Invoice like a pro

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageInvoice like a pro

Let’s get you paid! Your Wave account includes sophisticated invoicing features like estimates, recurring invoices, automatic reminders and more, but it all comes down to one thing: Getting money i...

Read the full story here

edited November 26, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • RCJDRCJD Member Posts: 1

    Please let us enter our own default payment due date instead of the pre-made selections (15, 30, 45, 60, 90). I offer net 7 and it's a hassle to select the due date manually on each invoice.

  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @RCJD. Appreciate the feedback here. I will definitely make sure that your voice is heard and put into the hands of the right people -- this is a feature that has been requested in the past, so hopefully we can get this onboard for a future roadmap to enhance our software to your liking.

  • fredericofrederico Member Posts: 1

    I followed these instructions and the invoice showed as paid, but the money never got deposited!!!!! I cannot find it!!

  • KLDJKLDJ Member Posts: 5

    How do I send out the identical invoice to a batch of customers at once rather than have to send out 20 invoices one at a time.?

  • Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    Hey @KLDJ, you can send the same invoice to multiple email addresses right before you send it. After clicking Send, you'll see the + icon next to the "To:" field. This will allow you to add as many email recipients as you see fit.

    @frederico, I can see that you accepted a bank payment in your Wave account which was processed through our payment platform, and as of the 25th this payment was successfully deposited. If you're still not seeing that payment deposited, or if I'm misinterpreting your question, please let us know!

  • ari18ari18 Member Posts: 1
    Can i have the invoices printed on a dotmatrix printer and still have the same format? The printer I am thinking of purchasing is the EPSON LX-350
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ari18

    That's a question I'm unsure I've come upon, even in our archive of past tickets. Since our software exists as a primarily digital platform, we do still offer the option to download the PDF and print it on your own accord, however this is something I would try testing on this type of printer first before making that purchase if you can!

  • pixelsfrommarspixelsfrommars Member Posts: 1


    I've entered different settings for my estimates and my invoices.
    However, when I convert an estimate into an invoice, it seems to retain the estimate settings.
    So, i get the wrong info in the header and the notes.
    How can I fix this?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @pixelsfrommars

    If you create a new estimate, or a new invoice, the settings you've attributed will remain on each individual item, however if you decide to convert an estimate to an invoice, it will contain the data from the estimate, and will not be treated as a new invoice containing the info you would see from a new invoice.

    Often times users might use the duplicate invoice feature as a means of containing some of those data, but just changing the product item and customer info etc. Hopefully this works out.

  • BrettHamburgerBrettHamburger Member Posts: 1

    I am trying to upload our company logo into the invoice customization settings area. Is says "Upload an image that is less than 10MB in size."
    The image is less than 1 MB. I have attempted to use a png and a jpg. I have attempted 150 x 150 pixels. I have attempted 300 x 300 pixels. I also tried a larger file that was less than 2 MB still and none of them will work. I get the same error every time. Please Help - I would Love to Have Our Branding On The Invoice.


    edited August 6, 2019
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BrettHamburger . Feel free to shoot me a DM so I can investigate further.

  • GMFSK1GMFSK1 Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to hide the due date (in customer copy)

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @GMFSK1 . This is not currently possible within Wave. Can you give me some more feedback as to why you're looking to hide this? Do you find that it displays the wrong idea when your customer reads it? Let me know!

  • skyridersskyriders Member Posts: 1

    Is it possible to show customer balance (total due) on an invoice? When I have past due invoices, my customers are confusing the invoice "amount due" shown on individual invoices with the "total amount due" that shows up on statements. Thank you. Wave is a great product!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @skyriders . It's not currently possible to show a customer balance on an invoice. Your customers can always overpay an invoice for the total amount of what's owed, but they can't do this through the invoice itself at the moment.

    We're looking to expand these options in the near future so stay tuned!

  • HackergalHackergal Member Posts: 1

    Hi there. I am trying to use the 'create invoice from estimate' option as all my sales are estimate driven. The note that I have created to appear on all invoices (my bank details) does NOT show if I create the invoice from estimate - what it does is pull through the note created on all estimates. Is there a way to fix this please? I have forgotten to manually change one or two and it's quite critical. Thank you.

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Hackergal! Thanks for reaching out! At this stage when converting an estimate to an invoice the notes from estimates do override the notes that are created for invoices. I can see how this does not work with the process you are using and I'm sure you're not alone. I'd be happy to pass on your feedback to our team. In general, how do the notes differ from your estimate to the invoice? In the meantime, is there anyway you can remove the notes from the estimate and then convert the invoice so the correct notes are included? You could always add the estimate notes to the invoice so you have a record of them.

  • thorthor Member Posts: 3

    A European customer has complained that some numbers are cut off when they print my invoices. Would it be possible to add an option to set the PDF page size to A4?

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @thor! Unfortunately, that wouldn't be something Wave would be implementing soon within the platform, but it might be something your customer could do on their end with their printer settings!

  • CharlesNCharlesN Member Posts: 11

    Hey team!

    I've got some feedback for some improvements. It is my understanding if a customer of mine pays an invoice the system automatically send them a receipt. Same thing occurs when an automatic payment to a reoccurring invoice series is processed.

    That's awesome!

    When that occurs can you update the copy in the email sent to me (business owner) about being paid. The way it currently reads make me think a receipt wasn't' sent to my customer and there is action required on my part to do so. See the sample below of an email I received when a customer paid me. The last sentence makes me think my customer was NOT sent a receipt, when in fact they were.

    Congratulations! You got paid.
    Awesome! You’ve just received a payment from ABC Customer for $212.13.
    You can now send a receipt to your customer.

    Keep up the awesome work! Love the product!

    edited September 15, 2020
  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @CharlesN , thanks for the kind words :) . The receipt that is sent isn't sent separately as a receipt, but it can be found in the invoice link that you originally sent (which some customers/business owners find a little too hidden for them). We give you the option to send a receipt separately as well because this is JUST an email providing the receipt which is sometimes a little bit more clear for certain customers.

    I can't guarantee that we'll be changing this, but I will ensure however that your feedback on this change is passed along to the team! Thanks again.

  • Lynn_1978Lynn_1978 Member Posts: 2

    When I record a payment manually from an invoice, it records into my connected checking account. However, the receivable of the invoice AND my physical deposits into the checking account act as a double transaction. It looks as if I have more income than reality. How do I solve that?

  • BrianOITDBrianOITD Member Posts: 1

    I'm a consultant and I charge an hourly rate for my time with my customers. I was trying to find out if there was a way to either (a) Set a default rate per customer, or (b) set an account wide default rate so I didn't need to re-enter it on each and every line item.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Lynn_1978 ! It sounds like you are referring to automatic Payments bookkeeping. The way our Wave Payments system works is as follows:

    1. As soon as payment is recorded, you’ll see an invoice payment transaction to your Wave Payment account.
    2. Two business days after payment is sent, the deposit transaction will be automatically imported from your bank connection.
    3. Once the bank-imported transaction is pulled in, Wave will automatically create a transfer between your Wave Payments account and your bank account. That transaction represents the movement of funds from the holding account to your bank account.

    You can learn more about Payments bookkeeping here: Automated bookkeeping with Wave Payments

    Since Payments bookkeeping is automatic, you won't need to manually record an invoice as paid unless it is being paid outside of Wave. Also, if you deposit an outside invoice payment into your bank and your bank connection automatically imports the deposit into your Wave account, you can categorize the transaction as "Payment received for an invoice in Wave > the invoice in question". This will automatically mark the invoice as "Paid" under Sales > Invoices.

    edited November 10, 2020
  • SguergachiSguergachi Member Posts: 1
    If I have customer A and customer B who get separate invoices why do invoices include the numbers when sent out? I don’t want customer A and B to see Invoice #1 and 2 in the invoice. It’s confusing as customer B asks if they are being invoiced twice. And I don’t want customers to know they are the first two customers.
  • KristenVKristenV Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi @Sguergachi ,

    The invoice numbers are a way for you to keep track of the invoices you send out to your customers. This way you will be able to easily track, identify, and review all invoices within your account. If you would not like your invoices to start from #1, you are able to manually edit the invoice number. You are able to start from a high number or even add letters or special characters, if your prefer.

  • dancepantherdancepanther Member Posts: 4

    I have reoccurring monthly clients that pay on the day of service. Is there a way to categorize sales income so I can track customer payments without creating an invoice each time? In this instance invoices are not necessary, but I need to be able to pull up customer sales/payment info to be sure it's recorded properly. I don't see a way to sub-categorize sales. Or to add a note to transactions (used to being able to make notes in Quicken/Quickbooks). I do know about creating reoccurring invoices, and have done this to give it a try, but it's cumbersome. Just would like to be able to pull up, for example, Sales: Fred Flintstone and get that report.

    In Sales, Products and Services, one can create sales sub-categories, but I don't see a way to choose a sale/service subcategory when categorizing a transaction. How does one keep various types of sales categorized for reports? I must be missing something - there must be a way to split a sales transactions into service and product, for example.

    edited February 28, 2021
  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    hey @dancepanther, from what you've described, it sounds like you may want to look into adding a customer to your transaction. You won't need to create an invoice -- what you'll need to do is add an income transaction, categorize it into the income account and then add a customer to the transaction. You can then generate an Account Transactions for all transactions associated with only that customer.

    Here is where you can add a customer on the Transactions page -- click on Add customer:

    Afterwards, you can generate a report for only that customer by clicking into Reports > Account Transactions (General Ledger) > Select the customer from the "Contact" option:

    Give that a try and let me know if that gives you the results you're looking for :smile:

    edited March 4, 2021
  • JanieceJaniece Member Posts: 1

    I'm having trouble figuring out how to Invoice and Record my Prepayments/Deposits. When I require a Prepayment/Deposit the invoice is not itemized (there is no line by line of services provided), I just create one line item that notes "Deposit for Consultation."
    Problem #1: In most cases, the customer pays by credit card. Wave Help notes that the transaction should be categorized as a Prepayment (under Credit and Liabilities), but when a customer pays through Wave, the transaction is categorized as a Wave payment and cannot be changed. Also, I create a customer for every invoice and assign the prepayment/deposit to that customer.
    Problem #2: Once I provide services, I create a second invoice that details all the time spent line by line. I want the deposit amount applied this second invoice, but it's already been applied to the deposit invoice. With the two invoices, the deposit amount shows up double. Should/Can I delete the first invoice, or should/can I add the line by line information to the first invoice and delete the line item that noted it was a deposit for a consultation? Or is there a way to record it using the two invoices? This may not be relevant information but just in case: I provide the invoice so that customers can submit to their insurance company for reimbursement, so each line item has to be in 15 minute time increments and assigned a billing code, and it all has to be on one invoice. I charge a flat fee, so sometimes have to enter "courtesy discounts" to deduct from the cost when my time spent exceeded the agreed upon fee.
    Thanks for your help.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey Janiece,

    After doing some digging on the back end, I noticed that one of our support agents assisted you via your ticket request! If you have any other questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach back out. :smile:

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