How to create an invoice



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @ILP! Unfortunately at present, we don't have the ability to delete or remove these elements of your invoice. I'm sorry for the inconvenience that causes your current invoicing setup, but we definitely appreciate your feedback and the context you've given us here!

  • DiceyDicey Member Posts: 1
    Hi, how do l include a discount for products on invoices . In order to have record of discounts given
  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Dicey! Thanks for reaching out here. Can you elaborate a little further on how this would ideally look within your account? This isn't something that Wave currently has the ability to do, but I'd love to hear any insight as far as how it would work, ideally!

  • PatricPatric Member Posts: 1

    What do i need to write in the P.O./S.O. number box? Is it auto-generated or do i make up the number?

  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hey @Patric , thanks for reaching out! You can put whatever number you wish into the P.O./S.O. fields; these aren't auto-generated. The only numbers on an invoice which are auto-generated are the invoice numbers.

  • GLBGLB Member Posts: 3

    How can I change "P.O./S.O. number" to text such as Trip/Tag Number

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @GLB! The P.O./S.O. number fields are not currently editable within the Invoice Customization portion of Wave. I'm sorry for the inconvenience here!

  • jace992jace992 Member Posts: 2

    @AlexL said:
    Hi @RCONROY . There's no built-in feature to do this, but because invoices can always be partially paid, you can outline what your expectations are in the Notes of the invoice (like pay $500 on "this date", and the remainder on "this date.")

    Alternatively, you can send out more than one invoice if necessary: one for the deposit, and one for the remainder payment.

    This really would be a handy feature for those of us requiring a certain % up front. Having to manually adjust it for each invoice is just asking for mistakes.

  • Lisa_MLisa_M Member Posts: 1

    Is choosing the currency on an invoice a new feature? When I inquired a while back about invoicing in two currencies, I was told I had to create another account (a sub account) and connect my Stripe account for the second currency, which is a pain for tracking invoicing and payments. So it appears I no longer need to use my sub account, that I can now do both CAD and USD on my main account's invoices without issue?

    EDIT: I see I still can't do automatic recurring billing to a credit card with a different currency though, so maybe that's what I was thinking of that I couldn't do before (and still can't). Guess I still have to use the sub-account, since most of my invoicing/billing is recurring and automatically charged to credit card. Is this something that will ever be added to the features?

    edited July 22, 2020
  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi @Lisa_M , thanks for your message! Your edit there is correct - you can use foreign currencies on invoices which aren't associated with real funds moving in your Stripe account. Thanks for taking the time to investigate! This is not something our team is currently planning to implement, I'm afraid.

  • Prickly_Pear_3Prickly_Pear_3 Member Posts: 2

    How does one add routing number and bank account to the invoice so the customer can pay. Unfortunately, our bank is not found in your canned list.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Prickly_Pear_3

    You should definitely be able to add your account manually so they can pay invoices with credit card or Bank ACH payments if you've filled out our payments application.

    This will allow you to manually add your routing number for funds to deposit into your account when a client makes a payment through our payment processor on the invoice.

  • SanfordSanford Member Posts: 1

    how do I send the invoice to myself
    it sends it to customer name that you input automatically

    I want the customers name on the invoice where it says bill to:

    but it sends the invoice to the customer

    I want their name on bill but invoice sent to me

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Sanford , there's two different ways that you can handle this.
    1. After creating the invoice, you can mark it as sent without actually sending it. From the "more options" section at the top of the invoice you can then get the Share link for yourself or export it as a PDF for your own access.
    2. When sending the invoice, it will ask you what email you want to send the invoice to. If you change the email to your own, it will still be listed under your customer's name but it will send the invoice to the email you directed it to.

  • GinniferGinnifer Member Posts: 1
    How do I add a tax/tax to a total invoice.
    As in...

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Ginnifer ! At this time, sales taxes can only be applied on a per item line bases. I'm afraid that adding a tax to an invoice total is not supported.

  • CarabarlifeCarabarlife Member Posts: 1

    Why cant I add a line item to show tax due or tax paid - surely this is needed for many businesses or am i missing something. Otherwise Invoicing is difficult and how does the system account for VAT then.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Carabarlife , check out some of the more recent posts in this thread for more information on this.

  • GizedGized Member Posts: 1

    Hello Wavers,
    I have been using WAVE for a few years and lovd it. I forgot something and need help asap,

    I know that you can enter the customer name and when you go to type in their address, when i start typing their address, it will start to bring up the address and show a list of addresss to choose the one I need. How do I find this again, I have been going aroung in circles for a week. I am one that needs step by step instructions, please , help, I am for every grateful. Thank you.


  • GenoGeno Member Posts: 1

    How do i change the "Default subheading ? Can someone please assist me ?

  • LisaOLisaO Member Posts: 2

    I've used wave apps online to make my own invoices and keep up with an inventory of services with success. However, the invoice or sale option on the left side menu is gone. I only have (from top to bottom) dashboard, purchases, accounting, banking, and reports. Why is this? I want to be able to process invoices online (more comfortable for my eyes), not just from my phone app. Please help!

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey there @Gized

    First off let me apologize for the delay in our response as we are currently dealing with a major backlog in our support requests.

    If you select the invoice itself >> Edit the customer >> Shipping >> Here you can change the address for your customer and use the geolocation based address finder.

    Hope this helps!

    Hi @Geno

    You can change this from your invoice customization!

    Let us know if you're having issues with that

    Hey @LisaO

    Sounds to me like you might have accessed your Personal business. If you select the personal account at the top left >> Then toggle your business >> It should allow you to have access to this!

    Let us know if you're still struggling with that.

  • LisaOLisaO Member Posts: 2

    Hi @Barsin, thank you very much. Problem solved! I had no idea there was personal/business accounts that I could toggle to. I feel so dumb, hee hee.

  • Denise__Denise__ Member Posts: 1

    Hello! I don't have the Sales item on the left menu, what can I do?

  • Tamara_KempTamara_Kemp Member Posts: 1

    This information and wave app is amazing! Keep up the good work!

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Denise__ !

    Are you in your Personal profile by chance? If so, this profile is for personal accounting purposes only and does not include the Sales tab. If you wish to send an invoice, estimate, etc. it will need to be sent through your business profile. I hope this helps! :smile:

  • Di910Di910 Member Posts: 1

    No, I need to know how to delete tax under each item and at the bottom of the invoice.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Di910 !

    To delete taxes applied to item lines on your invoice, you can do so by heading over to Sales > Invoices. Then, select the invoice in question and press "Edit Invoice". Finally, press the trash bin icon beside the tax that you would like to remove. This will also affect the tax total at the bottom of the invoice.

    edited January 7, 2021
  • priyakpriyak Member Posts: 1

    Hey, I'm adding 3 items in my invoice and I want charge tax on total amount, is there any way to do this?

  • SheranSheran Member Posts: 2

    Can I duplicate a recurring client and just change dates on individual lines? Can change individuals but unable to change the dates on the duplicate! Ugh-need to redo everything!

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