Unable to upload any transaction files (csv or ofx)

joseph27joseph27 Member Posts: 3

I have just joined Wave as a new user and I'm completely unable to upload any transaction files in .ofx or .csv formats (the only compatible formats provided by my bank). I get the error message: "Please select a bank statement file."

I have tried the following, all with the same error message:
-Uploading as .ofx
-Changing encoding in .ofx to UTF-8
-Uploading as .csv
-Uploading .csv to Google Sheets, downloading again as .csv, and uploading to Wave
-All of the above in Google Chrome and Firefox.
-Clearing cache in all browsers.

I have also tried creating a very simple text .csv file, which still doesn't work:


I have saved this as a .csv format file in both UTF-8, ANSI, and UNICODE encodings, none of which work. Are there any unsupported characters in the above example? Can you provide an example of a csv file that works?

edited August 1, 2018 in Technical Support


  • ShayamShayam Member Posts: 2

    I have the exact same problem. And I think the person from the customer service who contacted me doesn’t now what a csv file look like because the answer I got is that the file didn’t uploaded is because all the data appear in one row when she open the csv... but it’s how a csv work... It’s just old plain text :/

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @joseph27 and @Shayam.

    @joseph27, I'll start with yours. There is an issue with importing bank statements for users in New Zealand. We're working on resolving it, but I don't have a timeline as to when it'll be possible for Wavers in New Zealand to upload those statements. You'll have to enter your transactions manually in the meantime. I'll tag this thread and let you know here when I have more information to share.

    @Shayam, what happened in your case is that, to represent columns in CSVs, you need to separate entries in separate columns with commas. In the file you submitted with your ticket, they were separated with semi-colons instead, which is why the CSV import failed.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @joseph27.

    Just a few more things!

    Can you confirm that you've tried uploading your CSV with all browser extensions disabled as well? Ad Blockers are notorious for disrupting Wave, for example.

    Could you also share a screenshot of your CSV upload page with the error showing and the developer's console open? You can open that by pressing Ctrl+shift+J, or CMD+Option+J on a Mac.

    It'll help us document this issue better and assist our engineers in working towards a resolution.


  • ShayamShayam Member Posts: 2

    Hi alexia!
    I tried it with coma and semi-colons and the 2 failed.
    I made a test with an plain txt and it failed too,
    I also downloaded the exemple file in the faq, added some info in it, save it in csv with excel and tried to uploaded and it failed too...
    Do you have an csv file that is sur to upload and that I can try to use as layout for mine? I love the accounting app and all it’s feature, and If i could finally get this to work it would be the perfect accounting app!

  • joseph27joseph27 Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @joseph27.

    Just a few more things!

    Can you confirm that you've tried uploading your CSV with all browser extensions disabled as well? Ad Blockers are notorious for disrupting Wave, for example.

    Could you also share a screenshot of your CSV upload page with the error showing and the developer's console open? You can open that by pressing Ctrl+shift+J, or CMD+Option+J on a Mac.

    It'll help us document this issue better and assist our engineers in working towards a resolution.


    Hi Alexia,
    I took the below screenshot of the Google Chrome console starting from loading the page, to after failing upload. I selected "choose file", then selected my test.csv file (simple file containing the test data I showed previously on this discussion), then pressed upload. The page then reloaded showing the error "Please select a bank statement file". Also, this is running in incognito mode with no extensions (no adblock, etc).

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, @joseph27!

    One more thing. Can you try using the template found at the bottom of the blue box in this page?

    I have one other user from New Zealand who managed to upload their statement earlier today, so testing it once more would be extremely helpful.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Shayam.

    I also invite you to try out the template from the page linked just above. I recommend opening it with Google Sheets as well. I've seen Excel cause problems one too many time.

  • joseph27joseph27 Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia said:
    Thank you, @joseph27!

    One more thing. Can you try using the template found at the bottom of the blue box in this page?

    I have one other user from New Zealand who managed to upload their statement earlier today, so testing it once more would be extremely helpful.

    Hi Alexia,

    The template file is a Microsoft Excel format file. I do not own Microsoft Office, so I can't open it. However, I've tried importing it into Google Sheets and then downloading it as a CSV file. Just to confirm, when I open the final csv file in notepad, it contains:


    Uploading to Wave still does not work, with the same error message.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @joseph27.

    That was the right way to do it. After adding a few rows to test things out, you should be able to upload it. Thank you for giving it a shot, I'll forward the comment to the team working on resolving this issue.

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