Deleting old products



  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Howard

    Thanks so much for your valuable feedback. You're right in saying that our team has prioritized invoices at the present moment (as some of you may have heard me say a number of times throughout the community). We acknowledge that the present state of our products and services aren't as developed as invoices or transactions and we want to address this in the future once we're able to prioritize our list of back end changes that need to happen first.

    Hi @Davidolivier

    Unfortunately this will change the invoices as they are linked to your Wave account for updates. Our team is aware of this but the workaround is to create another item instead of editing the previous one if you don't want it to update your other invoices sent out. I understand this is a cumbersome workaround and I do apologize however at this time we ask that you create new products to reflect a change.

  • DavidolivierDavidolivier Member Posts: 3


    Thank you for your reply, If I understand correctly you are saying that if I change an item under my product and services, wether its pricing or wording it will change the exisiting invoices sent to the customers? As to if they were to reopen them for taxes purpose or at a later date? I am confused as to why it would change the existing invoices. Or does it affect my end only of the invoices.

    I find that very hard to believe that wave hasn't found a way around this yet or work on this. As products and services will always change quite rapidly for new businesses for the pricing to be re adjusted. I can however make up new items but then it gets very confusing when drawing invoices to realize which ones are the new ones and which ones Ive corrected.

    Any ideas as to when this will be worked on or resolved?


  • theactorsroomtheactorsroom Member Posts: 7

    Voting this up.

  • frankwfrankw Member Posts: 3

    Amazed this is still not a feature, this is a tiny enhancement to add archiving of products/services and simply filter them from the display

  • AMStudioAMStudio Member Posts: 7

    This is another stupidly obvious feature that they keep saying they're going to add but obviously are just lying about. It's been 18 months and they can't even give a tentatively timeline on solving this issue?

    Not being able to delete products or services means that either WaveApps gets progressively unusable over time as more and more clutter builds up ... ORRRR you follow the moronic advice of renaming everything with a "z" at the beginning and risk looking like an amateur to ANY clientele that may pull up your invoices for their own accounting reasons.

    But what does it matter if WaveApp customers look like amateurs as long as they don't have to do any work to improve their own website, am I right?

    To be clear solving this issue is so ridiculously simple that ignoring it is definitely a "we don't care about our customers" level of negligence.

    A. add an archive feature to invoices that disconnects it from other variables in the WaveApp suite.
    B. add a warning so that whenever a product/service is deleted all connected "paid" invoices will be archived.

    The process takes 2-4 weeks for development to code into the system and another 2-4 weeks to test and work out the bugs. I could hire a freelance guy with zero experience and they could get it done in this timeline. The developers who are intimately acquainted with the system should have no problem doing this... They just choose not to.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @AMStudio

    Thank you so much for your feedback in our community. We always appreciate people's honesty and I understand your frustration here. Our team has had a lot of overhauling with changing some backend coding in our system to be able to roll out future improvements to the front end.

    We're always looking for feedback and ideas in our community so we value your voice here.

  • AMStudioAMStudio Member Posts: 7


    1st piece of feedback...

    Step up to the level of professional and give even a ballpark timeline on a feature that's been requested 1 week short of 1.5 years ago. 18 months and you still can't even give a reasonable answer along the lines of "This feature is on our project list for next quarters update.". The reason you can't give that reasonable answer is because it's probably not even on a white board or any other addressable concerns list. Which leads me to...

    If professional is too large a leap, however, at least step up to the level of personally accountable and admit whether you are actually going to fix this problem or just leave this gaping issue as motivation for customers to leave your service for Intuit, Freshbooks, or any other of the copious amount of competitors who don't have this issue.

    2nd feedback...

    When dealing with business owners, empty handed responses along the lines of...
    "thanks for responding, [indefinite excuse for lack of service], we value your feedback"

    ...translate to a well polished middle finger.

    Results matter ... and your results here in this matter is 1.5 years of negligence to this gaping issue paired with the absolutely atrocious advice to "rename items to start with the letter z".

    This issue can be fixed, as demonstrated by 2 of your competitors that didn't have this issue when I used them 3+ years ago. So if it can be fixed, and the ability to do so isn't "new knowledge", then your lack of doing so is laziness, negligence, or straight up lack of caring for your customer.

  • MrzdgreenMrzdgreen Member Posts: 1
    Hey @JordanD . I'm having the same issue. I've deleted all old invoices and still cannot delete unwanted items on app or webpage.

    Seems like a common inquiry.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Mrzdgreen , if your item is linked to any invoice you won't be able to delete it. When trying to delete a product that's associated to invoices/estimates, it will let you know which ones it's connected to. When you try to delete yours, do you get a similar message?

    If the message isn't linked to any estimates/invoices, please send us a screenshot of what you're seeing!

  • SkippySkippy Member Posts: 1

    @Barsin @AlexL looks like we've hit 801 days (or 26+ months) since this issue and request were first presented on this thread. Any timeline for solution and/or resolution???

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Skippy !

    You can delete a product or service by heading over to Sales/Purchases > Products & Services However, as you may know, you cannot delete a product or service if it is tied to an invoice or bill. The product/service would have to be removed from all invoices and bills that it is tied to first in order to delete them. The reason being is to ensure your books are clean and organized.

  • AmeliaOAmeliaO Member Posts: 2

    +1 Agree that deleting/archiving would be helpful--I have some unique/custom products that I think will add up quickly and clutter the system if I can't delete them.

  • RobertoRoberto Member Posts: 1

    Any update on this feature request?

    Another thing that I think could be useful is to be able to not create a new product each time I'm creating a new item into the invoice. Sometimes the item is client-specific and you don't want it to be inserted into the product list.

    Thank you for your time!

  • PT_SGPT_SG Member Posts: 2

    @Roberto said:
    Any update on this feature request?

    Another thing that I think could be useful is to be able to not create a new product each time I'm creating a new item into the invoice. Sometimes the item is client-specific and you don't want it to be inserted into the product list.

    Thank you for your time!

    I'd like to be updated on this as well. It seems like there are many, many, many, old posts that have been around since 2018 that are still in discussion and are still under the 'consideration' stage? This feature suggestion thread has been spread over 3 pages worth of users' input over 3 whole years already.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Roberto and @PT_SG !

    For full transparency, I'm afraid that this functionality will not be receiving any changes as it is necessary for accurate bookkeeping and reporting. Here is a post I made earlier for some additional context:

    @JulianP said:
    Hey @Skippy !

    You can delete a product or service by heading over to Sales/Purchases > Products & Services However, as you may know, you cannot delete a product or service if it is tied to an invoice or bill. The product/service would have to be removed from all invoices and bills that it is tied to first in order to delete them. The reason being is to ensure your books are clean and organized.

    edited June 2, 2021
  • ChloeHolmesChloeHolmes Member Posts: 1

    Hi! I'm just bringing this thread up again so that Wave Apps can, hopefully, make deleting (or archiving) old product lines a thing! I've accidentally created a couple of lines and there are some services that I no longer offer but can't get rid of. Fingers crossed :)

    edited July 3, 2021
  • SawdustSawdust Member Posts: 3

    How is this still an issue?! Now I tried adding a prefix to product names to drop them to the bottom of the list in WaveConnect in google sheets and there's no overwrite feature! No batch edit on the web site. Is WaveApp just a bunch of cats in a trench coat? Any coders on board?

  • SawdustSawdust Member Posts: 3

    @JulianP said:
    Hey @Roberto and @PT_SG !

    For full transparency, I'm afraid that this functionality will not be receiving any changes as it is necessary for accurate bookkeeping and reporting. Here is a post I made earlier for some additional context:

    @JulianP said:
    Hey @Skippy !

    You can delete a product or service by heading over to Sales/Purchases > Products & Services However, as you may know, you cannot delete a product or service if it is tied to an invoice or bill. The product/service would have to be removed from all invoices and bills that it is tied to first in order to delete them. The reason being is to ensure your books are clean and organized.

    It's necessary for accurate bookkeeping due only to the way your database is structured. This is not an issue for every such service. It makes an otherwise useful product infuriating to use.

  • run_the_Racerun_the_Race Member Posts: 2

    One should at least be able to unclick "sell" this product. All wave needs to do is removing enforcing (validation) whether the product must at least have "buy" or "sell" associated with it. Then when creating an invoice, only show those that have "Sell" associated with it. This is a 5 minute changes.

    People with pages of old products know the pain of trying to find a product. At the moment one just needs one fellow employee to create a whole bunch on not generic products to mess everything up, and now you have a mess you can never fix. I actally delete some of my old estimates and invoices (that I would like to keep), just so I can remove the products.

    edited October 27, 2021
  • NicNic Member Posts: 1
    I edit the item by putting an x in front of the item title. At least sends it to the bottom of the list
  • somerndmguysomerndmguy Member Posts: 1

    I'm adding my voice to this feature request, because while the way it currently works is probably necessary from Wave's database/infrastructure side, it is a massive problem from the user experience side.

    Multiple users here have expressed a need to simply hide discontinued products or services from their list. For me, as a freelancer, I have different rates and different projects for each of my clients, and over time that leads to an extremely cluttered services list.

    Why is it so hard to hide these items without deleting them from existing invoices? A lot of people seem to be very confused by what appears to be an intuitive fix, but communications haven't been clear on that front.

    If the user is doing it "wrong" and not following the expected workflow you designed, the onus is on your product team to design a workflow that makes more sense. Being told you can't even hide or archive an old product or service for "clean bookkeeping" reasons is not aligned with how people conduct their businesses in real life (as many people here and on other threads have made abundantly clear.)

    I strongly urge you, your product team, and your user experience team to reconsider this and make this request a higher priority.

    edited January 2, 2022
  • shanekingsburyshanekingsbury Member Posts: 1

    I too would like to add my comment to express the need for a "hide" feature/button/switch to the 'Products & Services (Sales)' page on Wave. I completely understand the need to keep the product/service within your account in order to reference older invoices, however, I do think there needs to be the ability to hide them as well.
    Like many others, I too have created A LOT of services over the years. I think I have accrued over 40 different services in my account, for the main reason that my business has changed as the years went on. So much so that I now service an entirely different industry. I am finding myself endlessly scrolling through the services tab within the invoice in order to find what I now offer.
    Hiding the now unused and not offered services would be a fantastic feature and one that I feel (through reading everyone's posts) would greatly benefit all users. Please consider this during the next round of updates. Cheers

  • mbolsingambolsinga Member Posts: 4

    The best answer to this problem would simply to allow us to "hide" no longer used products or services from the drop down list. This does not mess up older invoices.

  • Andy_RAndy_R Member Posts: 12

    Still a requested feature.

  • CZComputerCZComputer Member Posts: 2

    Upvoting this basic feature. Notwithstanding the coding challenges involved, I would love a resolution as soon as possible.

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