
Feature Request- Recurring Bills



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    DanieBesterDanieBester Member Posts: 2

    Recurring Bills will save a lot of time, not having to create bills for recurring monthly expenses. We would love you guys even more if you add it!

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    WillHWillH Member Posts: 5

    I've been following this issue for over a year and still can't believe that recurring bills/expenses are not yet an option in Wave.

    Because of this missing basic feature, I use Wave for one thing and one thing only: for invoicing my customers who pay for the same set service each month. I handle everything else in iBiz/iBank.

    With iBank I can set up a recurring expense (internet service, office rental, etc.) and then forget it. They appear on the same days each month and are paid for by direct debit to each provider. I just run a report and send it all to my accountant.

    How is it possible in 2019 that one of the most basic of accounting features - recurring bills/expenses - is still not considered by Wave to be of any importance to its users?

    Seriously, what world do the developers live in?

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    RealtechRealtech Member Posts: 1

    It's been over a year now since I've been tracking this scenario of not having billing. The thing is I love Wave but without this feature. The total offering of the product doesn't come full circle. I shouldn't have to use a seperate system just for this. If you guys can have recurring invoicing. Then it should be that much easier to setup Recurring billing. Do you guys just not care or what ? Because the longer this goes without someone addressing it the more it seems like you all just don't care and I would hate to think that.

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    ianrandmckenzieianrandmckenzie Member Posts: 4

    I am a paying customer (via the % you take off of my customers paying me) and I would very much like to see this feature added. I, too, am very confused about why this hasn't been added yet. Is there a stubborn developer on the team or something? Yikes!

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    gcphotogcphoto Member Posts: 3

    Just adding my voice to this - would love this feature!

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    daxvillanuevadaxvillanueva Member Posts: 1


    As a small business, being able to save time when doing accounts is important to me and having to enter the same set of expenses each month is really something that could be automated. Please!!!

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    ManiMani Member Posts: 82 ✭✭✭

    We appreciate the continued advocacy for this functionality. There are no new updates to provide from what was discussed earlier on this thread. We continue to look at how this may fit into our roadmaps given our existing priorities, our technology investments, and the spread of user needs we hear about. We're balancing for both what we already provide and must support, and what new functionality people are seeking to maximize the value Wave could drive for them.

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    Crocker1Crocker1 Member Posts: 1

    Guys, I love your software. But, this feature is a must. As my businesses (notice the plurality of that word) grow I have to look to automation more and more. There is only one of me and as you know businesses have lots of expenses. With many of them recurring! This concept seems like a no brainer to implement from my perspective. So I am surprised that the feature is not already available. You have already forced me to move two of my companies to the quickbooks platform for various reasons. Where I am happy to pay for the added functionality. Which I'm happy to pay more at wave if they had this functionality. However, this ineptitude in this specific aspect is starting to force me to heavily consider moving the remainder of my businesses over to Quickbooks. I like your software, but I need the basic automation that a platform like yours is kind of expected to offer. I don't know how many others have this problem. I suspect many, but I know my current position is forcing me to part ways unless you can over come this basic conceptual hurdle.

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    KatieMFritzKatieMFritz Member Posts: 3

    Another vote for this. I want to get more serious about budgeting, and monthly bills would really help with that (almost all my bills are the same amount each month). I might end up leaving for Xero or some other service, even though I like Wave's interface better overall.

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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Crocker1 and @KatieMFritz I totally hear you guys; having a recurring bills feature would be really great! I'm unsure if you saw Mani's update on the last page, but it's worth noting that we built a duplicate bill tool which allows you to quickly duplicate an existing bill to save the time creating it. I know it's not the same level of automation as a recurring tool, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention just in case it helps save you some time in your day-to-day tasks!

    edited April 18, 2019
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    ClickClick Member Posts: 1

    We consume a lot of Internet services every month, all of which are billed automatically on the same day of the month. Having to enter these amounts manually is a real show-stopper for us. We just started using Wave and frankly, we're already considering jumping ship for lack of this very basic feature. When does Wave plan on offering this?

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    jdeanjdean Member Posts: 4

    Just throwing in my vote for a recurring bill feature. It would save me time to automate the process of paying recurring monthly bills from contractors. Thanks.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Just dropping in to thank you for your feedback and reiterate that we understand this feature is in demand and a matter of needing to reduce simple, repetitive tasks. In the meantime, as others have said, you can duplicate existing bills. Thanks again for your patience and for your contributions. We're committed to updating you as we have news to share.

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    CreativeCreative Member Posts: 1

    Eagerly awaiting the implementing of this!

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    ralexandreralexandre Member Posts: 1

    When I use the Duplicate Bill feature, the Expense Category from the original bill is not retained in the new copy ... anyone else found this to be the case?

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    scott_from_sm0tionscott_from_sm0tion Member Posts: 1

    Just wanted to add my voice to the requests for a recurring bills function. I love Wave and for creating estimates and invoices its great. But for tracking income/outgoings, if you can't put in recurring bills, like software subscriptions, thats very tedious. It's the first thing i've looked for since setting up my customers and i'm disappointed to see it's not available. Wave is otherwise great.

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    GlennFGlennF Member Posts: 30 ✭✭

    I have been using the duplicate transaction feature until auto recurring transactions are implemented. However, when you click on a duplicate transaction it should default to the current date, not the date of the original. After changing the date and removing the " (Copy of) " prefix, I'm not sure how much time it really saved.
    Can you please put in a feature request to default to the current date on duplicates?

    edited May 2, 2019
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    DavadjeDavadje Member Posts: 2

    Want to add my voice and vote to the request for recurring bills as well. Have lots of recurring bills but hardly any recurring invoices. Surely recurring bills are more common than invoices? Rent, insurance, tax, utilities even the window cleaner. I can't imagine why it's a problem. Worse I may miss entering one Wave and have to pay more tax.

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    philip456philip456 Member Posts: 15

    I'd find it useful as will.

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    luvanblmluvanblm Member Posts: 1

    Any plans on having this implemented, I love wave but this would just really speed up monthly payment which is now a tedious task.

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    G_hutson55G_hutson55 Member Posts: 1

    I would have thought that with more than a year of your customers campaigning for this that you would have implemented something by now.

    I find Wave incredibly useful for pretty much all my accounting and admin tasks but this is a fundamental feature that you have proven can be implemented (we can send recurring invoices for instance) but you still tell us this isn't even in the pipeline.

    BTW I know about duplicating expenses but this is flawed and clumsy.

    We all have regular outgoings. Why would you think that implementing a recurring expense facility was not important?

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    JarmanJarman Member Posts: 13

    plus 1 for this feature!

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    wirawira Member Posts: 1

    Hello I need this one too! recurring bill will be great!

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Thank you for all of your feedback on this! I know a lot of you have been waiting for a long time, and this is something we're actively looking into!

    For a little insight, here's a video of the inner workings of Wave right now:

This discussion has been closed.