How to export receipts



  • bmccloskeybmccloskey Member Posts: 4

    Actually it would be quite something if you could have the export be ONE continuous PDF file opposed to individual files.

  • heathermarchheathermarch Member Posts: 2

    It's crazy you cannot export receipts as an excel file! This means I am simply sending my accountant a file of photos! I am then paying for their time to process the receipts. I'm going to have to look for an alternative system, as this seems like a basic function which is missing. Shame.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @heathermarch , when you upload a receipt, it creates an accounting transaction which adds data to your account. This data is accessible through the Reports page.

    Is there a reason your accounting is looking for only your receipt transactions as opposed to all accounting transactions in total? So more context on this would be great!

  • Wilhem_the_destroyerWilhem_the_destroyer Member Posts: 1

    This app basically is a long version of creating a folder on your phone to store receipt images, What a waste of time.

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Wilhem_the_destroyer Are you able to explain exactly what functionality you were hoping to see from the Wave Receipts Mobile App? As we continue to work on innovation in 2020, your insight is valuable, even if the app might not be meeting your expectations currently! Thanks in advance

  • DmitriyDmitriy Member Posts: 2

    UPDATE: My question was:
    Is there a way to extract that data from the receipts files using Wave?
    I found the answer by myself: post all receipts to Accounting, then the filtering, sorting etc., and downloading, become available.
    Thank you!

    edited April 3, 2020
  • QaisEQaisE Member Posts: 72 admin

    Hi @Dimitriy, it seems like you got it! Thank you for sharing your workflow for everyone here! Did you export those receipts using our data export tool in Settings > Data Export to get the breakdown of those receipts? Or did you use a different method to get them? Please feel free to share some of those details for us!

  • tazmanss13tazmanss13 Member Posts: 3

    A game changer would be if I can download a PDF with pictures of all my receipts and the extracted info and the info I punch into waves for this receipt, right next to the picture of the receipt. Like this I can save myself and my accountant so much time.

    that would be truly a game changer and make the life of so many so much easier!

    thank you

  • tazmanss13tazmanss13 Member Posts: 3


    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    I just realized that when I download my "Transaction Report" of all receipts I put in, that the "Notes" I put in are nowhere to be found. This is a crucial part of collecting receipts. I need to state the reason for the expense to my accountant. Without that he can't use the receipt at all.

    Why are the "Notes" not represented in the Downloadable report? Or am I wrong and missing something here?

    Thank you

  • NicoletteBNicoletteB Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    @tazmanss13 Thanks for your suggestions - this will be brought to our Product team to look at for future implementation.

    All reports in Wave will only have the information from the transaction is it shows on the Reports page; this means notes will not be included.

    If you are looking to have a record of your transaction notes outside of Wave, you will want to do a Data Export for your transactions. This will include every transaction you have in Wave and all information, including notes, will be part of the export.

  • tazmanss13tazmanss13 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for your reply. Because that feature is not included I already looked and found another Software Solution. I will still use Wave for invoicing but for expense tracking, I switched as of 2 days ago.

  • NatrahKNatrahK Member Posts: 1

    Is there other way for my employees to use Receipts Apps to upload their receipts to sync to my Wave company account by using their own email & password? I don't want to give them my email & password of company Wave account as they can see all the invoices and details of transaction for the whole company and my other company . Little help please . Thank you in advance!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @NatrahK

    In theory you could add them as an admin which would allow them to have download this app and upload receipts with a different email under Settings > user management. The only issue here though is that they could in theory use that same login to your business at There isn't a way to separate these logins from the app and the web version unfortunately :(

  • EricpilsonEricpilson Member Posts: 1
    This does not work. The file is empty when trying to open I’ve tried on my phone tablet and laptop and need this info today. Getting frustrated
  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Ericpilson

    Sounds like your download from Settings > Data exports > Is showing up as completely blank? Is this correct? Have you tried opening this file in a different document, say a google spreadsheet? I would highly recommend you do this on a laptop and not a tablet. Please let me know if you're still having issues with this!

  • MakiMaki Member Posts: 1

    Hello, how do I download the data from all of the receipts I have scanned? Including the ones that have NOT Been reviewed and categorised please? I’ve gone to the data export in settings but that only sends me a link to download the receipts that have been ‘categorised’. I want to bypass the review/categorise stage and download the data from both the receipts that have been categorised/reviewed and haven't . I hope that all makes sense. Thanks.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Maki

    This specific download type is unfortunately not available in Wave. You can only filter your expense transactions in your account reports and potentially download this data from the export function in the report itself, however we don't offer a specific receipts download only. My apologies.

  • nikzaknikzak Member Posts: 1

    My export receipt function is not working. I've tried logging in rom different computers and pressing the export receipt button in settings to no avail. Please help

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @nikzak ,

    I've taken a look on the back end, and I can see that the email with your receipt export link has been successfully sent to the primary email address associated with your Wave account a few times!

    This link expires in 24 hours, so please try again, and then check your inbox of said email address for the email. It will contain a link to the zip file with your receipt images :smile:

  • HensonHenson Member Posts: 3

    This feature is wonderful! Can you add a query feature to export receipts by date range? Thank you!!

  • JohnZJohnZ Member Posts: 2

    The "Export all receipts as a ZIP file" works great till recently changes, for some reason all of the image file names are renamed as GUID not the date+merchant name, which is super easy for me to find the correct receipt image if I have to. Is it possible to change it back to the original naming convention?

  • cpkcpk Member Posts: 1

    What is the latest regarding the "new" naming convention on all the receipt images when downloaded? Is there a way that i can convert it or something?

  • JohnZJohnZ Member Posts: 2

    @cpk said:
    What is the latest regarding the "new" naming convention on all the receipt images when downloaded? Is there a way that i can convert it or something?

    Attached is the downloaded receipt images, as you can see those names are all GUIDs, which is meaningless to me

  • Jay_JayJay_Jay Member Posts: 1

    Agreed. Whats happening with the naming convention of receipts? Is this going to get fixed?

  • JApplewJApplew Member Posts: 2

    impossible. I think this is just something to run us off.

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi all!

    The change in file names was a temporary change that occurred when switching to the new Receipts workflow. It has now been fixed, and the file names have been reverted. Please see this comment here for more details :smile:

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