How to change your fiscal year-end



  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    @Jess1 said:
    Hello, can this option please be added to the 'personal' accounts (currently you can change the fin year start/end dates on business accounts but not personal accounts.) In Australia our tax year is 1st July - 30th June and it would be helpful to have interest gained on personal accounts for the same time frame. Thanks in adavnce!

    @AlexL Where do we change the year end for personal?

  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    @MikeP1990 said:

    @AlexL Where do we change the year end for personal?

  • PierreDVPierreDV Member Posts: 11

    @TalieW said:
    @JamieD, I second the request by @Jess1. As an Australian Sole Trader, all taxes are calculated based on the combined income of personal and business accounts - so it absolutely necessary to be able to change the Fiscal Year on Personal accounts.

    @AlexL Where do we change the year end for personal?

  • gailgehgailgeh Member Posts: 2

    I started WAVE on 1st Jan 2019 and set fiscal date as Dec 31. At the end of 2019, I submitted all the 2019 year end reports for audit and taxation. However I didn't end 2019 as a past fiscal year and begin 2020 as a new fiscal. I merely continued inputting data. I am at the stage of compiling financial reports for year ending 2020 and noticed that the balance sheets still record the previous year figures. How do I go back to end 2019 as the past fiscal year.


    edited July 28, 2021
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