Date Format



  • JenWrenJenWren Member Posts: 1

    Please add me onto the list for the changed date format. It's really difficult to adjust over 40 years of thinking in DD/MM/YY format. For an international application, I'm very surprised this is already an option.

  • TrizelleTrizelle Member Posts: 1

    I also have an issue with the dates. As our work commence on receipt of payment, we now are short of a day. Clients has been saying the receipt shows they paid "yesterday" so I will get it by "....."
    This is a major problem for us.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey all. Thanks again for providing us your feedback regarding the date formatting on invoicing. While we still don't have any hard timelines for when this will be adjustable, this could be something that we're looking to add in the near future when improving the invoicing product. Appreciate the time that everyone has been taking to chime in on this thread, and if we have any updates for you, we will let you know.

  • HPSBSHPSBS Member Posts: 2

    Hello, is there now any update. This greatly affects how we enter our data. We take pictures to load receipts. The Wave Software reads the receipts we upload. We have uploaded hundreds of receipts only to find out that receipts that we loaded that show a US date of 10/5/2018, Waves reads as May 5, 2018. The accounting on the system is now completely off. We now have to comb through hundreds of receipts, that has already taken weeks to input, and spend potentially hours and hours of manual corrections. This is very costly for our business. At this point, if there is no current solution, our company will have to consider a different software as this it too time consuming and therefore costly to us and our clients. Please advise an estimate date.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @HPSBS I'm afraid there still isn't a timeline, and full transparency will most likely not be looked at for the rest of the calendar year as the Sales Service team's primary focus is on Discounts and Customer Statements. Again, this could be revisited in 2020, but there's no way for me to give you an exact/estimated date based on it just not being on our roadmap for right now.

  • raris85raris85 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm new to wave and as a UK customer I really need to be able to change the date format, if Wave are unable to change this I'll have to use a a different invoicing company! Please can you look at updating this on your system.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @raris85 . I appreciate your feedback and idea on this feature change. I do want to be fully transparent with you and let you know that this isn't something that we have any plans on changing in the near future.

  • DanceTreasurerDanceTreasurer Member Posts: 1

    Another +1 for this feature. It is a fairly simple fix, so it is annoying not to be able to change this regionally. It should be a base feature, I agree.

  • pcutajarpcutajar Member Posts: 1

    I agree that this should be a base feature especially in a global world.
    Prioritize it, and reach more regions!

  • CSSCSS Member Posts: 1

    Another day, same problem.
    Any updates from the Admin on this ridiculous yet simple issue?

  • SuzeSuze Member Posts: 2

    It's really crazy that a simple thing like date format cannot be changed, I agree with other contributors, you are gearing the system to the US market and a simple fix would make such a huge improvement to all your other global users. Sadly I think I will have to switch back to my previous software.

  • SuzeSuze Member Posts: 2

    @Alexia said:
    Hi @JoJo, you are right, the date formats in Wave cannot be changed. This won't affect anything your clients would see, just the data on your end.

    If it's something that you absolutely need for your business, I'd recommend reading up how we choose what features we build next on this post, and consider making a feature post following the guidelines posted there.

    I just tried to do this and the post is now closed so I can't offer it as a suggestion :-(

  • MBESMBES Member Posts: 1

    All communications with my customers and suppliers must be dated in the international format ( day/month/year); how can I change the WAVE date format?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Suze , that post is a tad old and dated so we've closed it out. Please feel free to post this in our Feature Ideas section for Sales & Invoicing.

    Hi @MBES , I deleted your most recent post as it wasn't a productive way of interacting in the Wave Community. At the moment, you cannot change the current date format in Wave.

  • DonnajdDonnajd Member Posts: 1

    Just following on from this earlier thread ....

    I have a problem with the date format on the invoices - I would like them to be in a different format.
    Is this likely to be something that will be available soon? - if not, I will need to find an alternative system so that I can tailor my invoices to my business needs.

  • SueJSueJ Member Posts: 1

    Hi, I'm new to wave and from the UK. It's a real shame that this can't or won't be changed as it looked like a great system but I won't be able to continue with it if I'm unable to change the date format. Such a shame that so many people are not able to use it for such a simple problem and Wave don't seem to care. Very disappointing. I think all those blogs that are recommending Wave should put a caveat explaining that it is only for US customers.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Donnajd and @SueJ . To be completely transparent with you both, this feature is not something that the team will be implementing in the near future as it's not currently listed on our short-term roadmap. I appreciate the request for this though as our product team is often looking into the Community to see what our users are asking for. Thanks for the feedback!

  • HercHerc Member Posts: 0

    Please fix the date format, you could be the worlds premier Invoicing product , but this stupid stronghold you have placed yourself into is limiting the success of your product and your reluctance to listen and act on feedback is leaving a bad smell about your ability to deliver things end users want. Juts get on with it and fix this stupid issue, and fire the moron who put you in this predicament in the first place

    the world reads , thinks of and enters into keyboards the date in this format
    DD/MM/YYYY anything else is American idiosyncrasy.

    edited February 24, 2020
  • ClgindersClginders Member Posts: 1
    If you had the dd/mm/yy for date format I would use you, however I will not be until this feature is added. I’m in Australia so American format looks unprofessional.
    edited March 2, 2020
  • CrooksCrooks Member Posts: 0

    Hi - I can seem to find an option from within the customising Invoice setting to change the date format.

    Could you point me in the right direction?


  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Crooks , I've added you to this thread so you can follow along with the current standings of this feature idea.

  • BadfishBadfish Member Posts: 1

    Well, I was going to use this system for my new business but here in Australia (and pretty much the rest of the world except for the US) one tends to look very unprofessional and backward if one can't put the date in the proper format. Guess I'll find something that reflects the way business is done amongst the 6.7 billion people that don't live in the US.

  • AttikouSAAttikouSA Member Posts: 1

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @Crooks , I've added you to this thread so you can follow along with the current standings of this feature idea.

    Same small business in Australia too.
    Hopefully there can be a option for either DD-MM-YYYY or the ISO format YYYY-MM-DD. You product really amazes us but one step can make it even more outstanding!

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @AttikouSA Thanks for your kind words! And your feedback is being monitored by our Product team so fingers crossed this gets added to their roadmap in the future!

  • JRJJRJ Member Posts: 1

    Please, Please sort this out. It's mind boggling that you are cutting off loads of your market because of this date issue! Transactions everywhere are recorded in this format rendering your receipt upload featue useless to billions around the world? Im working around it now because I need to get things in order but once achieved I'll take the reports and look elsewhere...

  • PeregianAccountingPeregianAccounting Member Posts: 2

    Date format US is hard to use when you are used to DDMMYYYY. It, slows you down. Great program, I can see you are always improving it. The date format needs to be a higher priority. Such a basic thing but annoys every time you use the program. As a Public Accountant I use online software all day every day. It is this sort of irritation that loses market share. Such a shame.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @PeregianAccounting

    We appreciate you reaching out about this. As a Canadian based company we do try to format our date universally. Since invoices in Wave increase incrementally this formatting does work. Ie

    Invoice 2020-05-06
    Invoice 2020-05-07
    Invoice 2020-05-08

    The last number increases by one each time.

    This is a slightly more universal method of keeping track of dates since our program is used globally!

    Thanks for your contribution to Wave's community!

  • Dave_LordDave_Lord Member Posts: 1

    Excuse me for stating the obvious... but if Wave can't address a fundamental issue like allowing me to send my clients an invoice with the correct date on it how can I possibly trust Wave's other fundamental features?
    I am currently managing 4 client's business on Wave as a trial. This issue is a dealbreaker for me. If the problem is not fixed by 2020.06.30 (sarcasm intended) I will sadly be forced to switch to more reliable software.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dave_lord

    Since our software is used globally, we don't necessarily treat the US date format as a fundamental issue in Wave. We do however understand that this might be a dealbreaker for you, and I apologize for being the bearer of bad news, however as it stands, this is not on our roadmap of fixes at the moment that we know of. Have a great weekend!

  • BetsyH1BetsyH1 Member Posts: 1

    I will be finding a new bookkeeping platform this summer, as Waveapps evidently doesn't care about customers outside North America.

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