How to change your fiscal year-end

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageHow to change your fiscal year-end

Wave automatically sets your fiscal year-end to December 31st.
Follow these instructions to set the fiscal year-end of your business to a different date.
Ensure you are signed into the business you...

Read the full story here

edited November 23, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • AnnaMMAnnaMM Member Posts: 8

    It would be helpful if this fiscal year date could be selected as an option when working in the transactions and printing report? At the moment I have to continually do a custom date to work within 1 July to 30 Jun date.

  • SammyHSammyH Member Posts: 12 admin

    Hi @AnnaMM thanks for your feedback!

    It sounds like something like this would help save you some time when managing your transactions and printing out reports. I'll make sure to pass this to our Product team, and appreciate your feedback on this.

  • Jess1Jess1 Member Posts: 1

    Hello, can this option please be added to the 'personal' accounts (currently you can change the fin year start/end dates on business accounts but not personal accounts.) In Australia our tax year is 1st July - 30th June and it would be helpful to have interest gained on personal accounts for the same time frame. Thanks in adavnce!

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Jess1. Thanks for providing us some insight here as to how this feature would be beneficial to you. While this is not currently on our roadmap for the future, this could be something that we implement if there is a lot of feedback from users who also are looking to add this.

  • MikeP1990MikeP1990 Member Posts: 1
  • TalieWTalieW Member Posts: 1

    @JamieD, I second the request by @Jess1. As an Australian Sole Trader, all taxes are calculated based on the combined income of personal and business accounts - so it absolutely necessary to be able to change the Fiscal Year on Personal accounts.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @TalieW Definitely appreciate the feedback here -- we might start to explore options for this, in terms of having the option for our users.. however, this is still far down the road and we don't really have an idea of what that's going to look like. When we do have a bit more of an idea, we will definitely let our users know.

  • MarkoMarko Member Posts: 1

    @JamieD Would also love to be able to change fiscal year in my personal account. Tax year in the UK is 6th April to 5th April.

  • jjlinjjlin Member Posts: 2

    What does this setting actually do? I was hoping the P&L and BS reports can be generated according to the financial year, but it doesn't look like it's possible. There are only options for reporting based on calendar year. If my FYE is 31 Mar, I'd like to see reports for 1 Apr-31Mar, not 1 Jan to 31 Dec.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @jjlin

    Our reports allow will still give you a full documentation of your previous transactional history as this information does not close out, however it will close off the future transactions from showing up in your reports. Below are screenshots of my year end closing out on November 4th.

    I then added a $50 on November 5th, one day after my fiscal year closed.

    My P&L also only shows my $50 expense as well.

  • jjlinjjlin Member Posts: 2

    Hi Barsin thanks for taking time to explain with the screenshots. I understand that I can manually specify the dates to generate the report, as you seem to have done (by manually selecting November 5).

    What I'm actually looking for, is for Wave to provide options to generate report based on my financial year setting, instead of manually having to select the FYE date again.

    For example, these are the options that I see when trying to generate my P&L:

    These options, Calendar Year and Calendar Quarter, will select the date range based on calendar year and quarter. These are not very useful from the perspective of generating financial reports, which are based on our financial year.

    For example, since my FYE is 31 Mar, when filing taxes, I'd need my report from 1 Apr to 31 Mar, not 1 Jan to 31 Dec.

    What I'd like is a Financial Year and Financial Quarter option, in addition to Calendar Year and Calendar Quarter. I hope that makes sense?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    It does make sense, and I apologize to inform you that this information will need to be manually updated by selecting your date range in the boxes beside the ones in your screenshot :(

    I apologize that this automation is not available in Wave's reports at this time.

  • LyndalLyndal Member Posts: 2
    I would also like to see an option in the drop down menu for a report date range based on the fiscal year. Very annoying having to manually change the dates to custom dates every time a report is viewed.
  • TorontonianTorontonian Member Posts: 1

    Agree that a drop down menu for a report date range based on the fiscal year would be very useful

  • TZATZA Member Posts: 1

    My financial period end 31 Mar. However, accidentally updated with 31 Dec. After that reports comes out Date Range for 2020 and my 2019 period (1 Apr2019-31Mar2020) is reporting under 2020. How do I change it back to 2019? I can manually change date range but it is very troublesome.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TZA! Thanks for reaching out here. Unfortunately, you're going to need to manually change that date range in order to rectify this. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

  • RachBizRachBiz Member Posts: 4

    Why is there no option to change the fiscal year end-date in a "Personal" account?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @RachBiz! Thanks for reaching out! Is there a reason you need your 'Personal' accounts to follow a different year instead of a calendar year? We'd love to hear it! At this stage, there is not a 'fiscal year' date change option for Personal accounts as they typically follow a calendar year rather than a fiscal one, but we're curious to hear more!

  • RachBizRachBiz Member Posts: 4

    Hi Emma,

    It's because I'm using the personal account to track my tax-deductible personal expenses so I can give them to my accountant and they can use them against my personal income.

    It would just make it easier to see an accurate summary on the Dashboard tab if I could change the fiscal year date to be in line with our Australian financial year.



  • FSiddiqiFSiddiqi Member Posts: 1

    @EmmaP Wave is used by people all around the world and most countries dont follow Jan-Dec tax year. "Personal" reports need to be aligned to the tax year. For non-US it is a problem.

    @ConnorM It is not just about manual or automatic. This is not about some extra steps. This poses a limitation. When you generate a balance sheet, there is no option of "from" "to" Balance sheet is "as of" It will automatically pick up the "profit for all prior years" and "profit for current year". This range of "prior years" and "current year" cannot be changed. So it is not just a hassle, its a limitation.

    Wave already has this capability for "businesses" please extend the same capability for "personal" as well.

  • JamesBUK87JamesBUK87 Member Posts: 1

    @EmmaP Yes, the UK tax year runs from 6th April - 5th April, so if you're tracking your personal accounts you may need to change year end (i.e. pension and investment allowances run by tax year rather than fiscal year).

  • VSB_GuyVSB_Guy Member Posts: 7

    The FY display is incorrect; I'm currently in FY2020 but it shows one year behind, 2019. My FY2019 shows as 2018. FYI - I'm switching to FY2021 on July 1st. How can this be fixed? The date setting allows to choose the year end date, not the year.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @VSB_Guy

    My apologies but I may need a bit more context as to what exactly your seeing on your financial year drop down toggles for your reports. Would you mind sharing a screenshot of this error so we can try to get a better handle on this issue?

    Also what is your FY setting under Settings (bottom left) > Dates & Currency look like? Has it reached your 2020 year yet are are you still operating in the previous 2019 year be? Let us know!

  • VSB_GuyVSB_Guy Member Posts: 7

    It's on the dashboard, under Net income, it shows 2018 and 2019 as the FY, but should be 2019 & 2020. See attached screenshot

    I'm finishing my FY2020 at the end of June and starting FY2021

    The date is set for year end June 30.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again,

    This is interesting. I'm curious if it has something to do with your browser settings. I've seen some users have issues with their browser settings that could potentially trigger some issue with their dates in their account. Also it could very well be a bug.

    1. Could you try a different browser and see if you're still noticing this?
    2. Would you mind clearing your browser cache/cookies and trying again?
    3. If this fails, would you mind submitting a support ticket to our customer support team so they could potentially escalate this to our developers as a potential bug? They may ask you additional clarifying questions so any and all info you provide in your first touch would be helpful!
  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    Why is there no option to change the fiscal year end-date in a "Personal" account?
    Is there a way to have a correct Balance Sheet from 1 Mar to Feb 28 for Personal ?

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @PierreDV , I'm afraid that the Balance sheet can't generate a period for reports but instead generates the report based on all transactions before a specific date.

    If you try the Account Balances report, you can generate for a specific period and this may actually be what you're looking for.

    Let me know!

  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    Hi @AlexL
    Sorry I disagree the retained earnings is always only from 1 Jan for Personal accounts.
    For business profiles it can be changed.
    Where can we do it for personal profiles

    Please attend to this urgently as it is very difficult to do proper tax submissions if the fiscal year is not matching the period the balance sheet is taking into calculation for retained earnings.
    Please add option to change fiscal year for personal profiles.
    This is not the only post it has been asked for.

    Thank You

    edited November 24, 2020
  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    @JamesBUK87 said:
    @EmmaP Yes, the UK tax year runs from 6th April - 5th April, so if you're tracking your personal accounts you may need to change year end (i.e. pension and investment allowances run by tax year rather than fiscal year).

    @AlexL Where do we change the year end for personal?

  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    @FSiddiqi said:
    @EmmaP Wave is used by people all around the world and most countries dont follow Jan-Dec tax year. "Personal" reports need to be aligned to the tax year. For non-US it is a problem.

    @ConnorM It is not just about manual or automatic. This is not about some extra steps. This poses a limitation. When you generate a balance sheet, there is no option of "from" "to" Balance sheet is "as of" It will automatically pick up the "profit for all prior years" and "profit for current year". This range of "prior years" and "current year" cannot be changed. So it is not just a hassle, its a limitation.

    Wave already has this capability for "businesses" please extend the same capability for "personal" as well.

    @AlexL Where do we change the year end for personal?

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