
Setting up bank connections

spreadsheetsarahspreadsheetsarah Member Posts: 5

I am trying to connect to my bank (Kiwibank NZ) but can get no response from the system. After entering username & password Wave seems to be working but brings back no response, not even an error message. It just leaves me hanging. I have tried to connect 2 other NZ banks, & have also tried using 2 other internet connections. Same lack of response.
I tried to import transactions but also no luck. Each time I try, Wave drops the import file & gives me an error message because no file has been specified.
I have also tried a different browser.
Any suggestions please?

edited August 29, 2018 in Bank Connections


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @spreadsheetsarah.

    I can see your Kiwibank connection and it seems to be successful. If you go to your Bank Connections page and press "Update now", does it do anything?

    As for the other two banks, I'm not seeing those connections on my end. If you give me a bit more details, I might be able to help. With that said, there's only very limited help I can provide when it comes to bank connection. You can read a bit more on this here.

    Could you show me a screenshot of a few lines from your bank statement? I might be able to help. Occasionally, invisible characters slip into CSV files and stop Wave from uploading documents. You can easily get rid of them by opening your CSV in Google Sheets, downloading from Google Sheets again, and uploading that file.

    In the future, please be mindful of the category in which you post your new discussions. This belongs under Bank Connections, not Introductions. Posting in the right category will ensure that you get the visibility and the help you need.

    edited June 8, 2018
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    spreadsheetsarahspreadsheetsarah Member Posts: 5

    Hi Alexia,
    Thanks for your reply. Sorry about posting here. I am new to Wave & couldn't find how to post elsewhere.
    The Bank Connections screen just showed the invitation to connect to a bank. No 'Update Now' button. Screenshot attached.
    I've attached a sample CSV file & an OFX (had to take screenshots as I couldn't attach the actual files). It seemed to me that as Wave dropped the filename, it didn't even get as far as looking at the file format. Or does it do this if the format is incorrect? I don't get a 'bad format' error.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @spreadsheetsarah.

    Your format isn't compatible with Wave's CSV upload system, so you'll have to change it manually a bit. You'll have to make sure you follow the guidelines here.

    My recommendation is to make it only 3 columns (date, description, amount), and using MM/DD/YYYY as a date format. Make sure your columns are named "Date", "Description" and "Amount".

    Let me know if that helps! ^AT

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    spreadsheetsarahspreadsheetsarah Member Posts: 5

    Hi Alexia,
    Sorry for the delay in getting back.
    This is still not working, although the system considers the file for longer before dropping it. I get none of the errors in the support document for this subject. It simply drops the file after working for a few seconds:

    Here is a copy of the file:

    The account that I'm loading into is blank - could this make a difference? I have also tried it with another account that has transactions, with the same results.
    I have tried different date formats, reformatted the numbers so each have 2 decimal places, stripped all special characters out of the descriptions. I can't think of anything else to try.
    Please can you advise.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @spreadsheetsarah.

    I sent you a private message asking for a bit more information. Can you follow-up with me on there?

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    EbFloAnnekeEbFloAnneke Member Posts: 5

    Hi @spreadsheetsarah

    Did you find a resolution to your problem? I am having exactly the same issues, also in NZ (but using a reformatted BNZ statement as per the template).


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    EbFloAnnekeEbFloAnneke Member Posts: 5

    HI @Alexia ,

    Would you also be able to message me privately, about how this is resolved. As unable to use the program without this functionality. Thanks a lot!!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @EbFloAnneke.

    Let's try and solve this in public first. Can you share a screenshot of a few lines of your document?

    Have you also tried the steps outlined in my first response? Running your document through Google Sheets often fixes issues with uploading CSV files.

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    EbFloAnnekeEbFloAnneke Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Alexia,

    Thanks for reply. Yes I have tried Google Sheets, but still getting same error. Also checked on different computer, if my slow internet on the laptop is an issue. Thanks!

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @EbFloAnneke.

    Can you try a different date format on your CSV? Wave might be having trouble parsing the dates that way. Try YYYY-MM-DD and let me know if it helps!

    edited June 29, 2018
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    mikeldubmikeldub Member Posts: 6

    Hi Everyone, I'm in New Zealand too and have the same bank connections problem..ASB and Kiwibank and SBS wont connect. No error message..just nothing. Also the ofx, CSV files....I just cant get uploaded. I've play around with the columns, date formats, null line etc Nothing will work for me. I've used many apps to upload CSVs..xero, hubspot etc..this one I just can fathom out.
    Error message regardless of ofx, csv etc

    I've tried YYYY/MM/DD YYYY-MM-DD and other formats.
    Also your image on page https://support.waveapps.com/hc/en-us/articles/208622596 does not help at all. You have double slash in a date format and 12/12/12 is a terrible example of date format..which is the year in that example :)

    edited July 2, 2018
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    EbFloAnnekeEbFloAnneke Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Alexia

    I have tried the suggestion (thanks), but in order to get the date format in excel I have to make column a text format. Also copied it to google docs to check and resave.

    But still getting the same error.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mikeldub and @EbFloAnneke.

    Do you have any special character in your document, like *, @ or #? Those would also stop the transaction from uploading?

    Could you both share a screenshot of your CSV file, covering a few lines of your file? Those lines should not include any personal information. That might help me have a bit more insight into your situation.

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    mikeldubmikeldub Member Posts: 6

    Hi @Alexia ,

    Thanks for the response, Yes I've attached a screen shot of the CSV. I created a very basic file from your sample template - just 2 lines in Openoffice saved as CSV,UTF8. I then opened in Notedpad++ to check for no funny chars.

    Hope that helps,
    Many thanks

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @mikeldub.

    Have you tried using a single column for amounts and using negative amounts for withdrawals? The 3-column template works more often in my experience.

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    mikeldubmikeldub Member Posts: 6

    Hi @Alexia,
    Yep I even tried that, still fails

    I've made sure an entry was in the account first, approved etc.


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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    So has anyone found a way of getting kiwibank to load? Any comments on the OFX format the bank uses? Could someone post a copy of a working ofx and we could do a compare with the one from Kiwibank.

    The point of my joining Wave was to stop using spreadsheets but so far looks like I will need to keep running vba to convert bank csv into something really simple, assuming someone got it to work eventually...

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    spreadsheetsarahspreadsheetsarah Member Posts: 5

    Hi everyone,
    I've tried turning off all Chrome extensions, including the Chrome apps.
    I'm using version 67.0.3396.99 (Official Build) (64-bit) of Chrome.
    I created a Google Sheet, copied the data in from the Excel CSV & saved it as a Sheets CSV.
    None of these worked.

    And I don't even want it to work - Wave is supposed to connect to Kiwibank.

    This seems not to be an isolated problem. Is it something Wave developers need to look at?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @mikeldub, @ForrestConsult and @spreadsheetsarah!

    We are investigating this in more details on our end, I can promise you that you haven't been forgotten. We're trying to find the cause of the issue, and whether or not this only affects users in New Zealand.

    Could you each share a screenshot of the bank statement upload page when it displays that error message, with the developer's console open? You can open the console on Chrome by pressing CTRL+Shift+J (or CTRL+Option+J on a Mac).

    Thank you for your patience, everyone. I empathize with how frustrating this can be. We're working hard to get to the bottom of this.

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    mikeldubmikeldub Member Posts: 6

    Hi @alexia,
    Here is the screen shot with the developers console open.

    Many thanks for looking into the problem. Getting the CSV upload to work would be great to get me up and running, but the bank connect or even OFX would be the ultimate solution :)

    Many thanks

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    spreadsheetsarahspreadsheetsarah Member Posts: 5

    Hi @Alexia ,
    Here is the screenshot:


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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for looking. I get a POST error very briefly that happens first after the upload is pressed then vanishes only to be replaced by warnings:.

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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    I managed to catch a little bit more of the errror...

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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    Ok last attempt. I turn on "preserve log" in the debug settings and so got a full list of transactions. Appears to be same for a simple one line csv and for a larger OFX file. Running on Chrome, Win10 with Fibre connection so don't think connection speed is the issue.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks everyone! I'll keep you updated as I get more information!

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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for all your effort @Alexia,
    I have uploaded these same files to Xero without issue, so I am not convinced the issue is the file structure (which explains why a 2 line simple csv doesn't work either) but rather some network/PC setting. I haven't seen anything on firewalls, antivirus, cookies or browsers anywhere. Are there some basics connection requirements we could eliminate? I am running Win10 64 bit with Chrome (v67) and Edge both "out of the box" Neither were able to do the uploads. I would hate for everyone to be trying to upload a file to then find we were supposed to change the cookie setting.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ForrestConsult.

    We're still investigating the root cause of this issue. It seems like it's only affecting users in New Zealand. Our engineers are on the case, but I don't have a timeline as to when this will be resolved. Until it is, you'll have to enter your transactions manually. I understand how inconvenient that is, but know that we are working towards a resolution.

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    ForrestConsultForrestConsult Member Posts: 9

    How are the team progressing @Alexia? Do we have any clues as to what the issue is? Anything I can try to assist the process?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ForrestConsult.

    I don't have news to share just yet, but know that I marked this thread and am keeping a close eye on any development concerning this issue. The second I have more information, I'll follow up on here.

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    SarahSierraSarahSierra Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same problems as above. Has there been any progress yet for KiwiBank users?
    Thanks :-)

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