How to view, edit, or delete an invoice



  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey all. We definitely appreciate your continued input here. At present, this is not something that Wave has the ability to do, and the reasoning behind this comes down to underlying ways that the platform currently works. When you create a draft recurring invoice, you're putting together a 'Draft' version of a schedule to send your invoices in. You're not actually creating anything tangible that can be deleted, which is why it stays there. If you have a business type that would require you to create these on a relatively regular basis, then you can simply re-use a draft, delete the information inside, and then use that draft for a new customer, effectively reducing the number of current drafts by one. The functionality is something that I will absolutely be sure to flag further for our development teams, however their current priorities with regards to improvements to the platform may lay elsewhere, which is why this type of change has not been investigated as of yet. We definitely appreciate your ongoing feedback and context around how this would affect your businesses, and encourage you to continue that feedback, so our teams know where these pain points lay.

  • IrishEyes_54IrishEyes_54 Member Posts: 1

    Hi, My problem is that invoices I have shown as paid over the last several months are suddenly appearing as unpaid even though they are clearing showing up as deposits on the spreadsheet I thought about deleting them from the unpaid invoices page but was afraid it would also delete the deposits. Any advice?

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @IrishEyes_54 Are you able to let us know if these invoices were paid through Wave Payments or through a payment that happened outside of Wave? This would help us to decipher if this is a technical issue or if there is something else going on with your account.

    As a note, if the income transaction that is related to the invoice that shows up on your Transactions page is deleted, then this would likely also move the invoice back to an unpaid status. In the recent months, do you recall deleting any transactions by any chance?

  • JkaJka Member Posts: 2

    can i add a receipt to an invoice? i purchased multiple items from lowes for a customer. now i want to add multiple different receipts to their invoice. how do i do this?

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Jka

    At this point we don't have a feature to add images to your invoices. Thanks for reaching out to our community!

  • JkaJka Member Posts: 2
    Thank you for addressing my concern. I'm am not looking to add an image to the receipt, just a line item with the already logged information from the scanned receipt as an expense to the invoice. Ie. Lowes $53.00
    Ace hardware $21.00
    Lowes $49.00
    Thank you!!!!!
  • Cameolb10Cameolb10 Member Posts: 1
    How do I stop future invoice from being sent out ? The customer has passed away and the daughter received an invoice . TIA
  • CalliePCallieP Member Posts: 439 admin

    Hi there @Cameolb10 , thanks for reaching out. You can turn off invoice reminders for future dates in Sales > Invoices > Send, and un-check the check boxes next to the reminder dates. You can also do this for all invoices in Settings > Invoice Customization. Otherwise, if you have a recurring invoice automatically generating invoices, you can either change it to manual sending in Sales > Recurring Invoices > Edit > Send > switch to manual sending, or, you can End it to stop it generating invoices altogether. To End it, head to Sales > Recurring Invoices > click the arrow to the right of the invoice > End.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Sure would be nice if you could cancel a invoice. If something is wrong it would be nice to cancel an invoice to send a customer a notification that that invoice has been canceled or replaced with a different one.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey there Derek!

    If you'd like, you can delete an invoice by heading over to Sales > Invoices and pressing the down arrow icon beside the invoice in question. Select "delete" from the drop down menu and press delete in the red prompt as well. Once this is done the invoice will be deleted and you can create a new one. Also, you can edit a pre-existing invoice by selecting the same arrow icon beside your invoices. One thing to note is that invoices previously paid or refunded online via Wave Payments can't be deleted since an audit trail is necessary for these invoices/transactions. For these transactions, you will need to write them off instead. We have a great Help Center article to guide you through this process. Check it out here.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    I think most know that we can delete a estimate and that wasn't the point of my comment.

  • cwpdxcwpdx Member Posts: 1

    I want to edit an invoice that has already been paid. After payment, the customer decided to take advantage of a 'package' of sessions and I need to edit the invoice and have it reflect the cc payment made through Wave. Is this doable?

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @cwpdx !

    To edit an invoice you can always go to Sales > Invoices and clicking the drop-down arrow to the right and selecting "Edit". You'll be able to edit any of the data you entered when creating the invoice.

    However, if an invoice has been paid through Wave Payments this invoice will not be deletable/editable in order to preserve historical transaction data. This applies to refunded invoices as well. Sorry about this.

    Moving forward, you may need to create a second invoice for your customer.

    edited May 14, 2021
  • Vitality_Collective1Vitality_Collective1 Member Posts: 4

    I have a question about editing invoices. If I send out an invoice to a customer, then realize there was an error either in the date, amount, or note, and I edit the invoice on my end (which I can see that I can do), does that reflect on the invoice that was sent to the customer (if it was sent in a link)? Or do you need to send them a new one to reflect the information that you changed? I assume if you send it as a PDF, it would need to be resent entirely. Thanks!

  • DEMETRIOU_1DEMETRIOU_1 Member Posts: 2


  • DEMETRIOU_1DEMETRIOU_1 Member Posts: 2


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