
Deleting old products



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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @jharms11 . You're correct, this would actually change it on the historical invoice. To be completely honest with you, this isn'tt something that's currently on the roadmap for the near future which means it may take some time before it's actually implemented. The best advice I can offer in addition to what has already been said is to simply add a "Z" to the front of the name of the product/service. This way, you still know what the product is because it's not changing the name drastically, but it will move to the bottom of your list, making it easier and less cumbersome to navigate your products/services.

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    TorkrenchTorkrench Member Posts: 5

    I too would like a hide item...as Wave has no inventory support- besides the 100's of requests...Since I cant do anything with these items except bog things down & have to constantly search & scroll- Id LOVE the ability to mark my top 5 items as "Favorites" & "Hide" the ones I no longer use. Instead its far easier to maintain a separate database & just invoice "Parts" or "Labor" with some specifics in the description fields. Please @Wave either implement inventory management (like square?) or aloow us to hide inactive items. Thanks!

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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Torkrench

    Thanks for reaching out about this. Unfortunately we don't have any guarantees of this coming down the pipeline at the moment. We are seeing an update coming to the current invoicing system, however not sure this is on our product roadmap. Apologies for this. Have a great weekend!

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    ColinDColinD Member Posts: 6

    Came here looking for what I thought would be a simple answer and easy process. Unfortunately WAVE's solution is really not a solution at all. Surely it would be relatively simple to put in place a solution such as being able to archive a product - a better improvement than say the recent addition of a facility to delete transactions in bulk.

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    DevinDevin Member Posts: 10

    I'd love to see an archive feature that can be implemented across the board and offer us a way of easily switching between current listing vs. archive only vs. full list including archive. For example, Gmail's "Inbox" vs "All Mail". Use tags/labels to mark an item as archive with an option to easily show all items again.

    Great suggestions by @Torkrench regarding favourites however I'd like recommend adding in an option to let user specify the number of favourites to show (e.g. 5, 10, 15, etc.)

    Examples to archive:
    1) customers and vendors - especially those that are one time
    2) products and services - discontinued line items
    3) estimates and quotes - archive all except for the last 6 months
    4) invoices

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    Andrew_SAndrew_S Member Posts: 0
    Hi all,

    I want to delete a few old items I won’t be using again. I can’t seem to do this in the mobile invoicing app. What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

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    ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Andrew_S! At present, we don't actually have the ability for the mobile app to delete products. With that said, if you have invoices that are related to those products, you would need to either delete those invoices or remove that particular from each of those invoices in order to delete the product. We have this in place so that there is a consistent trail for sold items, and so invoicing can remain intact.

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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    May I suggest "hide" the product from the list feature? Or Vendor, or whatever option needs to be hidden.

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    GreenSeaGirlGreenSeaGirl Member Posts: 1

    Same, same, same!! Trying to clean things up for the coming fiscal year and it's very frustrating! Don't need to delete them, just hide them so I don't have to scroll past them every. single. time.

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    Amy_BAmy_B Member Posts: 2

    YES! This is truly driving me nuts! Just need to be able to archive or hide old products instead of weeding my way through them.

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    @GreenSeaGirl @Amy_B As an alternative at the moment, you can prefix obsolete products with the character '~', which will move them to the bottom of the list alphabetically. This way, when you're looking through your products, you don't have to scroll through them each and every time

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    Amy_BAmy_B Member Posts: 2

    Thanks @AlexL! Great idea and I'll use that for now. But I still hope they update for me to delete the service.

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    LochteTechLochteTech Member Posts: 1

    If we can't delete because they are still attached to old invoices maybe they could add/allow to "hide" or "archive".

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    JaclynJaclyn Member Posts: 0
    Hey everyone, I’m having trouble figuring out how to delete stored Items in the items tab. I have a bunch of saved items I no longer need the use for. How do you delete them?
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    DeepThoughtWebDeepThoughtWeb Member Posts: 0

    When we first started using the app we set up a lot of one-off Items. I realize now the products should have been more generalized, but now when I go to set up an Invoice or Estimate, I have dozens of Items in the drop down that I will never use, and I would like to remove them.

    I can go Sales > Products & Services and try to delete them, but it will not allow it, as they have been used in past invoices (which I'd prefer not having to go back and edit all of).

    Is there a way to mark a product as no-longer-sold, or even out-of-stock, so it's no longer an option when creating invoices?

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    AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Jaclyn + @DeepThoughtWeb . I've added you both to this thread for further insight on your questions. Feel free to take a look at some of the alternatives that have been offered above.

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    KellyHelpKellyHelp Member Posts: 2

    Another +1 for this feature. Archive, Hide, Active/Inactive call it what you will but it's essential.

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    davejordandavejordan Member Posts: 2

    I also need to be able to clean up or "archive" product and service names/descriptions that I will no longer be using. Is there any progress with making this possible? It would be nice if I could just un-check the "Sell this" field and have these items disappear from the drop-down menu when creating future invoices and estimates...

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    Unico_Power01Unico_Power01 Member Posts: 2

    I'm surprised there are not way more comments on this. This feature should be simple to add.

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    BeauGillham69BeauGillham69 Member Posts: 1
    I am having same issue just got the app... I have no invoices set up. Have made a trial customer and items.. But cannot remove them whatsoever. Driving me mad
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    BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @davejordan

    My apologies, we still have no update on archiving products yet. We appreciate you reaching out for an update though. Take care!

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    JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hey @BeauGillham69 It sounds like you are using the mobile app in order to create your invoices and enter in your customer information. If you aren't able to delete them there, can you head over to Waveapps.com and log-in using your same credentials? I'd be curious to know if you are able to delete them on the web version of Wave!

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    redbrickreativeredbrickreative Member Posts: 1

    I'm another business owner who would love to have this feature
    Let me know when it comes true

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    AccountsProAccountsPro Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    How about Hide / Show Hidden / Show All option.

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    yourtechangelsyourtechangels Member Posts: 4

    Yes - this feature should be a no-brainer, this is not a special request, this should be a normal feature.

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    Kristian_GKristian_G Member Posts: 56 admin

    Hey @KellyHelp, @Unico_Power01, @redbrickreative, @AccountsPro, and @yourtechangels!

    Thanks for contributing to the conversation here! There are a couple of workarounds above, which I realize are not perfect, but should in the very least offer a bit of a resolution/solution to this issue.

    My personal recommendation would be to add a "~" in front of any products/services that you would like to hide, as doing so will automatically move them down to the bottom of the list, thereby eliminating the need to scroll past them.

    In case you aren't already aware, you can also simply type in the name of a given product/service when entering it as a line item on an invoice to shorten the list of eligible options too! Again, not an ideal solution/workaround, but maybe a practical one for your needs.

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    WashOnWheelsWashOnWheels Member Posts: 1
    Commenting for another +1 for some kind of item management. (While creating an invoice)

    As a service business, nearly all of my line items have a different Name and Description. The result is becoming every line from every invoice being created as a new "item". In turn, the drop down box is unusable, which then results in me just creating yet another "item".
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    KSPKSP Member Posts: 1

    Yes I too would like the hide/archive feature!!! I know we can prefix with (~) but seems like a simple enough fix rather than having to band-aid the problem.

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    HowardHoward Member Posts: 3

    The pale barebone-ness of the "product s& services" module compare to sophisticated "invoices", "transactions" modules is shocking. In products & services, the basic fields are not nearly enough to be useful. The products can't be sorted, or bulk edited.

    The Google Sheet Connect is a nice tool, but data only flows one way. So if you imported 500 products, and then found out you need to edit a field in bulk. There is no way to re-import again (because old data already exist in Wave). Yet there is no way to delete them in bulk. (There should be a bulk data update function for products/customers/vendors, at least during company setup stage.)

    It is one of the most disappointing aspect of Wave app. I hope Wave would come around to allocate some man hours to update the "products & services" module.

    edited June 20, 2020
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    DavidolivierDavidolivier Member Posts: 3

    @JamieD said:
    @KadoKatie @czyadgrl I appreciate the feedback you've provided here -- definitely understand the frustration behind the clunkiness of products & services, especially when you need to create discounts for one time use. The only workaround right now is to change the name of the products & services so that they begin with Z (and they will all move to the bottom). We still don't have a time table as to when this feature would be improved/implemented .. but once we have an idea of what this could look like, we will be sure to let our user base know.

    would that change the invoice that have already been sent?? or affect the way the clients see their invoices or only the ones that we have on file under "All Invoices"

    When can we expect an update to be able to update the pricing or services without changing all the past invoices?? this is definitely a flaw of the program, most people will be editing their services description or upgrade the pricing. it's quite annoying to have to have lots of duplicates in our product and services where it could be just neat and tidy.

    can you help? I am trying to edit my pricing and wording on the existing product and service without affecting client invoices. I would like some clarifications on wether that affects the clients invoice (them to see the new wording and price upgrade) or only my invoices on file.

    It would be be helpful to have an option to delete a product or service without affecting past invoices... not sure why this hasn't been done yet?

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