Is Wave available in my language?

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin

imageIs Wave available in my language?

Wave is only available in English, but there are some easy ways to make it work for you, wherever you are in the world!
Wave is always working to improve our platform and broaden our offerings for ...

Read the full story here

edited December 23, 2018 in Help Center Discussion


  • ali sajidali sajid Member Posts: 0

    Hello everyone, i'm from morocco, and our business language is french and i wanted to ask if there's a plan to include this language into the waveapp?

    Many thanks.

  • Jace VecchioJace Vecchio Member Posts: 1

    i don't think you can change language s but I change the custom fields on the invoices sometimes. It's not perfect...but it works

  • LinLin Member Posts: 1

    It's a shame you can't change text like "Payment Date", "Invoice date", "Invoice number", "Amount Due"

  • ovinzovinz Member Posts: 1
  • AndrewFromWaveAndrewFromWave Member Posts: 10 admin

    Hi @Lin and @ovinz thanks for your feedback! It sounds like you’d both appreciate the ability to further customize your invoices. While not currently under development, this is something we may want to look at in the future.
    Thanks again for sharing—your input is really helpful in identifying ways to improve Wave for all our customers :)

  • bahuma20bahuma20 Member Posts: 1

    Too bad that you can't customize the labels on the invoice and also the email text... Doesn't look very professional...

  • YiannatosYiannatos Member Posts: 3

    Dear Andrew,

    Your software is a unique product with amazing features (and I love it!) but multi-lingual support will make a ...huge diffrence. I know that multi-lingual support is not on our roadmap but I trully believe that we could help you on that. Since Wave is the best "Free accounting software for small businesses", we - the owners of small businesses around the world - could be your driving force for multi-lingual support project, as long as you set up a platform (or a structured way) to do that. We have to give back something to the community...
    For example, Crowdin ( is a good option among many other similar cloud-based ones.
    Po Edit ( is a another option; free for both parties and very simple to work with.
    There are a lot of options, solutions and way to complete the multi-lingual support or the localization/ customization process.
    If you choose one platform or solution, we will be able to help you. And I mean asap.
    Personallly, I could do the full translations and customization in the following languages:
    1) Greek - my monther tonguge
    2) Bulgarian - wirh a little help from friends and family
    3) Serbian - with a lot of help from friends and colleagues
    4) Turkish- with a lot of help from my ex fiancee
    5) Albanian - with a lot of help from friends and colleagues
    I believe that if there are a lot of people from this community ready to help in other languages such as Spanish, Italian, German, Polish and Russian.
    Please do let me know if that proposal will be good enough to make you put multi-lingual support on your roadmap within the next few weeks.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards,


  • YiannatosYiannatos Member Posts: 3

    Dear Sophia and Andrew,
    Your software is a unique product with amazing features (and I love it!) but multi-lingual support will make a ...huge diffrence. I know that multi-lingual support is not on our roadmap but I trully believe that we could help you on that. Since Wave is the best "Free accounting software for small businesses", we - the owners of small businesses around the world - could be your driving force for multi-lingual support project, as long as you set up a platform (or a structured way) to do that. We have to give back something to the community...
    For example, Crowdin ( is a good option among many other similar cloud-based ones.
    Po Edit ( is a another option; free for both parties and very simple to work with.
    There are a lot of options, solutions and way to complete the multi-lingual support or the localization/ customization process.
    If you choose one platform or solution, we will be able to help you. And I mean asap.
    Personallly, I could do the full translations and customization in the following languages:
    1) Greek - my monther tonguge
    2) Bulgarian - wirh a little help from friends and family
    3) Serbian - with a lot of help from friends and colleagues
    4) Turkish- with a lot of help from my ex fiancee
    5) Albanian - with a lot of help from friends and colleagues
    I believe that if there are a lot of people from this community ready to help in other languages such as Spanish, Italian, German, Polish and Russian.
    Please do let me know if that proposal will be good enough to make you put multi-lingual support on your roadmap within the next few weeks.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Kind regards,


  • oslivonoslivon Member Posts: 5

    I'd help translate to:

    • Portugueese - My mother tongue;
    • French - The language I've used to pass my licence and master degrees
    edited February 4, 2019
  • sejin13sejin13 Member Posts: 1

    i'd help oslivon to translate in portuguese (brazilian portuguese) - native fluency as well.

  • SophiaSophia Member Posts: 147 ✭✭

    Hey @Yiannatos @oslivon @sejin13 your enthusiasm is amazing and we love it! It honestly thrills me to see Wave customers so engaged with our software :heart:

    In the interests of total transparency, translating our software to multiple languages isn't on our roadmap right now partly because doing so opens us up to the different complexities of regional compliance, both for our customers who use our software and for Wave itself. Beyond translation, we aren't positioned to adequately resource that mission right now, but I do hope you'll continue to use and enjoy Wave in its English iteration :)

  • WickedWicked Member Posts: 20 ✭✭
    We just want to customize some field labels. That's possible with other fields Right NOW, so what is so difficult on that? I can do this for you for under 300 $...
  • GeertGeert Member Posts: 7

    For me it would look a lot more professional if I would be able to translate invoice-headers to Dutch.

  • OswaldoOswaldo Member Posts: 1
    I love Wave, but this is a deal breaker for me. I think it's not necessary to translate Wave in multiple language to achieve what we want. Just let the user edit all the labels in the invoice template, as the same way you let the user edit the columns: items, amount, Description... etc. This is the way Slick Pie does it (Wave is much better by the way, only missing this feature) We are only asking for more freedom to edit the invoice template by editing all the labels. Let us change the labels "Payment Date", "Invoice date", "Invoice number", "Amount Due" to whatever we want, and we do the translation ourselves.
  • GlobeGlobe Member Posts: 1

    Hi, i like Wave, saddly i can't use it for a professional use with those features in english. As i see that the first comment about this was in decembre and we are in june and problem is'nt solved, i guess it won't be fixed.
    So i wish you good luck and go for another application.

  • georgeEdRgeorgeEdR Member Posts: 1

    I really love Wave!, but I have several clients who only speak Spanish. It would be really great if you could add some way to translate, especially the rest of the INVOICES and ESTIMATES that still could not be change to Spanish now.
    Thanks for your great work!

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    Hey @georgeEdR . In full transparency, we have no plans to offer Wave or a translation in other languages at the moment. We do appreciate you voicing your opinion on this though!

  • WickedWicked Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Are there any news on this topic? Are customizable fields on the invoice on the feature-map right now?

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Wicked! We don't have any further news on this. At the moment we still do not have plans to change this in our road map, but your voices on this matter are still important to hear! In terms of customizable fields on invoices, do you have any specific examples of what you would like to be able to add or change? This helps our team to see how you would use this feature day to day!

  • CAAlmereCAAlmere Member Posts: 1

    The following fields should be translatable on the Invoice so its multilingual:

    Invoice Number ----
    Invoice Date ---
    Payment Due ---
    Amount Due (EUR) ---

  • LucaLuca Member Posts: 1

    Just to add yet another +1:

    In order for Wave to make sense for me, it needs to create invoices in my business language, German. I don't mind Wave itself being in English, but the invoices should be customisable. Bonus points for multiple invoice templates (sometimes I have to write invoices in English, but usually not).

    It's so weird that it's apparently not possible to make the last 8 (I made the effort to count) entries on the invoice customisable, when 7 already are.

    I suppose I'm on thin ice to be complaining about a free product, but, seriously, Wave. Your feet-dragging on something which is plainly a solved problem borders on being insulting. I'd even give you money for your product, if only it were usable!

    It's incomprehensible that you're able to do complicated things such as ingesting account data from banks worldwide, yet fail at replacing one word with another.

  • standerksenstanderksen Member Posts: 2

    I agree with Luca. I love Wave, but not being able to customize those parts of the template is a dealbreaker indeed. It is really weird that we can only customize the columns and not other parts of the invoice. I mean, you have the technology to customize fields in de invoice, why not do it for all the fields?

    About translations, I get why you do not want to translate it to different languages. As a developer I understand how much effort that is. But if you'd just let your users insert their own words, at least they can use your product in their language.

    I hope this gets picked up.

  • AlexLAlexL Member Posts: 2,869 ✭✭✭

    I appreciate your insight as well as the work around of how increased customizability would help solve this issue. Thanks for contributing your feedback, @standerksen

  • valemassa08_valemassa08_ Member Posts: 1

    Hello, just let people customize all the fields in the template, it would be a game changer!

  • BlockostBlockost Member Posts: 1

    Hi; thanks for making such an amazing product, I love the interface and how you make accounting so simple!

    However, and as others stated, YES, it would be a game changer to have a way to edit ALL the labels on the invoice template. Basically, anything that you hardcode in your template should be customizable.

    Let's make our voices heard guys!

  • EmmaPEmmaP Member Posts: 639 ✭✭✭

    Hi @valemassa08_ & @Blockost! Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback here! We really appreciate having the extra insight :)

  • mb1mb1 Member Posts: 6


    As others have said, I understanding not being able to offer waveapp in multiple languages, but it it possible to only make the following invoice fields customizable?

    • Invoice Number ----
    • Invoice Date ---
    • Payment Due ---
    • Default payment terms
    • Tax
    • Subtotal
    • Total

    If so, when do you think this could that happen? Unfortunately, sending invoices with parts of it in one language and other parts in another language does not look very professional.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @mb1, that's a really good point! Thanks for offering your feedback here. I think this is something that we could look into implementing, though it is not something on our current roadmap within Wave, so I don't have an ETA on if or when this would be added. I'm sorry for the inconvenience there!

  • Vincent1983Vincent1983 Member Posts: 4

    Same issue for me here.. not being able to fully customize the invoice and estimate makes this program useless for me.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hi @Vincent1983, I'm sorry to hear that. This is not something that is currently on the development teams' roadmap, but we may look into its development in the future.

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