocated as a 'monthly expense' would just be awesome and assist with cutting down my bookkeeping time.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @Karanja and @DanniiB!

    I'll make sure to forward your feedback to the right team. You make good points and making your lives as business owners smoother is what we strive towards. Your feedback helps us do that better!

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    CDMCDM Member Posts: 2

    It's fantastic having all our book keeping records in one on-line place, but it defeats the purpose to have to manually enter common recurring bills every month. Does anyone know a "hack" or trick I can use to solve this problem? Not having this feature is a major turn-away for me, so I'd love to hear of a solution before looking for another accounting platform. Thanks!

    edited July 6, 2018
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