
Deleting old products

MehranMehran Member Posts: 6


In the list of my products, I have items that I don't sell any more but since I have old invoices in which I have sold the mentioned items, I cannot delete the products. I'm talking about like 30 items that each time I want to add a new line to my invoice, I have scroll before I can get to the one product I am looking for. Does anyone know if there's a way to "hide" old products so they won't get in my way when creating an invoice?




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    steve99steve99 Member Posts: 5

    I can't find the option. Use case is that no longer need it our created it incorrectly.

    edited January 26, 2021
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    lezannelezanne Member Posts: 0

    Hi, I have accidentally created duplicate product/services. I now want to delete some of these products/services, however I am unable to do so as they are associated with previous invoices. Please assist.

    edited January 27, 2021
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    lezannelezanne Member Posts: 0

    Hi, I have accidentally created duplicate product/services. I now want to delete some of these products/services, however I am unable to do so as they are associated with previous invoices. Please assist.

    edited January 27, 2021
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    Petra_BPetra_B Member Posts: 37

    Oh yeah, I've done that. @lezanne, you'll have to rename one of the duplicates to something obvious, to make them easier to track. I just added "Bad" at the start of every product duplicate I wanted to delete. Then you have to go back through your invoices and change all the bad products for the right version. Once that's done, you'll be able to delete the extra products.

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    MikewaveMikewave Member Posts: 3

    I too require this feature, I do not want to lose the item from already paid invoices to delete the item. It would be good if the item could be moved to a 'Decommissioned Stock' folder. Can this be implemented?

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    SamdSamd Member Posts: 552 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Mehran and @Mikewave, I can see why the lack of this feature can be really frustrating. I'm going to pass along this feedback now to our Product Team for consideration!

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    UHRP3UHRP3 Member Posts: 78 ✭✭

    @Samd said:
    Hey @Mehran and @Mikewave, I can see why the lack of this feature can be really frustrating. I'm going to pass along this feedback now to our Product Team for consideration!

    Its better to give a button with the name Hide in "Product and Services" so that it will not be displayed in item selection in Invoice.

    As per me deletion of any master is not recommended

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    JesgilJesgil Member Posts: 1
    Are you looking for a delete item feature? I require the same and cannot figure out how to do it
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    MikewaveMikewave Member Posts: 3

    @Samd Thanks very much seems this is becoming more requested. Even a Hide function as @UHRP3 suggested. Something so it doesn't turn up in the product list anymore as a service / product. Thanks mate.

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    MehranMehran Member Posts: 6

    Personally, I believe the best approach to implement this is to have one radio button per item that you can flip to hide the item from showing to be added in an invoice or flip it back to show it again. I'm a software engineer myself and I know this is the easiest way to implement this (I'm not claiming it's the best - that needs requirement analysis which I don't have).

    edited December 10, 2018
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    CherylsseniorcareCherylsseniorcare Member Posts: 0
    I am looking to delete items I have added in error and contacts that I have duplicated. Anyone have any idea? Thanks!
    edited January 27, 2021
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    CherylsseniorcareCherylsseniorcare Member Posts: 0
    I am looking to delete items I have added in error and contacts that I have duplicated. Anyone have any idea? Thanks!
    edited January 27, 2021
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    ErikErik Member Posts: 194 admin

    Hi @Cherylsseniorcare, you won't be able to delete any products or customers if they are currently tied to any invoices. This is a restriction put in place so that your invoice data and record of events aren't disturbed inadvertently.

    If you want to delete a product or customer, you will first have to remove them from any invoices.

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    Ally_rauDesignAlly_rauDesign Member Posts: 3

    Hi, the person before me did not know the concept behind the global property of the items in Products and Services and created new entries every single time she needed an item in invoices/estimates. Now there are hundreds of items and I need to clean up the mess, but I get this error "We can't delete this product because it's associated with Invoice X. To delete the product, remove it from the Invoice X."
    How do I go about doing it? In other systems you can just uncheck a button 'Global Item', you get a warning like 'all the invoices with this item will become local items' and no damage will be done to years of records and no weeks of manual labor needed. Can Waveapp do this? It's a huge mess and it's not usable at the current state. I definitely cannot go into hundreds of invoices and delete things because of record keeping and it just does not seem like a way of doing things in this day and age. Thanks a bunch!

    edited January 27, 2021
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    Ally_rauDesignAlly_rauDesign Member Posts: 3

    Hi, the person before me did not know the concept behind the global property of the items in Products and Services and created new entries every single time she needed an item in invoices/estimates. Now there are hundreds of items and I need to clean up the mess, but I get this error "We can't delete this product because it's associated with Invoice X. To delete the product, remove it from the Invoice X."
    How do I go about doing it? In other systems you can just uncheck a button 'Global Item', you get a warning like 'all the invoices with this item will become local items' and no damage will be done to years of records and no weeks of manual labor needed. Can Waveapp do this? It's a huge mess and it's not usable at the current state. I definitely cannot go into hundreds of invoices and delete things because of record keeping and it just does not seem like a way of doing things in this day and age. Thanks a bunch!

    edited January 27, 2021
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    Ryan_WRyan_W Member Posts: 452 ✭✭✭

    @Ally_rauDesign thanks for fleshing this out! At this point, I'm afraid that it's not possible to get rid of these items. The initial logic behind this was to maintain clear audit trails, although I get that it can become rather crowded if you have a lot of items. We're working on an archive function for old items, but until that day comes your next-best bet would be to add something like a "z" in front of the name of the item. This'll suppress it to the bottom of the list and get it a bit more out of your way.

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    Ally_rauDesignAlly_rauDesign Member Posts: 3

    Hi, I have a big problem now, because I tried to consolidate them by renaming them, and all the names on the actual past invoices are messed up. Could you please revert our Product and Services to March 13, 2019? Thanks!

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @Ally_rauDesign. So there isn't a way to revert back to the previous setup you had on March 13th (prior to when you made the edits to those specific products/services). With that said, you will need to go back and rename them so they are properly accounted/tracked for in Wave.

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    KadoKatieKadoKatie Member Posts: 1

    I am having a similar problem! I want to clean up or change some of the products/services listed, but I don't want it to affect past invoices. I'm so disappointed to hear that there is not a way to do this!

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    czyadgrlczyadgrl Member Posts: 12

    This is one of the features that's been missing and bothering me the most. Really I just need to hide old items from appearing in the drop-downs when creating new invoices and estimates. I don't personally so much care that the old product listings appear in reports or the behind-the-scenes areas. Maybe instead of an actual archive, there's an option to "remove from invoice/estimate product options" or something of that nature. That could be more clear to both Wave product customers and still be ok for an audit trail?


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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    @KadoKatie @czyadgrl I appreciate the feedback you've provided here -- definitely understand the frustration behind the clunkiness of products & services, especially when you need to create discounts for one time use. The only workaround right now is to change the name of the products & services so that they begin with Z (and they will all move to the bottom). We still don't have a time table as to when this feature would be improved/implemented .. but once we have an idea of what this could look like, we will be sure to let our user base know.

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    sovietmolesovietmole Member Posts: 1

    Hi @JamieD I have a slightly different problem that I want to clean up the products list. When I mass imported the first time, some of the records were duplicated but with different pricing and now I've sorted them out. I want to to restart this entire upload process but i can't overwrite the data using wave connect. I've not created any invoices so audit's still clean, any way to wipe out the data or simply delete my account and restart?

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @sovietmole. What you would need to do is go through your product & services list and delete the items individually to avoid any duplicates. It could be worth your while to close our your Wave account and start over if that's something you are interested in doing... all you would need to do is go to Manage Your Profile > Personal Information and then selecting Close Your Wave Account.

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    freedomfreedom Member Posts: 1

    Hi @JamieD - Your 4/13 response partially answers my situation. Here's some more questions related to starting over that I'd like to know before I head down that path:

    1. If I close the account, is all of the data that was imported from the connected bank deleted or otherwise purged from your systems? (I'm fine with that, if it is the case.)
    2. Will I be able to use the same email address to start over?

    Thanks in advance...

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    ZoeCZoeC Member Posts: 388 admin

    Hey @freedom, thanks for following up! :smile:

    Once your account is fully closed, all of your transactions and accounting data will be deleted with it, Wave doesn't store it for you. If your account is fully closed then the email that you used to create it will also be removed, meaning that you can use it again to create a new account if you wish to start over :smile:

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    SriSri Member Posts: 12

    We have long list of products and vendors list. some of them are not using anymore. but we create invoice or bill these will shows up.

    We need a feature to disable or hide vendor or product item that way it won't shows up on invoice creation

    edited January 27, 2021
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Sri

    So at the moment you can only delete a product or vendor if it is not associated with an invoice/bill. If your products/vendors/sales taxes are attached to any transactions/bills you won't be able to delete them, or archive them at this time, not unless the invoice is deleted. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    If you would like to delete products that are not tied to invoices you can do this by heading to Sales > Products/services and delete the ones that are not bound to an invoice or bill.

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    jharms11jharms11 Member Posts: 2

    @Barsin When will this feature be available or is it a priority for Wave to create? It is quite cumbersome to have outdated products and services in the list.

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    MyronMyron Member Posts: 143 admin

    Hi @jharms11 , welcome to the Wave community! The reason we make it so that Products & Services that are associated with Invoices/Bills can't be deleted is that it ensures that you have accurate records of what you sold/purchased.

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    jharms11jharms11 Member Posts: 2
    @Myron I understand why you want to keep records. But being able to Archive (not delete) a product or service should still keep it related to a historical invoice but free up your current offerings lost. Someone on your team also suggested I rename archived products and so they end up at the bottom of the list, but then this would change how they look on historical invoice.
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