Feature Idea - Add column to invoice template



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Bek! We don't have any ways to have mileage as its own separate column currently, but if your client is trying to add mileage to their invoice as a charge for their customers, they could consider adding a line item charge to the invoice itself! The quantity could relate to each unit travelled, be it in kilometres or miles, and you could charge per unit if that's what your client wanted to do.

  • DanischlesDanischles Member Posts: 1


    I see that this question has been asked many times, but I'm hoping for news that something has changed or that there is a work around. I require 5 columns for my invoices and don't see a way to add these. These columns are dictated by our medical insurance companies in South Africa and must include:
    1. Date (the date of the contact session - there are usually about 4 separate entries per patient per month and so the appointments must be listed by date.
    2. ICD-10 code (medical procedure code)
    3. Tarrif code (a code dictated by the medical aid and unrelated to the ICD-10 code)
    4. Description of service / service provided
    5. Tarrif (the actual cost)

    Any way around this so that I can use your package because my husband loves it for his business and the rest looks great?

  • BekiBeki Member Posts: 8
    > @Alexia said:
    > Hi, @Lemon_1.
    > Could you give us a real-world example of what such a line item would look like in one of your invoices, in the context of your specific business? It'll give us a better idea of the types of businesses that would benefit from a feature like this one.

    I have a client whom runs a garage workshop. If it would be possible to have an additional blank field below the date and amount columns to add milleage of the vehicle that would be helpful. The closest I can get to achieve this is by adding it to the po box but this is not correctly titled. It would be helpful if the title could be changed as you have the option for this in the item, cost columns already. This would allows other to use that column for a variety of things, ref numbers, location codes etc.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Danischles . No updates on this to share. Currently, you can edit the pre-existing column names under Settings > Invoice Customization, but you cannot add new columns.

    Hi @Beki . Thanks for providing your feedback from the real world 🙂. This helps us understand how our users would actually use these features.

  • Kr8ve1Kr8ve1 Member Posts: 13

    This way we can see our report with our actual cost, income and expense. This would not be visible to the customer.

    edited October 30, 2019
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Kr8ve1! Thanks for this feature idea! Happy to get this feedback to where it needs to be :)

  • cbrewer85cbrewer85 Member Posts: 1

    A third column would be a HUGE time saver for me. I run a small business for film and TV lighting rentals. Its just me currently but my invoice involves a (number of units) x (number of days) x (price of individual unit) = (total amount) 20 x 2 days x $2 =$80

    Right now I have to bunch together 20 extension cords and do the math for that outside of the program with 30 other line items that may have multiple units as well.

    I'd also love to see a better discount option that highlights the discount deduction in red and also automatically does the math for you based on percentage so there is less room for human error.
    An actual subtotal, discount, total section


  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @cbrewer85! Thanks so much for sharing you feedback here! The insight you have provided helps our teams to see how this would be used by your business from day to day. I can see how this would help to speed up your invoicing process!

  • safemodesafemode Member Posts: 1

    as per UAE Tax invoice required 2 more columns

  • safemodesafemode Member Posts: 1

    same like my attached model

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @safemode . I've merged your thread into this on-going feature idea around adding columns to the invoice. This isn't on our roadmap at the moment, but I thank you for adding your thoughts!

    edited November 25, 2019
  • RelierRelier Member Posts: 0
    Hello are you planning on adding shipping and discount column or features? I want to be able to charge my client for shipping and and I don’t want to have it as item. Same with discount. Feature allowing to discount individual items or group by percentage or dollar amount will be great.
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Relier . No plans to add shipping as a column at the moment, but we do have plans to add a discount option. Currently it's not on the short term roadmap, but we're hoping it'll be coming in the future.

  • HammerpiHammerpi Member Posts: 1

    Because my business has different categories of services and charges at different rates, it would be nice to be able to have them on one invoice.

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